College, University Auditorium




Don’t ever become ill or in need of a doctor in Canada…

I thank the Lord, daily, nightly, that I was born in America, and am an American.

For any and all our shortcomings, failures, and evil ways turned from God there still is no nation on earth like America. And we do have great evil in our land, deep within many people. When I pray and give thanks to the Lord for so greatly blessing me to have been born in America, while thanking and blessing Him for His Great Sacrifice offering forgiveness of my sin, the only Way to Salvation.

Do you give daily, nightly thanks to the Lord for being so richly blessed? And not due to an election outcome, when things appear to be going your way?

We all, no matter where we reside, give thanks to the Lord in ALL THINGS.

I’m just very thankful I am not a Canadian, living in Canada…

Are they ever messed up and mired deeply in utter darkness serving Satan, the demonic powers openly and more and more and more!

Besides the information in the following article, which is enough, Canada has quickly become the euthanasia capital of the world, giving the Netherlands a run for the percentage of murders of human beings made lawful by the wickedness of men and women in worldly governments.

British MPs Share ‘Horror Stories’ From Canada To Warn The UK Against Legalizing Euthanasia – Harbinger’s Daily

In-Depth: Darwin, Nazi Germany, And Canada — The Champions Of ‘Sanctioned Homicide’ – Harbinger’s Daily

Canada is moving ever closer to euthanasia-on-demand without exceptions

Not Only a Canadian Thing: Disabled Canadians encouraged towards euthanasia

Canada reports meteoric rise in euthanasia deaths

Euthanasia in Quebec “no longer exceptional but commonplace”

Still don’t think Satan and his ministers, and minions are harder at their evil workings than ever knowing the days of their lying, misleading, ensnaring people to eternal damnation are short?

The world reels from the evil at hand. God’s Word tells us all of creation groans as a result of our sin. That would make one think, believe, and then act — if truly concerned about creation as so many claim they are — to turn to the Lord, to repent of their sin, to submit to the Lord and have Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach as Lord of their life don’t you think?

Ahh…the hypocrites!

Ahh…the deceived!

Ahh…the slave owner that Satan is!

As, if, a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ help break the chains of bondage of those by being a light unto the world and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ without fear, without fear of rejection or persecution for there is nothing more important on earth than for a lost person to become saved by their repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Oh, and just don’t ever become ill or in need of a doctor in Canada — odds are you’ll be misdiagnosed and told your life isn’t worth living and that you need to be euthanized!

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Friday, November 15th, 2024


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