The article I pulled this piece from had a photo of a young attractive woman praying in a posed position. For the photo. Let’s be clear. The darkness increases. Paganism and its myriad offshoots rebranded as so many areas of modern life have infected, permeated, and consumed every agency, organization, business, school, and even most so-called Christian churches.
The darkness increases. Evil is emboldened. No longer hiding. Brazen. And tragically embraced by the overwhelming majority of people. Exactly as Adam and Eve embraced the lie from Satan in the Garden of Eden. Nothing has changed. Other than there are now more people on earth than ever and in various areas all around the world things are taking place that have never occurred in world history before.
Mr. Michael Snyder, in his last line of his piece below, writes;
“Now we are rapidly becoming something else, and many are deeply concerned about what that could mean for the future of our society.”
Mr. Snyder has openly written on many occasions, and when he was running for political office, that he is a Christian. As such Mr. Snyder ought to know what is written in the Word of God. Why what we see and hear taking place is taking place. Where it’s all headed. And why. Do any professed Christians ever bother to open the Bible, read it, pray and ask for spiritual wisdom and understanding, and then actually study God’s Word? How many are doing that? From what is preached on so many churches, what appears online from professed Christian pastors, writers, and others in various positions putting on the mantel of Christian it is clear few are Bible literate. Few are Bible fluent. Few spend any time in God’s Word and few understand what is contained within, and few bother to speak out clearly and boldly, faithfully, or write in the same manner.
What direction are we headed in?
Is anyone paying attention? Over the past 50 years? If so it’s very clear to see, know, hear and understand where we’re headed.
To the pit. Deeper into the darkness. Given over to wicked, unrighteous, lost, arrogant reprobate minds. Imagining we are gods and have no need for God, for a Saviour, for the Word of God.
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20 — King James Version
Paganism sorcery, agnosticism, atheism, false teachers posing as Christians, pleasure, self-indulgence, idol worship —the growing consuming darkness of lies and evil, of delusion and banality are what the majority of people crave, turn to, and desire.
Their actions speak volumes. Their actions shout louder than any of their words.
And when this happens, oh, by the way, have you ever read or heard anyone recently say or write how we’re all living in the words of Romans 1 ESV or Romans 1 KJV ?
The minds of the people “have been given over” to their lust, their thirst, their unquenchable desire for wickedness and denying God, refusing God and Christ, turning from the ways and Word of God.
Darkness is consuming everything.
There is a Great Falling Away.
Where is the individual revival? I hear and read so much about “we need a revival!” Yeah, no kidding. But don’t plan on having one with the current condition of the minds and spirits of the people at large as they are, and how things are going, what’s being taught in schools, what our government is embracing and promoting, and what is occurring in more and more so-called Christian churches.
Do you want things to improve morally? Spiritually? Value-wise? Righteousness-wise?
Well, it can and will only happen with sincere earnest individual revival. We can’t wait for it to happen elsewhere. We need to have it happen within each of us individually.
The Christian faith began with One, and then 12. And it grew. Why? How? By sitting around pointing fingers? Watching TV? Making everything in this fallen and corrupted world of more importance than devotion to and duty to God, to Christ, to the Holy Spirit, and to the Word of God?
Waiting on others. How’s that worked out for you over the years?
Will others save you?
Or do we need to go to the Lord individually, continually, faithfully, obediently?
Trends? Forget trends. Read, STUDY the Word of God to KNOW the how, the why, the what, and where this is all headed.
Ken Pullen
Sunday, December 19th, 2021
ACP — A Crooked Path
A New Report On America’s Religious Trends Shows Very Clearly Which Direction The U.S. Is Heading
December 15, 2021
By Michael Snyder
Reprinted from End of the American Dream
What Americans believe when it comes to matters of faith has been shifting for decades, and the latest National Public Opinion Reference Survey conducted by Pew Research Center seems to indicate that the pace of change is accelerating. Today, the percentage of Americans that identify as Christians is the lowest that it has ever been before, and the percentage of Americans that identify as “nones” is at a new all-time record high. In fact, Pew is telling us that a whopping 29 percent of all Americans now identify as “nones”…
Currently, about three-in-ten U.S. adults (29%) are religious “nones” – people who describe themselves as atheists, agnostics or “nothing in particular” when asked about their religious identity.
