ATTENTION: Like-Minded True Believers
by Ken Pullen
Wednesday, May13th, 2015
The simplest form of a church, a body of believers:
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Jesus speaking to His disciples — Matthew 18:20 — King James Version
Even before “A Crooked Path” was constructed and ready to go online one of the main parts I always wanted for this place was a meeting place, a congregation of believers coming together in discussion, prayer, service, worship, and fellowship.
A place where those having difficulty finding a true Spirit led living church, those unable to get out, those just needing a place to come and ask questions, provide help to others, all in the Spirit of the Lord coming together in a meeting place.
I discussed various options and forums and such prior to establishing “A Crooked Path” and it was determined that forums are expensive and very time consuming in the monitoring of them, as well as the conversations getting totally out of hand and off track.
But this place needed to go from stagnant and singular input to being a meeting place for like-minded believers seeking fellowship. Asking questions. Entering into discussion. Providing help and comfort to others. Older, wiser, mature established true believers helping the new in Christ, or those seeking but not committing.
A place for fellowship.
A meeting place.
I am of the mind and led to seek this and ask this in the knowledge of such apostasy and false teachings occurring in a broader and broader sphere in professed churches and denominations throughout America and the world. There is a great falling away — the increase and elevation and advancement of false teachings and false teachers and it is necessary in these last of the latter days to find and fellowship with like-minded believers who hold firm and stand tall and strong in the whole truth of the inerrant word of God, and who do not taint or corrupt or deny the God-breathed complete, whole true word of God.
And I have always wanted this on “A Crooked Path.” I get weary of it only being in one voice along with my adding numerous columns and articles from other writers and sources.
We need to have those who subscribe, who like, who visit, who read this place participate in discussion and fellowship one with the other in the Spirit of Jesus Christ always going first and foremost to Scripture and prayer in our fellowship.
No denominational influences. No philosophies mf men or women. No place for the world and its pagan and evil seeping’s into corrupting and perverting. No New Age rubbish. No 20th and 21st century psycho-babble being interspersed into the inerrant word of God.
Purity as much as possible while we are all still in this flesh as well as spirit.
No discrimination — by that I mean we do not exclude the Older Testament, the prophets, the discussion and incorporation of the importance of Hebrew and Jewish partaking and belief as long as it corresponds to the grace and mercy of Yeshua, Jesus the Lord being the Sacrificial Lamb and the Messiah to all, and that both Jew and Gentile who believe are one and the same. Example: we can have ongoing discussion of the context, culture, ways of 1st century Jewish life and dig deeper into what the words of the Messiah really mean in context of the culture and beliefs in order to gain a deeper understanding and strengthen our faith and following of Jesus our Saviour, Redeemer, Lord, and Messiah.
Can you begin such a place?
Can we please begin a meeting place of like-minded believers here on “A Crooked Path?”
A place to come in peace, be open, ask, seek, answer, ask for help, ask for prayer requests, suggest areas of study — offer fellowship and help and support and the true meaning of godly love one to another.
Can we begin such a thing, such a place?
I am going to post a blank posting here on “A Crooked Path” simply titled “The Meeting Place” and the only way we can work this is by leaving comments in the comment section — so if anyone would please begin this, or be interested in creating this meeting place, please go to the post titled “The Meeting Place” and scroll down to where an individual can place a comment.
Write what you will, what you desire, how your heart and spirit lead you.
Can we begin this meeting place and give it time and a chance to be a place of fellowship, trust, help, worship, discussion and more to those who come to partake?
Can we give this a chance to become a place of true fellowship for like-minded true believers in God our Father, Jesus our Lord and Messiah, the Holy Spirit, and the inerrant living and active word of God?
I have faith we can.
Thank you.
All honor, praise, and thanks in all things to God our Father and Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
Ken Pullen
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