Miranda Galbreath


Mr. Spencer, as does every current-day journalist, writer, speaker, pundit, and talking head, even most of the professed Christian ones, lays blame at the feet of “the left” as if being of leftist thinking is the be-all end-all of all that ails not only America but the world. Always forsaking to write or speak the REAL reason why everything that is happening is happening. And it isn’t because of democrats, leftists, or socialists. Or the outcome of any given election. Or even about America if you can swallow that truth you tragically indoctrinated soul!

It’s because of the people being given over to their wicked and ungodly minds. Denying God, turning from God. It’s about evil my friends, Evil with a capital “E”.

I respect Mr. Spencer and have posted many an article he has written here on ACP. In his piece below he states; “If we had any actual journalists today, they would be investigating and exposing the forces behind this unseemly push to normalize what is and always will be the horrific abuse of children.”

No, they wouldn’t. Just as you aren’t sadly, Mr. Spencer. Because even professed Christian writers and speakers, Christians in general lay blame at the feet of leftist politics and stop there. Going no further.

To go down the political path, the solely American path, the political ideology path and think you’re going to reach a destination with the answers is akin to going to a foreign land where you don’t know the language and no one speaks your language and you imagine you won’t encounter any difficulties along the way. No wisdom. No vision. No understanding. Retarded in thought. And execution.

The forces behind all of this and everything? The forces of EVIL. The Evil One and his legions of ministers, all of whom are not registered democrats or to be categorized as leftists. But why permit the truth and the facts, reality to get in the way of the delusions and all the misdirection and misinformation?

Claiming to be wise, they became fools,

Romans 1:22 — English Standard Version

Romans 1

Evil knows no bounds. And the lax, passive, otherwise occupied, deluded, ignorant people usher in and elevate every evil under the sun. We vainly, foolishly think ourselves so smart, so knowledgeable, so intelligent, and we repeatedly, daily, nightly, always prove just how lost and blind, how foolish and gullible we truly are in believing every lie spewed from the wicked tongue of Satan and his ministers without having God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the inerrant infallible whole living Word of God as central to our every breath and thought and action.

We are either consumed by this fallen and corrupted world, thus consumed by evil and the Evil One…

…or we are consumed by God, fearing displeasing God, consumed with the grace and mercy and sacrifice of God and Christ, consumed in desiring the guidance of the Holy Spirit, consumed in the Word of God.

The former is the place of the many.

The latter is the abode of the few.

Were it not so this nation, the world would be an entirely different place than the reality it is.

Unless and until professed Christians do not stop at, do not dwell, do not linger, do not reside in the political and fleshly arena, and come to learn and know all that is transpiring — every bit of whatever is taking place — is due to the spiritual war and place their hearts and minds on the spiritual, on God, on Christ, on the Holy Spirit, and within the Word of God forsaking the political, forsaking the ways of man, forsaking making nationalism or a politician one’s god they are as lost and in darkness as is any pagan, any pagan following their false gods and idols.

The forces behind all this?

Please, wake up and smell the evil in the air folks!

And this is NOT being cynical, depressing, or negative. Those are worldly connotations for those who can’t abide and hide from the truth and need a steady diet of sugar, spice, and everything nice in order to get them through their day. Speaking and writing the truth about this evil that is growing is not being negative. It’s time that awareness came to more professing to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Tuesday, August 30th, 2022


And Now, the Left Moves to Normalize Pedophilia

This has been coming for years.


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

By Robert Spencer

Reprinted from FrontPageMag


It isn’t as if we weren’t warned. Many people have observed for years now that the total exclusion of morality from the public square, and the refusal to declare that any behavior was wrong in itself, would lead to the normalization of all manner of abhorrent behavior. Such warnings seem almost quaint now, with drag queens in primary schools and toddlers being encouraged to undergo radical body mutilation. In this insane environment, it is no surprise whatsoever that the Left is now pushing to make pedophilia as normal as a walk in the park. The assault on traditional values is total and unyielding. No quarter will be given.

The Post Millennial reported recently that “a professional counselor who works with incarcerated sex offenders defended pedophiles as a ‘marginalized’ minority in a recent YouTube upload, sparking criticism as clips from the video went viral on social media.” Miranda Galbreath, who is a licensed sex therapist, posted a video which is, at least for now, unavailable. It was entitled “Let’s talk about minor-attracted persons.” In it, Galbreath advocates for the use of the term “minor attracted people” and claims that the term “pedophile” is a “judgmental, hurtful insult.” She says that pedophiles are “the most vilified population of folks.”

Amid all this rancid and dangerous propaganda, even “folks” is a charged word. While the Post Millennial transcribes the word as “folks,” it is likely that Galbreath said “folx,” which Merriam-Webster, a newly woke company like all the rest of them, explains is “used especially to explicitly signal the inclusion of groups commonly marginalized.” Galbreath is semaphoring to her Leftist audience that pedophiles are or should be considered to be among the Left’s protected victim groups, groups that are prized and privileged because they are supposedly “marginalized.” To redress the wrongs done by white, Christian, cisgendered, heteronormative bigots, these people deserve special consideration and accommodation.

Galbreath claims that the term minor-attracted person “simply means that the person has an enduring sexual or romantic attraction to minors. They have not chosen this attraction… you don’t get to choose to be heterosexual or gay, and you don’t get to choose to be a minor-attracted person.” It’s something the poor dears can’t help, you see. Galbreath doesn’t seem to have any interest, meanwhile, in the plight of people who don’t choose to become the victims of pedophiles. They don’t choose, either, but apparently they don’t deserve any consideration.

The Post Millennial notes that Galbreath is not just a talking head, but acts upon her ideas: “On her website, called Sexual Safe Space, Galbreath claims that she has been an active mental health counselor for over 20 years. According to the site, she provides ‘evaluation and treatment services in the community and within state prisons to folks who have committed sexual offenses.’ On her Linkedin profile, she displays experience working with the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.” And one insane and immoral perspective leads to another: Galbreath “is also a registered member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which sets international guidelines and protocols for medically transitioning, including recommendations for minors as young as 14.”

Galbreath is not alone in trying to normalize pedophilia. She is just one part of a much larger push. As far back as October 2014, the New York Times published an op-ed entitled “Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not A Crime.” Those who would dismiss that on the basis of its having been an op-ed and not a news article, and thus not necessarily reflecting the position of the Times itself, should investigate when the Times last published an op-ed arguing that Islam was not a religion of peace, and that jihad terrorists were inspired by texts and teachings of the Qur’an itself. The Times has, of course, never published such an op-ed, and never would. But normalizing pedophilia? That fits in just fine with the Times’ agenda.

And with that of the Washington Post, which chimed in on July 8, 2015 with a piece entitled “We’re shocked by every nice guy caught with child porn. But we shouldn’t be. Our image of pedophiles is completely wrong.” Even farther back, in 2012, CNN asked: “Do pedophiles deserve sympathy?” The answer was, of course, yes.

Clearly the media elites want us to accept pedophilia as normal as baseball and apple pie. But why? If we had any actual journalists today, they would be investigating and exposing the forces behind this unseemly push to normalize what is and always will be the horrific abuse of children. But we don’t.

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 25 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest book is The Critical Qur’an.