There may be some confusion as to why much of the material on ACP appears. I’m not a charismatic, I’m not a Dominion theology it’s time for the church to reign, nor do I need a supernatural sign as most folks seem interested in and are demanding, or at least requiring kind of guy. The signs and wonders are not hailstones and fire falling from the sky and one-third of all life on earth perishing, boils and famines breaking out and the people that remain cursing the very God they have always denied as they worship Satan — that will come at some period in the Great Tribulation when I won’t be here, and neither will you, sister, brother in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. No, what appears in this place are threads. Woven into a fabric. Hopefully, showing a bit of the design, the shape of things as they are, have been and will be. All according to Bible prophecy.

Just laying out current events which are amazing signs and wonders in and of themselves.

Election outcomes — without getting out of whack and nuts as a result, not making this the time the church will reign, not making those who were voted into office idols, gods, or saviors. They are merely instruments that can be used for good in God’s plan, or even used for evil while imagining it’s all for good. Imagine that.

The Middle East — which is the center of the world and where all the geographical and majority of the political attention ought to be directed while keeping a keen eye on Iran, Europe, Asia, Russia, China, and of course, America. Sorry, Canada, Guam, Bolivia, and Iceland, but while you’re important and those living in those places are made in God’s image and need the Lord just as every person everywhere does, it is Israel, it is Israel, it is Israel and all those that surround her, and those who turn against her, and those who were once her ally and then forsake her that is of key interest, the main focus. To pay keen attention to. Especially the falling away Church in the West, the rise of false teachers and their unsound doctrines attracting many [the itching ears!] — and ISRAEL. Always ISRAEL. Pay close attention to Israel and how the nations and people of the world respond to her.


Do you know what the most important event to occur yet is? Before the Rapture? No, it isn’t the Gog Magog War. It wasn’t Donald Trump getting elected. It isn’t what you might get for Christmas.

Know the most important event that is to happen yet? And it won’t be realized when it happens?

When the last Gentile and the last Jew in this Church Age repent, turn from their sin, and receive the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach as Lord and Savior. THAT is THEE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT, the GREATEST WONDER that is to occur prior to the Rapture. And who among all the church experts, those with popular podcasts, websites, mega-churches, best selling books among Christians and Messianic Jews is speaking, or writing that? It’s all Iran, Gog Magog, Russia, Donald Trump, this and that.

I’ve mentioned this to believers and almost every one of them peers back at me with expressions on their faces giving evidence they haven’t thought of that. Hummm…why not? Why is a political election in America more important? Or making sure that your church has 27 activities and endless meetings and committees going on giving a sense of doing something. Oh my! Weren’t you supposed to bring the donuts? Now the whole meeting is ruined! Just like a corporation. Like that office building down the street. Not much different than what they do at McDonald’s really. Certainly not much compared to Acts, or the early churches. Placing God and Jesus first. How can God and Jesus be first when squabbles break out about NOT having Santa Claus at the annual Christmas event? Which happens in professed Christian churches.

Yes, it does. And worse.

The very last Gentile or Jew to give their heart and mind, themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua, for what He did for them…

Imagine that. Isn’t THAT what it’s all about? O did I misinterpret the ending of Matthew 28 and what was taking place in Acts, and what the apostles teach us, which is only repeating and reinforcing what Jesus, God Himself teaches?

Easily caught up in the whirlwind. So highly educated. Acclaimed. Adored. Watched. Listened to. And most of the talk doesn’t focus on what the most important event in world history will be prior to the Raprure — the LAST INDIVIDUAL BEING BORN AGAIN!

Most need a good eye/heart/spirit/mind exam!

I just had my annual major eye exam yesterday.

Most gravitate to and follow and listen to the popular. Just as they did when in high school. Not much changes does it?

Events happen quickly. Just pause. Sit still. And do a mental rewind of the past year. For crying out loud sit still, pause, and do a mental rewind of the past two months!

Who knows…that one remaining individual somewhere on earth, Jew or Gentile could be so, so close to being changed from within by the Holy Spirit of God by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. And then? Then, see ya’all I’m outta here! As I hope you are as well.

