When communists, anarchists, socialists, pagans, power mad political and demonic forces are permitted, and have been permitted to be paid to teach and foment their diabolical, sinister ideologies and pagan beliefs in what has been established and considered institutions of higher learning, educating America’s youth to continue to build America’s future what else should we expect but what is truly produced in these massive institutions filled with dead dry bones, anti-American, anti-God, anti-Christian tenured professors and administrators handsomely paid to destroy America from within.
Many of these universities and colleges have been created from a Christian foundation to only be turned into dens where the ministers of evil, confusion, rebellion, and terror reign.
While parents and taxpayers keep their wicked and unrighteous fires burning brighter and brighter.
Ahh, I’ve heard the refrain so often, too many times…
“Children are our future…”
With the person uttering that partial, sounding promising proclamation never finishing the sentence.
“…and what a future it is going to be!”
What to think regarding the completion of the thought…
Rather than insert the automatically indoctrinated pagan in origin New Age teaching that only positive thinking — according to their definition of what is positive and what is negative — brainwashed it is going to be a Utopian, grand, and wonderful future [because the overly spoiled, coddled, not ever taught well children, thanks to weak and immoral, faithless, godless, lost parents] response is the correct one, the actual, factual, based in reality completion of that thought is what a horrific future it is going to be!
And proof of this is in front of every person in America. Daily. Nightly. The indoctrination of evil poured into the cold dead bleak hearts and lost minds of American young people who have or are attending these so-called institutions of higher learning to teach generations of young people how to build a better future have for decades now, and are teaching how to utterly destroy, how to unleash the anger, the violence, the hatred and the lies they have been taught all these years.
Weaponized human beings.
THAT is the by-product of the pomp and circumstance. The droning on and on. The disguise that is the reality of American, Western universities and colleges.
Places of fomenting rage, anger, hatred, narrow thinking, removing critical thinking, reason, logic, ethics, and attaining a higher degree of understanding and knowledge. The pretense of these places is far removed from the reality of what is taught on a daily basis year after year after year.
But then, when the people, when so many are apathetic, lost, in darkness and serving evil themselves, the parents that is, the so-called weak and lost state and national leadership have been and are what else should we expect?
Yes, we’ve made sure we’ve taught the hatred of God, Jesus, the Holy Bible, true Christianity, Jews, Israel, how God’s nature truly has been established to work — only man and woman, morality, ethics, the rule of law, so on have been replaced with Marxism, Critical Race Theory, DEI, environmentalism, feminism, every ism — that in truth is the teaching and adoption of PAGANISM.
We should be so proud.
Used to be a television commercial in which an egg was being fried in a skillet and the voiceover was “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”
Now all manner of drugs are legal and pushed to be used regularly, anything goes — especially when it comes to human sexuality and what is truth — and the anything goes ideology is not only taught but demanded to be followed. There is no morality, no ethics, no logic, no reason, no critical thinking, no higher learning but a regression back to the days of Babel, of Sodom, of Gomorrah, of Tyre — and the minds are kept wasted, taught to destroy, to tear down, to remove every foundation.
An eternal spirit, eternal soul, eternal life is a terrible thing to waste. The worst possible waste. Yet millions, tens of millions willingly — of their own individual will — hand their eternal fate over to Satan, over to Satan’s ministers and minions. Devouring evil and being repulsed by righteousness they have become so twisted, so hardened, so dark within their wasted minds, spirits, souls and lives.
Evil has taught America and American young people that what was once god is evil, what was evil is now good [Isaiah 5:20] and they have devoured the lies of evil with gusto! Demanding more with their insatiable taken over and possessed of evil minds, spirits, and souls.
Only God, only the Lord Jesus Christ, only the Holy Spirit, only the Holy Bible, only repentance, faith, and a turning to these things can change what we have wrought and what we continue to create.
As we serve Satan, paganism, lies, and every sin and evil under the sun deluded as we go, as we are — rather than our coming out from this deadly, eternally deadly darkness and into the Light, the Way, the Truth leading to REAL Life.
Yes, the children are our future, and, oh, what a future we have allowed and wrought!
