Canaanite Pagan God Molech Placed At The Entrance To The Colosseum In ...

Canninite pagan god Molech



The days of Molech and blatant paganism are alive and thriving in the State of Ohio. Where the premeditated murder of children is now celebrated as never before in American history, and Western civilization’s history.

There is no new thing under the sun and the paganism revival, the turning to false gods of self, of state, of supposed guiltless bloodletting and murder and the whooping it up in a hysterical frenzy akin to being bathed in a drug-induced stupor, which is evil overtaking the once human soul and body gyrating in glee at the thought of being able to murder children — legally — up to birth — in Ohio is sweeping the nation.

Causing the whores and walking dead in America’s GOP to rethink their position on the premeditated murder of children in order to whore votes and secure positions of power and authority, as if their replacing those in those positions would be a benefit, a blessing to the people of lost America deserving the wrath of God for their turning from Him and their turning to Satanic demonic worship under the lie of personal rights, freedoms and choice.

Ironically it is the free will choice of every soul granted and blessed with life that will choose the eternal fate of their eternal spirits and souls by the fruit they bear, what they believe, and how they fashion themselves here in this life.

And for the overwhelming majority of those who voted in the most recent November election in Ohio, they chose an eternity in the fiery depths of hell. Ahh, the far-sightedness of the walking dead, those possessed of evil and cold, black hearts, dead souls, vainly, foolishly imagining they are enlightened and progressing beyond the paganism that has them in its choking grasp, the slaves of Satan deluded now more than ever, deluded far greater than those Cannainites offering up their children in sacrifice to the dead god that cannot speak, cannot move, cannot breathe as every pagan god the lost create in their grand delusion on their way to hell.

Yes, the days of Molech, or Moloch are alive and thriving in the State of Ohio and around this decayed and fallen world. While delusion increases, lies increase, and evil increases among the people.

I know a couple, the man in his 80s, professed Christians, well off, educated, living in Ohio that voted in favor of what was Issue 1 back in August of this year, an issue that made this November’s Issue 1 possible — for if what was Issue 1 in August had failed Ohio would not have had the opportunity to revel in their bloodlust and paganism —  the of writing the premeditated murder of children into the Ohio constitution, and when I questioned the man on this he placed the here and now restriction on the Ohio Statehouse to legislate of greater importance than Biblical doctrine, than Christian beliefs and principals. This singular event reveals the wider, greater sickness, spiritual, and blind illness within what passes for the present-day Church and state of Christianity in America. Wherein current political issues trump God’s Word, sound doctrine, and awareness, a basic awareness of what is right and wrong — no matter the age of the person professing to be a Christian.

When I pressed him on this he stood more firmly with an election issue, the aforementioned Issue 1 back in August, that flung the door open to evil wider than ever before and most assuredly was the precursor to the passing of Issue 1 in Ohio this November than he had any conviction of being led in life by God’s Word, by the Holy Spirit, or in pleasing the Lord. Ironically he stated he was voting in favor of Issue 1 in August due to his fears of corruption within the Ohio Statehouse to abuse the rights of the people. Not seeing the corruption within his own heart to abuse the Word of God. A blindness, a corruption that would lead to countless premeditated murders of children created by the Lord!

By their fruits, they are known…

I have not had any further communication with this man once he learned of my steadfast beliefs and my painting out the failings of the here and now over eternity, and eternal consequences for the choices made in the here and now. He wants nothing to do with me. Such is the case with the liberal, the worldly, the lost professing faith but by the fruit they bear exhibiting something altogether different than being a light unto the world.

The last days are hurling ever quicker to the last day of world history as it has been known and the Lord’s return, wherein He asked when here in our midst the first time, would a righteous person be found when he returns?

Presently, it matters more to more folks than not to please themselves, to live for the moment, to serve Satan and his lies, to live in great delusion than to know God, love God, and please God — and that’s just the professed modern-day Christian Chruch!

Demonic possession has a hold on more people than it is known, as it is assumed. Demonic possession has its ripest field to infect and destroy within what passes for an American Christian these days, these very last of the last days…

The cult of moloch - Otherground - MMA Underground Forums

Statue of Molech, Pagan Deity of Child Sacrifice, Displayed at ...

Statue of Moloch, or Molech, the pagan god of child sacrifice outside the Colosseum in Rome.

