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Alethophobia: Fear of the truth


Monday, July 24th, 2023

by Ken Pullen



This will be succinct.

In the Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition, copyright 1970, the word phobia, from the Greek phobos is defined as; a fear; an irrational, excessive, and persistent fear of some particular thing or situation — phobic, the adjective.

Ahh, the subtle erosion…

Adopted, accepted, and approved of by almost everyone. Unawares, Not paying attention. Not caring. Not knowing from the beginning as the inability to listen, to observe, to perceive, to remember — to know what is right all along.

According to the current Merriam-Webster online dictionary [does anyone actually own and go to an older bound paper dictionary any longer or just lazily entrust what appears on the glowing screen to tell them what is?] Sorry, I did say I’d be succinct at the beginning, didn’t I…

The present-day Merriam-Webster online dictionary ADDS; intolerance to something, also an inexplicable or illogical fear of something.

Why even decide to write this today?

Because I came across an article about an Islamic woman visiting a friend of hers, and according to the article, the friend, in her Islamophobia, asked the Islamic woman to remove her hajib, and the Islamic woman was offended and did not remove her hajib.

Now I do not know either of these people. Perhaps the so-called friend in the article has a genuine fear of Islamic people. But then, why invite this Ilsmiac woman, who was identified as a friend of hers over?

This reeks of another bit of propaganda in the media to keep the brainwashing, the erosion, and a particular agenda going. I mean, why even write an article as that, and why does a national platform determine to publish it as an important piece of journalism?

The same has been present in the media — all media using the word homophobic — now for decades. Even so-called conservative media uses the word. Ignorantly. Furthering conditioning and eroding truth and supplanting it with a corrupted and perverted word. Changing definitions and meanings, creating words at will.

And no one seems to notice or even care.

And these are not the last of the last days for this world as it has been known?


Speaking or writing the truth regarding Islam, or regarding sexual immorality, sexual deviancy, and sexual abnormalities that go against the clear Word of God is NOT fear. It’s just the truth. Which most have a true fear of.

Improper definitions being attached to words, totally changing certain words’ meanings — all within one area of discussion or writing, of speech, is a sure telltale sign of something evil afoot. Something that smacks of indoctrination. Brainwashing. Corruption. Fascism even.

And the people of the world form a massive choir, holding their imaginary world-speak hymnals, and sing the praises of evil, of lies, of the work of evil in this world.

Refusing to sing a different song. Speak a different way. Write the actual words and reality.

For Islam has a history. That cannot be altered nor erased no matter how the minions and ministers of the Evil One think they can rewrite Islam’s history, and preach to the world their version of what Islam is.

Just as has been done regarding the sin and abomination of homosexuality.

Now the New Religion of the world. Including the real religion of more and more professing to be Christians.

Tragically, those will come to learn the real meaning of fear and what it means to be fearful. Unless they repent and come out from the darkness they inhabit loving this world more than they love Christ, more than they love God and eternal life in heaven, more than they love the Holy Bible, and more than they love the truth as they wallow and roll about in the lies like hogs in mud on a hot summers day.

The pit of hell is going to be hotter, much hotter than any worldly heatwave. And last longer than a few days, a week, or even a season.

I pray some of those who have been seasoned, conditioned, and so easily indoctrinated in the ways and words, and lies of the world will take the time to think. Really think. For our every word is known and remembered by God the Creator. And every person will give an accounting of their every word ever uttered.

Can we begin to speak and write with more accuracy since words do matter and are so important? For they surely can fill a mind and lead millions, billions down a path to destruction all the while foolishly, blindly imagining and believing they have been on the road of enlightenment and creating a better world.

751 words. Not bad. Perhaps not succinct to many in this gone Twitter, anti-social in reality social media world, but not bad for me, I’d say. Oh, just went to 776, no 780 words…

Words are very important. How they are used. How we define them and use or do not use their correct meanings. We write and speak far too casually without thinking many times in our word usage. And, please, don’t be as so many speaking and writing pure dung to approve of the evil at hand and say, think, or write well, language evolves and you must adapt with that evolution.

The words hula hoop, television, radio, computer, and such are quite different than corrupting and perverting words to suit an evil agenda at work. Words of the present militaristic fascism. The concerted organized and highly successful war being waged.

And most surrender without a shot being fired. Imagine that. Complicit. Accommodating. Approving [see Romans 1].

957 words and done. Rather succinct, I do say, at least for me…