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For the truth’s sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever.

2 John 1:2 — King James Version


because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever:

2 John 1:2 — New International Version


because of the Truth which remains united with us and will be with us forever:

2 John 1:2 — Complete Jewish Bible


Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary


2 John1:1-3 Religion turns compliments into real expressions of respect and love. And old disciple is honourable; an old apostle and leader of disciples is more so. The letter is to a noble Christian matron, and her children; it is well that the gospel should get among such: some noble persons are called. Families are to be encouraged and directed in their love and duties at home. Those who love truth and piety in themselves, should love it in others; and the Christians loved this lady, not for her rank, but for her holiness. And where religion truly dwells, it will abide for ever. From the Divine Persons of the Godhead, the apostle craves grace, Divine favour, and good-will, the spring of all good things. It is grace indeed that any spiritual blessing should be given to sinful mortals. Mercy, free pardon, and forgiveness; for those already rich in grace, need continual forgiveness. Peace, quietness of spirit, and a clear conscience, in assured reconciliation with God, together with all outward prosperity that is really for good: these are desired in truth and love.


Thoughts on Today’s Verse

by Elizabeth Haworth


John is often called, ‘the apostle of love’, and here he expressed his Christian love in a short letter to the ‘elect lady’ and her children, because they were all born of the Spirit; children of God; one with the Lord; positioned in Christ and part of His Body – which is the Church. John rejoiced.. because like him they were accepted in the Beloved; indwelt by the Holy Sprit; seated in heavenly places and walking in spirit and truth.

John rejoiced because the truth of the glorious gospel of grace abode and remained and rested in the heart of this precious sister in Christ and her family, (as it does in all who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ) and John gave additional assurance that this gospel truth would remain with them all forever.

But John was also an apostle that held fast to the unchanging and unchangeable truth of God’s word and the love that he expressed for this woman, and all who would read this short epistle, is one of godly concern that none of us stray from the truth of God’s word – together with a reassurance that that the word of truth, which abides in us will be with us through time and into eternity.

We are called on many occasions to love others as Christ loved us, and the aging apostle John demonstrated deep love for all believers by speaking to them often of the gospel of Christ; encouraging them in their Christian walk; reminding them to hold fast that that which is good and warning them ofagainst straying from the truth of the gospel of Christ.

John knew that shorty before Christ’s crucifixion the Lord Jesus reminded them that He is the only Way and the only Truth and the only Life and that the Holy Spirit of truth, Who indwells all believers has promised to guide us into all truth. John also knew that the sum of God’s Word is truth and His truth stands fast forever and ever.. and John knew that that God has placed His Word above His holy name and so John could boldly proclaim to this sister in Christ: I love all of you in the truth–and not only I, but also all who have come to know the truth– because of the truth that remains in us and will be with us forever.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You for the truth of Your Word and the Holy Spirit of truth Who lives in my heart. Thank You for Your promise that He will guide each one of us into all truth. Help me to walk in spirit and truth and to love Your Word of truth. Give me discernment I pray to recognize those that we seek to distort or change the truth of the gospel – or who add or subtract from the truth of Your Word. Thank You that I am in Christ and He in me – and I pray that I will rest in His love and abide in Him, from this day forward and for evermore, in Jesus name I pray, AMEN

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