That number has risen 6 percentage points since 2016 and it is up a total of 10 points from a decade ago.
If you were to ask most people to name the largest religious group in the United States, most would respond by saying “Catholics” or “evangelicals”, but at this point the “nones” outnumber them both…
“If the unaffiliated were a religion, they’d be the largest religious group in the United States,” said Elizabeth Drescher, an adjunct professor at Santa Clara University who wrote a book about the spiritual lives of the nones.
The religiously unaffiliated were once concentrated in urban, coastal areas, but now live across the U.S., representing a diversity of ages, ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds, Drescher said.
Just like in Europe, a lot of the “nones” are atheists or agnostics, but there are others that are just pursuing spirituality on their own terms.
In America today, anything having to do with the occult is extremely hot, and this has helped to make “psychic services” into an industry that is worth more than two billion dollars a year…
“Psychic services,” which encompass palm and aura readings, astrology, mediating with the other side, and more, is an industry worth $2.2 billion in the US.
And Americans are also investigating the occult on social media more than ever before. It is being reported that “online mentions of the occult increased an average of 4% every week since March 2020″…
Witchcraft has risen in popularity during the pandemic, particularly on TikTok. Actually all occult practices—including astrology and tarot—have seen a big bump in interest since March of last year.
Online mentions of the occult increased an average of 4% every week since March 2020, when Covid-19 shutdowns started to sweep the nation, despite trending down in the three weeks beforehand.
Let that number sink in for a moment.
That isn’t a four percent increase for an entire year.
We are talking about an average increase of four percent every single week since March 2020.
Meanwhile, the percentage of Christians in the United States continues to go down.
According to Pew, only 63 percent of Americans identify as Christians in 2021.
That is down from 75 percent a decade ago.
Pew dug deeper into these numbers, and they found that “recent declines within Christianity are concentrated among Protestants”…
The recent declines within Christianity are concentrated among Protestants. Today, 40% of U.S. adults are Protestants, a group that is broadly defined to include nondenominational Christians and people who describe themselves as “just Christian” along with Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians and members of many other denominational families. The Protestant share of the population is down 4 percentage points over the last five years and has dropped 10 points in 10 years.
Mainline Protestant denominations have been losing members for decades, and now evangelical groups are rapidly losing people too…
Today, 24% of U.S. adults describe themselves as born-again or evangelical Protestants, down 6 percentage points since 2007. During the same period, there also has been a 6-point decline in the share of adults who are Protestant but not born-again or evangelical (from 22% to 16%).
For the very first time, the “nones” actually outnumber evangelical Christians in this country.
And last year was the very first time in our history that a majority of all Americans said that they did not belong to a church, synagogue, or mosque…
2020 was the first year on record that the majority of Americans said they did not belong to a church, synagogue, or mosque; from the 1930s to the turn of the 21st century, around 70 percent of Americans did belong to one.
Regular attendance at our houses of faith is going down too.
In fact, at this point less than a third of all U.S. adults regularly attend religious services…
Roughly three-in-ten adults in the new survey (31%) say they attend religious services at least once or twice a month, including 25% who say they attend at least once a week and 7% who attend once or twice a month. These figures are similar to 2020, when 33% reported attending religious services at least once or twice a month.
Over the years, I have written quite a few articles about these trends, but I have never seen the numbers move as quickly as they are moving now.
Older generations of Americans tend to be much more religious than younger generations of Americans. As the older generations die off, the “nones” will continue to grow and the percentage of Christians in the U.S. will continue to decline unless something really dramatic happens.
Needless to say, this is going to have enormous implications for the most hotly contested “culture war” issues of our day. Recent surveys have shown that approximately two-thirds of all Americans want to keep Roe v. Wade from being overturned, and approximately two-thirds of all Americans now support gay marriage. As older Americans die off, those polling numbers are likely to become even more lopsided.
Much of Europe has already moved into a “post-Christian era”, and the United States is headed down that same path.
But if we completely abandon the Christian faith of our founders, will America be able to survive?
For most of our history, the Christian faith has been one of our defining characteristics.
Now we are rapidly becoming something else, and many are deeply concerned about what that could mean for the future of our society.
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