Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass. (AP/Jose Luis Magana)


I’m going to reveal right here and now who is the actual head of the organization Black Lives Matter. It is Satan. The god of this world for a season.

How can I make such a statement and know in my heart and mind what I wrote is 100% true and factual? Because every person on earth — EVERY PERSON — either serves this world, serves the devil or they serve the Lord.


The people of the world are swept up in a polluted, noisy, chaotic whirlpool, a tsunami of words, images, this poison called social media in which they ascribe and categorize everything according to their worldly brainwashing that everything is either conservative or liberal. In America, it’s to the point where the brainwashing — by Satan and his legions of minions and ministers — has the people convinced it’s all either Republican or Democrat. Even worse? Red state Blue state.

And that is where it ends. But folks, that isn’t even the beginning or half the whole true story.

Every person either serves within their heart, their mind, their spirit the spirit of this world. The ways, means, beliefs put forth and believed and followed by this world — or they serve with their heart, their mind, their spirit the Word of God. Believing in the inerrant and infallible living and active Word of God. Believing in God and desiring to obey Him. Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and living a Biblical view, Biblical life as a result of their faith, their thankfulness, their understanding of Jesus taking their sin on Himself as the only way any person can be redeemed, bought with the price of the Lord’s sacrifice, that our faith and obedience to Jesus is the only way to eternal life and any salvation. Believing in the Holy Spirit and the transformative Supernatural power of the Spirit of God to radically, totally change a person from within. Renewing their mind and spirit. To come out of the darkness and into the light. Into the truth from the putrid dead ocean of nothing but lies and delusion.

And Satan, his legions, his ministers, all those who serve him come off appearing as angels of light and right, and what they push and state and propose is wonderful, compassionate, loving, how things and people ought to be and think.

But if any person would bother to pell back the facade? The mask? The layers and peer into the heart of every matter of this world? Every worldly organization claiming to be for the good? That they are right but in peeling back the layers a person can clearly see how anti-God, anti-Jesus, anti-Holy Spirit, anti-Bible, anti-lawfulness, anti-morality, anti-truth that organization is?

Why do not more people bother to remove the mask, peel back the layers and take what amounts to a few minutes of their time compared to what they spend their time on? Why this avoidance of the truth and learning the truth?

Because they walk in darkness. They are in the snare. They are the prey that is preyed upon and captured. And they are living under strong delusion.

Black Lives Matter has its roots in sorcery, paganism, witchcraft, communism, hatred, prejudice disguised as tolerance. They hate Jews, hate God, hate Jesus, hate the Holy Spirit, hate the Bible, hate true Christians, hate Israel, hate the Constitution, hate America, hate a democratic Republic system of government, hate the rule of law…and just hate hate hate and hate some more. While they tweet and speak of ending the end.

Their words are hollow except to be filled with the lies they recite from their father, the devil.

I realize the overwhelming majority of people don’t like this. But every person is either serving Satan or serving God. No exceptions. No middle of the road. No neutral zone or neutral life or way to live. Every person is either ensnared and enslaved to this world, to sin, to the lies, the delusions and thus serving their master the devil — or they have been blessed beyond words of thankfulness to have heard the word of God in their dark, cold, dead hearts while serving the world, serving sin, serving Satan and themselves, and they have come into the Light, into the Way, into the Truth, and into the Life from certain eternal spiritual death by their faith, their repentance, their confessing of their sin and their committing their lives to their last breath, their last heartbeat in serving the Lord. Being pleasing, acceptable, and obedient to the Lord. Submitting to the Lord and to living a Biblical life.

Do not be deceived.

Almost every single thing, every single time anyone, any organization of the world contends it is so good, so right, doing such wonderful things, and on the right side? They are lying. Deceptive. Do not fall prey.

TEST EVERYTHING. As the Word of God instructs us to do. Test everything if it is of God, is true, is right, and what it or they claim they are.

Stop stopping partway and accepting the lies, falling into the pit of delusion which leads to the fiery pit of hell for eternity unless coming to God, coming to Christ and coming out of the darkness and into the light, and the life!

