Some say, “Should America fall…”

I say when America falls…


Some say, “Should America fall…”

As if it is a bizarre unspeakable thought. Fantasy. Insanity to think such. A fearful speculation trembling with trepidation.

I say when America falls… and this once greatest of all nations will fall. We’ve left our solid foundations. We’ve jumped into the banality and insanity abyss of utter ungodliness and unrighteousness and have been falling for some years now. Won’t be long now before that unmistaken sound of what was once alive hits bottom, hard, and that distinctive death crush thump is heard. The last death breath gasp heard…

Resounding around the world. Then, oh then my friends…then it takes off in earnest!

It isn’t should America fall, but WHEN America finally falls and gasps its last.

Oh, they’ll let you keep the flag, although it might be added to, they’ll let you keep the delusional semblance of some scrap of sovereignty so as to keep everyone old enough they can’t exterminate quickly enough from going barking mad — but it is coming. It’s only a matter of time. And not nearly as long as most folks think — because who wants to place their minds in such a place and think about that reality that is most certainly coming.

Most certainly.

And there is coming a One World fascist government that will be unlike any other that has ever risen upon this earth. Ever. And it will be the most horrendous and terrible of times, the Greatest of Tribulations the world has ever witnessed or ever will. It will be so terrible that unless God would shorten the days even the elect would be lost!

Don’t take my word for any of this.

Open God’s Word and learn these truths.

It is coming.

It is going to happen.

Not should it happen, but when it does happen. And it will happen.

We are already clearly witnessing the Great Falling Away as prophesized in the Bible. Who is so otherwise occupied, so hazy and unclear of vision and awareness to not see and hear, even smell the stench and rot of the evil of this Great Falling Away? The rise of the false teachers and the millions, the hundreds of millions who follow them rather than follow the Lord Jesus Christ and the inerrant living Word of God?

We are witness to the great effort and machinations to create a One World Religion. The church of Rome and major imams of Islam make this their top priority. Continually. For many years now. Inching ever closer. Only now no longer inching but gaining by the mile. Because the people are conditioned, indoctrinated, and malleable. So compliant.

As well as a One World Government gaining by the hour, by the mile rather than the inch.

The rallying point to greatly aid both of these to fruition is “save the earth! we must save the earth!”

The pantheistic religion of earth worship. Environmentalism, in reality, = PURE PAGANISM. Merely rebranded paganism pantheism to delude and fit the verbiage that strikes the cord and achieves the goal. Evil isn’t ignorant. Evil isn’t lazy. Evil isn’t stupid. Evil is sharper, wiser, more ahead of the curve than are any people on this earth.

It is why true believers, true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ must always be watchmen and women on the wall. Always vigilant. Always watching. Always discerning wisely, always testing and judging wisely. Being like a Berean. Testing every spirit, everything. Whether it is truly of God and is of righteousness or not. Never falling asleep. Never becoming complacent. Never falling for the world’s, thus the Evil One’s cunning lies and deceptions which may sound and appear so good, so right.

Gird those loins. Do you know what that is written in the Word as it is in 1 Peter 1 of the King James Version;

Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

To gird up means to bind about, especially with a belt. The picture here is one of a Roman soldier putting on the part of his armor that covered the groin or loins. The phrase “the loins of your mind” is much more difficult to understand.

For the meaning of that phrase, we must know how first-century folks understood both “loins” and “mind.” The loins were the center of procreative power — which is the literal translation of the Greek root used here. The Greek root used here for “mind” is one which means deep thought. So, what we have here in “gird up the loins of your mind” is a phrase that means the mind in its full capacity, strength or power.

It may be a bit easier for the modern English mind to understand this:

Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”

1 Peter 1:13-16 — New International Version


Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written: “YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.”

1 Peter 1:13-16 — New American Standard Bible

No matter the translation? It is well past the hour to prepare our minds for action, to have minds fully alert and fully sober, our minds “girded up” like the soldiers in this spiritual war we are supposed to be.

For even darker days and times lie immediately ahead.

And many are already falling away because they build everything upon sand, upon the ways of the world, upon self and lies and were not solidly truly founded.

Do not be one of those.

Not now.

Not ever.

Fight the good fight to the end.

And the end is swiftly coming my friends, my dear friends…

The following article is purely worldly. Written by a worldly writer. With a worldly mind lacking any sign of anything spiritual or any awareness of God or the Bible.

But if the heathen can see these things unfolding? If the ungodly can know? Why can’t those who profess to be the Lord’s be wiser and more knowing? And more prepared?

Do not be lax. In anything. For the times demand otherwise. Every single day.


Ken Pullen

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022

ACP — A Crooked Path


Are You a Good Global Citizen? Your “ESG Score” Will Say It All (Video)


February 22, 2022

By Jeff Thompson

Reprinted from The Organic Prepper & Prophecy News Watch


We are witnessing the narrative switch from COVID to global warming. True, the notion of climate change has been a leftist buzzphrase for years now, but we are seeing an increase in the rhetoric, and it is growing in vehemence.

The Organic Prepper has covered the concept of Personal Carbon Allowances before (and you’re bound to hear more about them in the future).

Now, we are hearing discussion about companies’ “ESG scores.”

It is no secret that the goal of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum (WEF) is to instate a globalist government that encompasses the entire world. America is the sole country that stands in the way of this happening. Should America fall, the WEF will rise.

So, just what is an ESG score? It stands for “environmental, social, and governance factors,” and it is a concept that has already crept throughout the United States largely unnoticed.

Why was it that international companies in the US have placed such a heavy emphasis on being “green” over the past several years?

It’s because of ESG scores.

Rated on a scale of 0-100, the higher your score, the better you fare. The man with a score of 88 would be deemed more climate-conscious and a better global citizen than the man with a score of 23.

