In this photo taken Sunday, June 3, 2018, the demolished house church is seen in the city of Zhengzhou in central China's Henan province. Under President Xi Jinping, China's most powerful leader since Mao Zedong, believers are seeing their freedoms shrink dramatically even as the country undergoes a religious revival. Experts and activists say that as he consolidates his power, Xi is waging the most severe systematic suppression of Christianity in the country since religious freedom was written into the Chinese constitution in 1982. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

In this photo taken Sunday, June 3, 2018, the demolished house church is seen in the city of Zhengzhou in central China’s Henan province. Under President Xi Jinping, China’s most powerful leader since Mao Zedong, believers are seeing their freedoms shrink dramatically even as the country undergoes a religious revival. Experts and activists say that as he consolidates his power, Xi is waging the most severe systematic suppression of Christianity in the country since religious freedom was written into the Chinese constitution in 1982. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)




I find it incredible that the high and mighty, sanctimonious flawed people, sinners, as flawed, sinful, or more so than those they hold their self-righteous noses above believe that voting in elections in America is beneath them. There isn’t their ideal, perfect person in the running, or they make the excuse they want to remain pure and holy in the sight of God.

A God that made America.

A God that directly had a hand in creating the individuals, the opportunities, the way for this nation to come into existence and directed men, for the greater part truly Christian men, to form the foundations of this nation.

There is a reason the First Amendment is first. Not by accident. Just as it isn’t by accident that every word within the Word of God is in that book.

Forego, neglect, be lazy, excuse laden, irresponsible, an infidel in the sight of God for not working to preserve, protect, and persevere in maintaining our freedoms, our liberties so that we can not only worship Him as we are supposed to, but so that we have the freedom and opportunity to bring the Word of Hope, Peace, Love, and Life — eternal life in repentance, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

This election, in 25 days of my sitting at this keyboard, where the E and the A have worn off, is the most important election in American history. Save for the election that put Mr. Lincoln in the White House.

It is not hyperbole, sensationalism, being melodramatic to state America will continue to resemble America as created, or fall and remain in name only in this upcoming election.

The deception of the people is astounding. The lies being put forward are incredulous in their arrogance and lack of guilt for such blatant falsehoods.

On November 5th America will in truth, choose between preserving the Republic or becoming a Marxist nation. Full-blown Marxist nation.

Do not be deceived.

It is that serious.

The great deceiver running for president, and her vice president were raised and weened on communism like you and I were raised and weened from mother’s milk, or formula.

Wake up. Wise up.

Inaction, being pompous, high and mighty, self-righteous, believing the myths that your vote doesn’t count, that you should not be involved in such worldly endeavors — you watch TV? Eat food? Drink liquids? Breath? Travel? Own a vehicle? Live in some form of shelter? Been to a hospital, a doctor? Married? Single? Old? Young? Female? Male?

Well, everything you’ve done and are a part of is political in nature. Without any perfection.

You are without excuse if you for whatever your reasons might be in justifying your refusal to register to vote or to vote. Without excuse.

And you will be held accountable for allowing evil to increase when you had an opportunity, in America, unlike in most nations around the world to take an active part in resisting the pursuit and growth of evil in the land in which you reside and reap all the benefits.

At least while a modicum, a morsel of our original liberties and freedoms remain.

What are you going to do when those liberties and freedoms are totally removed from yourself, your family, your children, and your grandchildren due to you doing nothing? Arrogance, pride, relying on pompousness and haughtiness imagining yourself pure, untainted, and in not being responsible somehow being seen as holy in the sight of God?

Woe to you o, man and woman of such clouded, foggy, lost thinking and beliefs!

Each of us will be held accountable for what we have done personally in resisting evil, promoting the gospel, being a light unto the world, being the salt of the earth, living to preserve THE FAITH.

Which will be under attack in America like no time in our history depending on the outcome of THIS ELECTION.

Read on, sluggard, irresponsible one…if you are not registered to vote and do not vote and are among the over 50% of so-called professed evangelical Christians who aren’t registered and don’t vote. You are not celebrating the return of Christ, doing work for the kingdom, or pleasing to God for such arrogance and vainly imagining you are the power, you are doing God’s work, and your inaction and irresponsibility are somehow working for good.

How confused and in utter darkness can people be!?

Well, the daily experience in this dying land, all that has transpired over the past 40, 50 years getting us to where we now are as a result of professed Christians, pastors, and the so-called faithful doing nothing ought to inform you well.

I try daily to imagine what it must be like to be a believer in communist China, the Middle East, Islamic nations, lands where there are no freedoms and liberties, and to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ puts one at great risk. Of imprisonment, torture, losing everything, being beheaded or killed. Having your wife and daughters raped. Your children taken away from you. I imagine how those believers must shed tears for the lazy, misinformed, irresponsible arrogant professed believers in America for neglecting to cherish and preserve, do their small, small yet so important and large part in maintaining, protecting liberty and freedom!