Barbarian Buckeyes, indeed!

The servants and slaves of Satan! The Great Pagan Revival is alive and thriving in Ohio, in America. Issue 1 was victorious by double digits. Over 60% of Ohio voters voted in favor of it being made law and written into the Ohio constitution. About the same percentage that claim to be Christians.

See the sick and sorry state of things. It cannot be that those professing to love the Lord, obey the Lord, and be His disciples would place the premeditated murder of children above their serving and pleasing Him — but that is what they did, it is what we do now as we delude ourselves we are so good, so free, so right, so His.

What an awakening to come for those imagining themselves His and enlightened today! I hope and pray they see the grave error of their ways and truly repent while the Good Lord blesses them with a beating heart and breath and they do not have eternity to weigh their failing the Lord. Reaping the consequences of what they have sown, having blood on their hands, murder, the murder of children — not an iota different than making an offering to Moloch, even worse since they are supposed to have the knowledge of Christ in them — though in a million years in their spiritual stupor placing present-day politics above God and Go’s Word they would never see, never hear, never permit the light of truth to come near them.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Friday, November 17th, 2023


Barbarian Buckeyes


November 17, 2023

By Greg Maresca

Reprinted from American Thinker



There she stood, proudly sporting a high and tight haircut with a dyed dollop of blue on top to match the surgical mask she was wearing while celebrating Ohio’s election victory that enshrined abortion into their state constitution.  The throng alongside her whooping it up would have you wondering by just how much the Ohio State Buckeyes won college football’s national championship.

For the left, this victory was much greater than any football game, as it is now legal to kill babies.  The buckeye state has become the barbarian state as the nation’s most pro-abortion venue in the union.  It was a banner election for the left, as Ohio also became the 24th state to legalize recreational marijuana.  Pathetically, more Ohioans voted to kill an unborn child than for legalizing weed.

When the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision on June 24, 2022, overturned Roe v. Wade, it ended the federal government’s abortion monopoly and returned this gruesome procedure to each state to approve.  In retrospect, the Ohio abortion fight was lost in August, when the measure to amend the state’s constitution would be placed on the ballot.  Pro-aborts knew they couldn’t get the needed 60% approval to amend the state constitution from Ohio lawmakers, so getting abortion on the ballot was paramount to their success.

When Ohio voters turned their clocks back recently, they dialed it back to 1973 and the advent of Roe v. Wade.  More than 60 million U.S. abortions have been performed since that time, and apparently, that number is just not enough for Ohioans.  Abortion is about the only issue Democrats have been successful with, as they are a breathing disaster everywhere else.

Despite it taking nearly a half-century to overturn Roe v. Wade, abortions have actually risen in every state that has put it to a vote, a movement that seems to be gaining despite the fact that several states have restricted or outlawed this vile practice.

The fight over abortion in America is as much a religious challenge as it is a political one.  Focusing on the political, the results have a strong ripple effect, since Donald Trump won Ohio in 2020 by an 8% margin.  Moreover, pro-lifers in Ohio were outspent by a margin of $24.4 million to $16.3 million, underscoring how money is the oxygen of politics.

According to Gallup, 69% of Americans say abortion should be legal in the first trimester, while 37% support abortion at the second trimester, and 22% are for the third trimester.  Support declines substantially beyond the first trimester.

Seemingly, a political winner would be supporting a ban on abortion after the child’s first trimester of development.  The problem: It is still murder.  What is lost in all this political maneuvering and linguistic gymnastics is the inherent dignity and sacredness of every human being’s life from conception to natural death.

It should go without saying that a mother’s womb should be the safest of places.

One poll has 63% of Post-Christian America very or somewhat pessimistic about “the moral and ethical standards in our country,” while only 12% said they had “quite a lot” of confidence in the nation’s future.

Unabashed paganism of American culture will be the nation’s undoing.

I would rather lose on the issue of abortion than support the intentional killing of an innocent baby.  No matter what trimester it occurs in, abortion remains a gruesome procedure resulting in death.  All who voted for this travesty in Ohio are accomplices to a crime against humanity.

God hears the silent scream of the unborn made in his divine image, yet every chance a pro-abortion politician gets, he wants “God to bless America.”

The hypocrisy is overwhelming.