Cause the Enemy to Flee — The Victorious Chime
Billy Graham
“I, even I, am the Lord, And besides Me there is no savior.”
—Isaiah 43:11, NKJV
It is said that during Napoleon’s Austrian campaign his army advanced to within six miles of the town of Feldkirch. It looked as though his men would take it without resistance. But as Napoleon’s army advanced toward their objective in the night, the Christians of Feldkirch gathered in their little church to pray. It was Easter eve.
The next morning at sunrise the bells of the village pealed out across the countryside. Napoleon’s army, not realizing it was Easter Sunday, thought that in the night the Austrian army had moved into Feldkirch and the bells were ringing in jubilation. Napoleon ordered a retreat, and the battle at Feldkirch never took place. The Easter bells caused the enemy to flee, and peace reigned in the Austrian countryside.
As Easter is celebrated each year, churches and cathedrals around the world will ring their bells—not to sound Christ’s death knell but to declare Christ’s victory over death. He is the risen Lord, and because of Him our final enemy—death—has been defeated and peace reigns in our hearts!
Every person faces different trials and circumstances in life. But, when Christ conquered the grave, He defeated the one enemy that every person was going to have to face. Oh, death, where is your sting?
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