Oy vey people!

How blind can people be!?

Wake up because it is at the point of being too late and a point of no return.

Yes, it’s THAT serious. Right now!

Ken Pullen, Friday, October 11th, 2024



China’s horrific religious persecution should be a stark wakeup call for America


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

By Billy Hallowell

Reprinted from Higher Ground — The Washington Times


Free speech and religious liberty are the cornerstones of a healthy and vibrant nation, which is why it should come as no surprise that these very ideals are often the first rights to be curtailed and obliterated by militant and nefarious officials and governments.

Tragically, too many nations today are led by dictators, miscreants and other odious villains bent on controlling populaces and forcefully tipping the will of the people toward their whims and selfish desires, using terror and even murder to eradicate free speech and religious liberty.

China is just one of these nations, where Christianity and other faiths are systematically and increasingly denigrated, with shocking acts of government malfeasance eroding any semblance of democratic normalcy.

Authorities in the communist nation have been forcing Christian symbols out of churches and other religious locations, replacing crosses and images of Jesus and Mary with Chinese Communist Party slogans and even pictures of party leaders.

The censoring of religious texts is also part of this fiendish crusade, with clergy reportedly being mandated to preach communist ideals from their pulpits.

According to The Christian Post, these details seem to indicate that China is pursuing “an aggressive policy to integrate the CCP’s ideology into religious practices.”

The disturbing allegations and details are presented in a recent report from the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a federal agency that monitors such infractions. According to the report, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s “sinicization of religion” policy has “fundamentally transformed China’s religious environment.”

Thus, the government seeks to force religious culture into the confines of CCP ideology, undermining faith and forcing it to comport with Marxist ideals. This is affecting not just Christians, but also Muslims, Taoists and Buddhists, violating international religious laws and protections along the way.

“They … forcibly eradicate religious elements considered contradictory to the CCP’s political and policy agenda with ultranationalist overtones,” the report reads. “Government officials have installed CCP loyalists as leading religious figures, altered houses of worship with CCP-approved architecture, integrated CCP propaganda into religious doctrines, and otherwise criminalized non-CCP-backed religious activities, all with the goal to ensure the stability of CCP rule.”

China’s horrors aren’t new, but reports in recent years have led some activists to fear an alarming ramping up of persecution and the perversion of religious ideals. Among other actions, the CCP has been attempting to rewrite the Bible in an effort to present it through a more communistic lens.

“This is a project that the Chinese Communist Party announced in 2019. At the time, they said it would be about a 10-year process … to release a new translation of the Bible,” Todd Nettleton, spokesman for The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM), told me in 2022. “This new translation … would really support the Communist Party.”

Among some of the reported changes, the CCP took a well-known Bible story in John 8 about Jesus showing compassion to a woman caught in adultery by rescuing her from being stoned. Instead, China’s version portrays Christ as stoning the woman and calling himself a “sinner.”

The issues don’t end there. Popular Christian app was removed this year from the Apple App Store in China under the nation’s 2022 “Measures for the Administration of Internet Religious Information Services” law, a regulation requiring a government permit to post religious information online. The law also bans other religious liberties such as broadcasting religious events and worship services.

These stories only scratch the surface of the disturbing policies that have led many in China to flee government-controlled churches and to, instead, worship underground.

The intense persecution inside China makes it difficult to track how many Christians and other religious adherents actually live there, especially considering the potential ramifications for those who openly worship.

“[President Xi has] become more … like a dictator,” David Curry, CEO of Global Christian Relief, a persecution watchdog, told me last year. “It’s gone back underground, because of the increased restrictions. So, to be self-identified as a Christian means to put yourself in the crosshairs of a lot of government surveillance and other things, because Christian behavior is punished in their social score system, and they have a very sophisticated way of monitoring this.”

It’s impossible to cover these acts of persecution without mentioning the predominately Muslim Uyghurs and others who have faced genocide in Xinjiang, with China reportedly placing more than one million of these individuals in reeducation camps and prisons.

These human rights abuses deserve constant attention in U.S. and international media, as pressure must be placed on China to halt these horrors. Tragically, the opposite seems to be happening, with the communist nation wielding its power to shut freedom down while the world ignores or looks past the Chinese people’s plight.

At a time when free speech and religious liberty battles persist in our own nation, it’s important we look at China and recognize the stark reality: the result of a terrifying experiment showcasing what happens when people allow the government to become the arbiter of truth and rightfulness.

Politicians in America who do not respect the First Amendment and its associated free speech and religious freedom ideals deserve to be nowhere near elected office. We must work diligently to ensure our nation looks nothing like this unmitigated disaster.

• Billy Hallowell is a digital TV host and interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and the co-host of CBN’s “Quick Start Podcast.” Mr. Hallowell is the author of four books.


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