BBC Radio 4 promotes witchcraft for “personal growth”


Many will have passed over this article. Not believing anything that occurs in the United Kingdom or on the BBC has any effect on their life in America, or outside of the U.K.

Witchcraft and paganism is the fastest-growing religion in the West. In America. Not only the U.K.

As America, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Canada, and all of Europe choose to abandon God, abandon the Lord Jesus Christ, and discredit, defame, and attempt to destroy the eternal unchangeable Word of God the void is filled. Swiftly. By evil. By paganism. By witchcraft. And contrary to the perpetual lie — it isn’t “white magic,” or “white sorcery,” or “white witchcraft” and not of the dark, black variety. It’s all dark. All black. All evil. ALL AGAINST GOD. ALL AGAINST JESUS. ALL AGAINST THE HOLY BIBLE.

If it is taking place in England, in Scotland, in Wales, in Ireland? Be certain it’s also happening in America. In your state. Your county. Even your city and town. Even within the smallest of bergs and villages.

For Evil is making its last stand as Evil knows its time is limited and it works to confuse, pull apart, keep in the dark, keep lost, and keep from God as many as Evil can.

This is a war of dark and light. Lies versus the truth. Evil versus good. Satan and all those who serve him versus God and all those who serve Him and the Lord Jesus Christ indwelt of the Holy Spirit, abiding in the sound teachings, the eternal teachings of the inerrant infallible living and active Word of God.

Ironic, and tragic that BBC Radio 4 nor any other BBC channel or mainstream media channel or network in England, in Scotland, in Wales, in Ireland, in America or Canada, in Europe will promote the Lord Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Bible, and Christianity for “personal growth.”

But then, witchcraft and paganism are all about self. Self-centeredness contrary to its lie of being purely benign and acknowledging nature. Paganism is worshipping false gods and deities as one worships self, physical pleasure, and delusion.  Focusing on self. While denying God, denying Jesus, denying the Holy Spirit, denying the Word of God, and denying all truth in the pursuit of selfish pleasure and the lie.

Self-empowerment at its core. Another strong delusion and lie.

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Wednesday, June 21st, 2023


BBC Radio 4 promotes witchcraft for “personal growth”


20 June 2023

Reprinted from The Christian Institute [in the U.K.]


The BBC has told listeners to “embrace” pagan rituals and spells in a radio series promoting the use of witchcraft in the U.K.India Rakusen, who presents BBC Radio 4’s ‘Witch’, spoke to those who identify as witches and joined in their practices.

Rakusen attempted to normalise pagan “sabbats” by equating them with societal events such as “baby showers, stag dos, football chants and dinner party speeches”.


The journalist drew attention to an area on social media platform TikTok as a “space for all things Witch!”, saying if a spell is working, “why not embrace it?”

She claimed: “In this series you’re not going to find many pointy hats or broomsticks, that is an image crafted by persecutors and murderers”.

“The moment I start actually meeting and talking to witches it’s clear that many of the archetypes don’t hold today, the idea of the witch now encompasses much much more”.

“an image crafted by persecutors”

Her guest, Professor Ronald Hutton of Bristol University, added: “Witchcraft is about personal growth, self-discovery, and self-empowerment and those are three interwoven major themes of the discovery of the individual in modern culture”.


About the Author:

I am a simple God-fearing, Bible-believing man. A sinner who by the free gift of grace from God, and the Sacrifice made by the Lord Jesus Christ for my sin has been transformed, born anew, to serve the Lord my God as best I humbly can with my limited gifts. I've been directed to do this work. Even though at times I've fought and resisted doing it. I don't deserve anything but condemnation were it not for the mercy, forgiveness, grace, and love of God the Father, Jesus Lord of my life, and the work of the Holy Spirit.

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