Our Father, who are in heaven, hallowed and praised be thy name. May we as a nation, and as individuals humbly bow on our knees before thee, giving thanks for all things. Lord, Creator, Giver of all things, may the hearts of the people be pricked and thy touch be felt. May there be an awareness, an awakening, a hearing of thy Truth, thy Word, and thy will in each of our lives, in the life of our wayward nation.
Father in heaven, forgive those who mock, scorn, and revel in abomination upon abomination. In the day of judgement, if they do not soon see, if they do not soon hear, thou wilt judge them according to their hearts and minds.
May we not feign works but may we work diligently serving thee, not asking for anything in return as individuals, as a nation. May we be on our knees seeking thy forgiveness for the error of our ways, our advancing into sin, our embracing this world and what it offers, our worship of idols, our putting all other things before thee and thy Son, and thy Holy Spirit, and thy Word, thy Living, inerrant, Word providing the way and life.
May any professing to be Christian who are following false teachings and false teachers be boldly convicted in their hearts of the error of their pathway, and through the power of thy Holy Spirit may they receive discernment and instruction, and put their feet upon the true righteous pathway of thy living Word. Not interpreting in error, not being contentious towards thy Word, may they place all their trust in thee and thy Holy Spirit to open their eyes to the One True Way and Truth of thy Holy Word.
May those thou have ordained to be our leaders, be they weak, or boastful, or liars, or evil within their souls and spirits, may thy power and glory, may thy truth and Word strike them in their very spirits and souls and convict them to examine their hearts and ways, and to alter their pathways placing thee and the good of the people of our nation, and the good and protection of the people of Israel above that which they had been serving.
May they have their hearts pierced and thy truth enter into the gaping wound made from error in whom they have been serving be filled with thy Spirit, thus they will desire to put away sin and following of abomination and vileness, put away their immoralities and their hypocrisy and be convicted deep within their spirits to obey thee and thy Word above all else.
We are an evil people. We have been tought and conditioned to say “we aren’t so bad,” and that “people are good” but may those living in such a manner be convicted in their hearts to know the truth, and may we all repent in earnest turning from our sin and our serving of the things of this world and serve thee, thy Son, Jesus Christ, and make Him Lord of our lives. May we have complete faith in the Holy Spirit, and not contend thy living Word but read it, pray upon it, seek discernment of it, and rightly divide it, making thy Word the light and pathways of each of our lives.
Forgive us our sins, may we forgive all who have sinned against us. May we turn from iniquity, turn from violence, turn from serving men and their errant ways and philosophies. May we put our earthly lusts behind us and long for, live for serving thee and desire to be pleasing and acceptable unto thee.
In the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, I offer this prayer to thee Almighty God, Jehovah Elyon,
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