Alisa Childers 712x475




If you can get past the first five minutes of utter nonsense and waste of time this turns into a good interview and informational source.

The following interview with Alisa Childers is worth watching and listening to. All of this is taking place due to the times in which we all live, which are the last of the last days. As foretold in Scripture.

Regular visitors here, subscribers, and even infrequent visitors ought to know how frequently I reference Romans 1 as the days in which we live.

Too many professing faith live without knowing the Lord, without knowing the Word of God, without believing, and too many are followers of this man, that man, this church, that church, that woman, this woman — rather than Christ, rather than the Holy Spirit, rather than having the whole Word of God as the only source to go to in any time of confusion, concern, questioning,  or doubt, or a need to know the truth.

It isn’t about feelings. It isn’t to have selfish pleasures while also professing to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is solely about the condition of the heart, the mind, the spirit, the soul — the life. A person either is truly transformed from within by the Spirit of God and they are then the Lord’s, they are a true child of God, or they are not changed within their heart and mind, their words are meaningless, and they are in truth followers of the Whore of Babylon, the Evil One, and the world.

By their fruits, they are known…

People don’t want to accept that. Believe that. Most want to play at being Christian, play at being Marie Antionette’s wherein they can get their get out of hell card while imbibing of the world and its ways, its lies. The holy oil of God does not mix with the vinegar of the world.

Do not become consumed by social media. The words or beliefs or feelings of others. Be consumed in Jesus, in the Word, in the guidance of the Holy Spirit knowing the difference between that and personal interpretation, bringing pleasure, self, paganism, and the world in.

It isn’t difficult to do. Repent. Turn to God. Ask openly, and faithfully for God to help and provide direction and the way. What is His will — and THAT IS ALWAYS AND ONLY FOUND WITHIN THE HOLY BIBLE.

Are you following a pastor, a church, or the Lord and His inerrant, infallible living Word?

Is your devotion and love and admiration of your pastor greater than your devotion, love, to and for the Lord Jesus Christ? Be ruthlessly honest. Do not be deceived because the deceptions are great and subtle, and beware of the use of the cunning words of man. Why discount or deny the clear, true words of God over the cunning, deceptive words of man?

The following is well worth the time to listen. If you can get past the first five minutes of nonsense.

No one knows how much time is left for this world, the people of this world, but it surely is much less than it was. Just look around. Listen. Inhale and smell the stench of evil, unsound doctrines, and the Enemy within what passes for the Church today.

This is no time to waste time. To allow confusion and darkness to enter within and to turn from the Lord, turn from the Word.

For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Jude 1:4

Ken Pullen, Wednesday, November 29th, 2023



Alisa Childers On The Deconstruction of Christianity and Contemporary Christian Music


A Babylon Bee Podcast


Link to the video for those unable to access it by clicking on the image above.


Alisa Childers is finally at The Babylon Bee to talk about her new book The Deconstruction Of Christianity and what is really wrong with the Contemporary Christian Music industry. Also, what in the world is going on with Andy Stanley and the Unconditional Conference?

The Babylon Bee Podcast is brought to you by Alliance Defending Freedom. They defend your rights, so stand up with them:

Pre-order Alisa Childers’ new book here: