As former presidents of the United States are banned from social media platforms, and the U.S. government’s intelligence agencies and those in the White House and Congress are listening, watching, compiling information on white Christians as domestic terrorists Islamist jihadis are hands off. Censoring, banning the former while permitting the latter.

The so-called standards and policies of all the so-called social media platforms have two sets of rules, as do most places, most people. One that applies to those they agree with and want to see promoted and elevated, and another for those they want to keep suppressed. Friends and enemies.

When one’s friends are the world and its darkest, gravest, vilest most violent (when you profess that any words or any hint of violence on their platforms will not be tolerated) and one’s enemies are those who speak of Jesus, sin, the darkness and evil in the world?

Is it that difficult folks to see the writing on the posts? On the walls of the hearts and minds of the world and exactly where we presently are? And where we are swiftly plummeting to unless there is a genuine, sincere, real, authentic turning to God, turning to the Lord Jesus Christ, turning to the Holy Spirit, turning to the whole of the Word of God — a revival to rival those of the past. A repentance, genuine repentance, and how God can hear and work when people repent. See the Bible is unsure, confused, or doubting any of this.

Including just how close we are to the end. The End. As it has been known.

And while that might not, it certainly isn’t registering with the overwhelming majority of folks — both those who make no bones about their unbelief and being in bondage to the world, and the majority of those professing to be Christian but having not a notion it appears what that means, they seem to believe it means wearing a cross around one’s neck — rather than picking up a cross and following Jesus — it’s about WHERE ONE’S SPIRIT, SOUL SPENDS ETERNITY.

Fathom that, deeply take the necessary time and thought to fathom exactly what that means.

And to those who refuse to believe the God of the Bible? The God of true Christians and Jews? That refuse to believe that Jesus IS GOD, fully God and the only way to eternal life, that all have sinned, do sin, and are condemned by sin and that Jesus — God Himself came to be one of us, also fully human — to die in our place! Jesus in His love and mercy DIED IN PLACE OF WHERE EACH ONE OF US OUGHT TO DIE.

He took our sin upon Him.

And those very close to these, the pretenders, hedging their bets, gambling with their eternities professing to be a Christian while being indistinguishable from any of those walking in darkness, inwardly, while perhaps putting on quite a good showing outwardly.

God knows every heart.

Nothing is hidden from God, from the Lord Jesus Christ, from the Holy Spirit.

Abraham Lincoln is known to have said, “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”

God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit are never fooled by anything anyone says, thinks, or holds within their hearts.


Do not be deceived by the lies of the world.

Or beholden to a worldly philosophy, a doctrine of any man or woman, a worldly government, a so-called social media platform that most are addicted to more than they are the reading of God’s Word or prayer!

Yet they make the claims, do they not?

Well, each of us, everyone without exception will one day be before the Lord God. Examined. Our every thought, our every word, the total contents of our heart and spirit. Nothing hidden.

And then, sadly, then all will come to believe…

but then…

it will be too late.

The time is now. The time is short. The days grow eviler. What are you waiting for dear sinner that God loves and awaits to hold His merciful arms out to receive?

Repent, confess your sin, turn to the Lord. turn to the Word of God, turn to prayer, turn to Jesus. Make Jesus preeminent in your life.

And turn from the world. All of it. For it is but a fleeting, passing whisper and raging scream. Can you handle reality? Really? Because REALITY IS the spiritual realm. REALITY IS ETERNITY and the consequences of did we believe? Did we have faith? Did we live for the Lord? Or did we exist in the void, the darkness, loving the world, self-centered, preoccupied with every worldly distraction. No time for the Lord. No time for the Word. No time for prayer.

Eternity is all about time. A long, long, long, LONG time.

What each of us does with the time the Lord blesses us with, in every breath, every heartbeat is most vital. Not to be wasted, treated lightly. No one really begins to pay attention until it dawns on them they may be able to count their last breath, their last heartbeat — then, and sadly, only then do most come to an awareness of how precious and how wasted they were with the time they were given.

Don’t be among that number.

Be among the number of the flock counted by the Good Shepherd, the flock that will reside with Him for eternity in heaven.

Don’t put off what here determines your eternity.

