George Washington | Life, Presidency, Accomplishments, & Facts | Britannica



It didn’t take long, really, for the overwhelming majority to opt for slavery, tyranny, and handing off freedoms and liberties under the lie of security and safety. Shirking personal responsibility and turning everything over to other people to decide, to do, to shape a nation.

In so doing, we the people have received what we deserve.

When people who ought to know better absolve themselves of their basic civic duties and allow a void, an opening that void will quickly be filled with panting, eager, able evil.

Hyperbole? Melodramatic? Crazy?

When a people who were so blessed by God as to have Him form their nation turn from Him what are we to expect other than what we have?

Have you taken time to look around, listen, inhale in America lately?

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024


What would George say?


“The honor and safety of our bleeding Country, and every other motive that can influence the brave and heroic Patriot, call loudly upon us, to acquit ourselves with Spirit.  In short, we must now determine to be enslaved or free.  If we make Freedom our choice, we must obtain it, by the Blessings of Heaven on our United and Vigorous efforts.”

~ George Washington, To the Officers and Soldiers of the Pennsylvania Associators, August 8, 1776