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Friday, March 22nd, 2024
American Universities Are Teaching Students How To Become Domestic Terrorists
Lt. Col. James Zumwalt spotlights popular book ‘How to Blow Up a Pipeline’
March 20, 2024
Reprinted from Prophecy News Watch & WND
Where would one expect to find lessons taught from a book entitled “How to Blow Up A Pipeline”? Perhaps at a terrorist training camp run by ISIS, al-Qaida or Hamas? While such teachings would be part of their curriculum, one would not expect to learn at least 16 state universities in the U.S. are providing such teachings as well.
The above book, published by Swedish professor Andreas Malm in 2021, leaves no doubt about its intent. Condemning peaceful protests as ineffective, he not only seeks to employ terrorism to overthrow capitalism but harbors no concerns over people getting killed in the process. He enthusiastically writes about such victims, “Demolish them, burn them, blow them up. Let the capitalists who keep investing in the fire know that their properties will be trashed.”
Malm’s book credits Palestinian terrorists for their inspiration. He praises their ingenuity, saying, “As part of the mass resistance in the besieged Gaza Strip in the spring of 2018, Palestinians invented techniques for sending kites and helium-inflated condoms carrying incendiary materials across the wall to burn Israeli property.”
While claiming he has yet to have had the opportunity to blow up a pipeline, Malm said he would “gladly participate” if the opportunity arose. In an interview, and without hesitation, he admitted he encourages increased pipeline sabotage. He firmly advocates promoting eco-terrorism to bring down capitalism. As such, should we be shocked to see these universities next turn to hiring members of real terrorist groups to come teach their students?
Ironically, despite the above and Malm’s assertion that he stands by his claims to sabotage energy infrastructure, he is troubled to be associated with terrorism. Apparently, since his comments have yet to target a specific threat, law enforcement hesitates to officially label him as such.
Meanwhile, Malm is creating his own “Mini-me,” prepping his 4-year old son to “be on the lookout for SUVs.” The boy has been told these “are the bad cars,” familiarizing him with the practice of deflating tires.
But if any example is needed of how far out of control our educational system has gotten, this book and its teachings are it. It underscores why our college campuses became centers of antisemitism in the wake of the Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel by the terrorist group Hamas, which brutally slaughtered 1,200 men, women and children – some burned alive or decapitated.
Despite our intelligence community labeling the book as a “developing threat,” some universities have made it required reading. Unsurprisingly, schools like the University of California Berkeley have so mandated. Two instructors there transformed an innocent-sounding biology course into one about “decolonization,” stretching the course syllabus description to do so. They expounded that the “class focuses on the scientific practice of modern botanical taxonomy as a colonial formation that conditions our modern relations” and (ready for this) explains how the names of plants “were often forged to be of service to empire-building.”
Far left professors teaching various courses at other universities have made Malm’s book mandatory reading as well, injecting students with a fatal dose of ideological extremism.
Professor Joseph Mohorcich of the City University of New York embraced the book under the guise of his “Politics and Human Survival” course. The message students received there was that, absent radical action, “everyone could die a terrible death.” Apparently, that did not include the victims of a pipeline explosion. The course message that the end fit the means was reflected by Mohorcich’s paper entitled, “What level of resistance to air pollution is justified? On violence and self-defense.”
Professor Brad Werner at the University of California San Diego required Malm’s book for his “Intersectional Struggles for Environmental Justice” course, that focuses on thrashing democracies for the “colonial, capitalist and imperialist exploitation of and damage to the environment.” Werner is a one man “developing threat” as he supports “sabotage by indigenous peoples, workers, anarchists and other activist groups.”
Professor Joel Wainwright at Ohio State University may not have played football but sure demonstrates signs of taking hits way too many times on the gridiron based on his ideological logic. He made Malm’s book required reading for his course on the environment, promoting the overthrow of capitalism as well as the concept of sovereign rule. His book “Climate Leviathan” contains a section entitled “Rethinking Palestine and Israel: Marxist Perspectives,” calling for such “revolutionary events” as the overthrow of our government as well as that of China’s – the latter outrageously for becoming too capitalistic.
Many state universities have presidents who report to a Board of Regents who, in turn, are appointed by the governor. One can only wonder how far up the chain it is known that students are being taught terrorism. We will probably learn where that buck stops only after one of these students implements the lessons they have learned.
Meanwhile, we are naively left to wonder why we have witnessed so many pro-Hamas protests on college campuses across the country!
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