And there are only two options, two places your spirit and soul, your consciousness will reside for eternity.

And, contrary to the lies of Satan the world has foolishly adopted, hell is not a big nightclub, a funhouse, a party zone. And if that’s where all your friends will be?

You’re hanging out with the wrong people.

Perhaps it’s time to hang out with the Word of God, prayerfully, faithfully, and spend the remainder of your time here, and thusly eternity then, with Jesus. Make Jesus your best friend. Your TRUE friend.

For, O what a friend we have in Jesus when we believe, have faith, repent, come out from the darkness and into the Light, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

O, what a friend we can have in Jesus!

Sadly too many, including professed Christians have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like, someone in the world they idolize, their nationalism, their material possessions, what have you as their “treasure” where their hearts reside — denying continually with their lips to anyone who might see this and mention it to them, “oh no, not me, I love Jesus” they proclaim, denying, lying that the love of the world dominates their life, where almost every moment of their life is spent, where their hearts reside, truly, and they put on a good show when the time and occasion dictates — rather than in the loving, forgiving arms of Jesus. His free gift of grace, His supreme sacrifice can make, will make all the difference in a life here and now — and forever — in eternity.

Repent. Confess. Pray continually. Eat of, live on the Word of God. Make Jesus preeminent in your life.

Jesus is calling. Eternity is calling and just ahead. What are you hearing? What do you believe and do you live what you believe?

Remembering…nothing is ever hidden from God, from Jesus, from the Holy Spirit. And there is not one reason, excuse that will carry any weight when before the Lord in judgment.


Ken Pullen

Wednesday, August 18th, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


Big Tech’s Role In Helping The Taliban Capture Afghanistan


August 17, 2021

By Andrew Torba


It has been widely reported that Taliban leaders used Facebook’s WhatsApp and Twitter to help capture Kabul. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid enjoys free reign on Twitter with an account that has over 300,000 followers.

Facebook’s WhatsApp has become the de facto communication platform of the Taliban, who reportedly used the service to spread propaganda, communicate with residents of Kabul, and share official statements with the world.

In messages apparently distributed to Kabul residents via the messaging group WhatsApp, the group proclaimed that “we are in charge of security for Kabul.” The messages listed telephone numbers in various neighborhoods that citizens should call if they saw problems such as looting or “irresponsible” behavior on the part of armed individuals.


Meanwhile Twitter and Facebook banned the sitting President of the United States back in January and millions of conservative Christians face shadowbans, deplatforming, and blacklisting at the hands of Big Tech companies. If you are a Christian conservative in the United States of America you are treated worse and have less freedom online than the Taliban.

The significance of Big Tech’s involvement in the destabilization of Afghanistan is largely being ignored by the likes of the ADL, SPLC, and the many other activist groups who for years have lobbied Big Tech platforms, hosting providers, payment processors, and more to deplatform and defame Gab and our community.

Facebook and Twitter are once again getting a pass for the many horrors of humanity that they allow to occur on their platforms, while Gab is demonized and deplatformed for giving a home to political dissidents in the United States and other Western countries.

Gab doesn’t host the Taliban. When the U.S. government tells us America’s enemies are on the platform, we take action. Facebook and Twitter do not.

Gab has zero tolerance for threats of violence, terrorist propaganda, and illegal activity. Our community has thousands of group moderators and volunteers who proactivity report and take action against illegal content on our platform.

Gab permits politically incorrect, but fully legal, speech on our platform. The vast majority of the tens of millions of people in our community are normal Christian conservative people who are simply fed up with Big Tech tyranny. A small minority of people in our community use “offensive” but legal language that the mainstream press, activist groups, and Big Tech tyrants have painted as “dangerous.” Apparently more dangerous than the Taliban.

In times like these it’s “dangerous” to think for yourself. It’s dangerous to speak freely. It’s dangerous to point out that Facebook and Twitter get a free pass on the rampant child exploitation, terrorist groups, live streamed murders, and illegal activity that pervades these platforms.

Big Tech played a tremendous role in the embarrassing travesty that is unfolding in Afghanistan and it’s time to start talking about it.

Andrew Torba
Jesus is King