Here is how your ESG score is calculated…

A company called ESG The Report has detailed all the ways that your ESG score is calculated. Here is what they have to say:

E = Environmental Factors

There are three primary environmental factors that determine what one’s ‘E’ score will be. They are:

  • What effect do you have on the environment? What are your carbon emissions like? How much waste do you create?
  • How effectively do you utilize natural resources? How much water do you use? How much electricity do you use?
  • Do you engage in any climate change initiatives?

Let us start with an analysis of the practical consequences of this. 

Imagine a world where your trash output is monitored and recorded. If you create too much, those in power will know about it. Have a birthday party with family over that generates extra trash? You could end up being penalized.

Picture being told that you drink too much water, and you need to ration how much you consume. You eat too much. That’s not fair to the rest of the planet. The number of calories you eat is to be dictated to you by the planners of society. Did your smart meter just detect you’ve met your monthly electricity allowance? Your power has just been cut off.

And what about climate change initiatives? You are literally being forced to give money to particular charities and causes at the risk of being blackballed. No money? That’s okay, forced community service, so that you can prove that you planted 45 trees this past year is also an acceptable “contribution.”

S = Social Factors

There are three primary “social factors” that influence one’s ESG score, as well. They are:

  • How well do you treat your employees, local community, and society at large?
  • Do you support diversity?
  • Is your workplace safe?

Are there practical consequences to these ideas as well? You betcha.

Consider that this scoring system necessitates some form of organization to which the employees of the world can file grievances. Do you like the idea of some global organization keeping a track record of every complaint your employees make, justified or not?

How does one determine just exactly how fair you treat your local community or society at large? Would the small town gun shop owner be told that they are selling a product that is doing harm to “society at large?” Keep in mind that globalists hate American gun ownership.

What about the church that preaches that particular actions are sinful? If this goes against the globalist agenda, they could be slapped with the low ESG score label with all the consequences that follow.

Workplace safety is not something I believe people initially object to, but if there’s one thing we’ve witnessed over the course of the past two years, it’s that what is enforced upon people in the name of safety is often anything but.

Diversity is not even worth mentioning here. If you’re a business that hires white, American men, your ESG score will be abysmal. You will be forced into hiring people based on their skin color rather than their ability. “Sorry, you can’t work here. We haven’t met our minority quota yet, and you have the wrong color skin.”

G= Governance Factors

Three factors contribute to one’s “G score.” They are:

  • Do you make political contributions or influence legislation?
  • How much do the executives at your company make?
  • Are the executives within your organization diverse?

As can probably already be seen, there are a number of issues here.

For starters, consider what could happen if it’s discovered you’ve given money to a pro-American lobbyist organization. Do you think that will help your ESG score or lower it? What if it’s found you’re not giving to any of the pre-approved political organizations? Could this be used to lower your ESG score as well?

Should globalists have any right to determine the pay scale of the executives in your company? Is this not a forced redistribution of wealth scheme? If I founded, run, and own the company, why can I not pay myself the salary I desire?

And of course, lastly, we see institutionalized racism incorporated by the globalist agenda once again, as they seek to force people to be hired not on their ability but on their skin color, gender, or sexual preferences instead.

(For information on how to starve the beast, make sure to check out our free QUICKSTART Guide.)

Who on earth is ESG The Report? 

It has to be asked who this company is. Despite their doing a very good job of hiding where they are located and who works for them, they appear to be shills for the World Economic Forum.

On their website, you’ll see such questions and answers as:

  • “Is capitalism ethically justifiable? No, it isn’t.”
  • “Does capitalism destroy the environment? Yes, it does.”
  • “Capitalism’s alternatives include democratic socialism…”

You can also see pictures of  world-class citizen, Karl Marx.

Slapping an ESG score on every human on the planet is nothing other than the next step of The Great Reset.

And no, you will not be permitted to avoid it. As Great Reset mastermind Klaus Schwab has said, “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate [in the Great Reset], and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.”

This won’t stop at the business level either. As we pointed out with the current discussion on Personal Carbon Allowances, this is being discussed at the individual level as well.

As the company, ESG The Report, says, there are a number of ways in which one can calculate their personal ESG score. Your transportation habits, your dietary habits, attitude, outlook, the environmental impact of your career choice, the way you invest, your recycling habits – all of these could be used to determine what your personal ESG score is.

Do you live a 45-minute drive out from work? Well, that hurts your ESG score. If you want to better it, you will need to move into a densely-populated urban center to cut back on your drive time.

Do you eat meat? Sorry, that hurts your ESG score.

Do you have a negative attitude towards the UN, the WEF, or ESG scores? Do you believe in national sovereignty? You love America? Sorry, an analysis of your social media posts and your recent government-mandated “outlook appointment” have all determined that these are negatives within your mindset, and your score will reflect it. You are guilty of Orwellian thoughtcrime.

As the WEF points out, an ESG score allows politicians to measure how well a business complies with The Great Reset. You’re no longer measured by how profitable your business is. You’re now measured by how long you’re willing to comply with tyranny on a global scale.

Surely, the idea of an ESG score is just another conspiracy theory, right?

Look it up for yourself. And for those of you who refuse to believe that this will progress into anything further, may I ask how your ‘two weeks to stop the spread’ panned out?

Agenda 21 is in motion. It’s been steadily gaining momentum ever since Nancy Pelosi introduced it to US Congress in October 1992.

We’re already seeing the effects of it. Want to see the current ESG scores of a number of companies? Check here.

Want to figure out if your personal bank has applied an ESG score to you as an individual? Check here.

These people have no intention of leaving America alone. They are intent on racing to place themselves atop a pyramid as they drag the countries of the world through the broken glass they leave in their wake. And they fully intend on leaving your United States as nothing other than a blurb in a history book.


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