And articles such as the one below, and these current events, political articles, worldly matters appear here because these things are growing greatly among people. They are consuming. They are pushing any light, any truth, any boldness from those in the light aside and out. Attempting to silence people, attempting to DOMINATE and REMOVE every foundation and truth as they contend they are working to make this world, make America a better place. While our government, our institutions, our schools, our churches, our media become ever more filled up with the purveyors of lies and darkness, those who more boldly and openly serve evil, serve Satan.

Lies, lies, lies, and more lies from the mouths of those who serve the father of lies, Satan.

No matter how they twist things and inflict guilt contrived from…more lies.

Getting the people to weaken and to follow them rather than seeking the truth, seeking God the people turn to the world ways and teachings.

And more confusion, mayhem, rebellion, lies, delusion, and violence reign and rain down.

When will people ever bother to take the time to remove their shackles, remove the scales from their eyes, remove the dead darkness from their hearts and make the effort to find the light? Find the truth? And then boldly live it? Speak of it?

When dear ones?


Ken Pullen

Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


Black Lives Matter sides with Palestinians condemning Israeli “occupation”

“Black Lives Matter stands in solidarity with Palestinians,” the Black Lives Matter organization tweeted Monday.


May 18, 2021

By Josh Plank

Reprinted from World Israel News


The major organizations representing the Black Lives Matter movement, together with sympathetic U.S. lawmakers, have declared their unwavering solidarity with the Palestinians as attacks against Israel continued in recent days.

“Black Lives Matter stands in solidarity with Palestinians,” the Black Lives Matter organization tweeted Monday.

“We are a movement committed to ending settler colonialism in all forms and will continue to advocate for Palestinian liberation. (always have. And always will be). #freepalestine,” the organization said.

On Saturday, the Movement for Black Lives issued a statement condemning Israel’s “violent and ruthless escalation of repression and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.”

“The Movement for Black Lives condemns the deadly, racist attacks against the Palestinian people by the Israeli state,” the statement said.

The organization demanded that the Biden administration impose sanctions against Israel in an effort to stop its “apartheid practices and settler colonial project.”

“Black movement is rooted in a tradition of radical love and resistance. It is that same love that calls us to rise in solidarity with oppressed people everywhere. That includes our Palestinian family. We’re calling on people of conscience everywhere to do the same,” the statement said.


On the floor of the U.S. Congress on Thursday, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) and Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) both drew parallels between the conflict in Israel and the Black Lives Matter movement.

“As a black woman in America, I am no stranger to police brutality and state-sanctioned violence,” said Pressley.

“Last summer, when Black Live Matter protesters took to the streets to demand justice, they were met with force. They faced tear gas, rubber bullets, and a militarized police, just as our Palestinian brothers and sisters are facing in Jerusalem today,” she said.

“Palestinians are being told the same thing as black folks in America: there is no acceptable form of resistance,” said Pressley.


Bush spoke of her experience with Bassem Masri, a Palestinian-American with whom Bush engaged in Black Lives Matter activism in 2014.

“Bassem was one of us. He showed up ready. As a Palestinian, he was ready to resist, to rebel, to rise up with us as our St. Louis community mourned Mike Brown, Jr.’s state-sanctioned murder, and as we demanded an end to the militarized police occupation of our communities,” said Bush.

“Palestinians know what state violence, militarized policing, and occupation of their communities look like,” she said.

“The same equipment that they use to brutalize us is the same equipment that we send to the Israeli military to police and brutalize Palestinians,” said Bush.


Last year, over 600 U.S. Jewish organizations, including the Union for Reform Judaism and the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, signed a full-page ad in the New York Times in support of Black Lives Matter.

“The Black Lives Matter movement is the current day Civil Rights Movement in this country, and it is our best chance at equity and justice. By supporting this movement we can build a country that fulfills the promise of freedom, unity, and safety for all of us, no exceptions,” the Jewish groups said.