Events press upon the spirit indicating the time is close for the remainder of Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. For the Rapture to occur. At any time. Oh, it may be some years away yet, a few, a couple, perhaps tonight, or tomorrow, or perhaps 8, 10 years from now, no putting a time on it but — all of which is SOON compared to the timeline of world history, thus how much world history as it has been know remains.

Oh, it’s all in the Bible if unaware, unbelieving, and desiring to know past, PRESENT, and FUTURE history. All have been 100% accurate, spot on to date.

No, this isn’t the mumbo jumbo place. The I need a sign, I need a miracle, I need to see some massive revival, demand a revival, oh boy look at the election outcome now the church and Christians are going to reign in America!

No, read the Holy Bible.

Be keen diligent sober circumspect sound doctrine sound minds watchmen and watchwomen on the wall. It isn’t about feelings. Emotions. About high volume. All the signs and wonders are visible, and audible daily.

Don’t expect something out of a computer-generated Hollywood failed so-called blockbuster film.

Read, study, pray in and over and with, meditate — think deeply on what is read — within the Holy Bible, which is ALL OF GOD’S WORDS to us from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. Every word. Within the Holy Bible for a reason. With one-third of God’s Word prophecy.

Not to scare. To equip. To inform. To make ready. To understand and therefore out of love having been a lost sinner once condemned to eternal damnation until coming to harken to the hearing of the Lord’s voice, “Come…” and that time not ignoring but going to Him, to understand this and out of such overflowing thankfulness and joy of being forgiven, being saved, be given the gift of eternal life and salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ…you now want to take the message of salvation to others who are still in darkness as we once were, those who still are the walking dead in their sin.

And we want to take the words of Jesus, the Word of God to those as we once were as we see the signs, we understand the times, and we don’t want to see anyone fail to hear the gospel, to repent of their sin, to take hold of the Lord Jesus as Savior and Lord of their life going from eternal death to eternal life.

That’s what it’s all about.

That’s what articles found here about what is taking place in Europe, with the U.N., in the Middle East, with Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump, current events in America, and the U.K., and on and on — what it all is about is the spiritual war taking place that everyone is engaged in. And showing the battle strategies, and the outcomes of certain battles. Troop movements. Advancements of The Enemy. Victories of the Lord.

Even though it might not appear so here at times, it’s about balance. Perspective. Love. Hope. And to shed light, hopefully in the sea of darkness and noise. At least that’s my hope and objective. I fail frequently. Don’t we all? Not an excuse to fail or put in a half effort, or not to care — just a fact of being in this flesh and finite and lacking. Which we all are. Even if we refuse to acknowledge that truth.

The church isn’t going to save America. Or the world. Can we please cease and desist from that errant thinking?

Why most pastors and most churches aren’t ever preaching, teaching, or learning about Bible prophecy. Why they aren’t even being taught the Word of God. It’s show up and be entertained. Be made to feel good. Get your weekly gold attendance star, keep busy with your church’s activities and babel, and pat yourself on the back for being a good Christian. So, so, so busy! More about your particular church than anything else. At least anything of spiritual growth and maturity in Christ. Busy work. Ego driven. None of which is in the Holy Bible as to what, how, and who a Christ follower, or a preacher, pastor, or minister ought to be. Or a person gathering with fellow believers in the Lord Jesus Christ for edification and instruction in the Word.

A lot of empty calorie meals are being served up and eaten. Snack food. Handing out skimmed milk, no meat, too many pouring out not only watered down milk but mixing deadly toxins in with it. A feel-good drink. From the beverage dispenser standing on the pulpit. And the crowds drink it all in, drink it all down.

Read the Holy Bible about the last of the last times.

Deluded and lost if believing or manipulating the Word of God to come up with the false teaching that the church will reign, will bring about the kingdom of God on earth which will then bring Jesus back again.

Yes, Christians are neglecting Bible prophecy. They also neglect reading, studying, and meditating daily on the Word of God. They are neglecting sound teaching and requiring, demanding pastors to know it, preach it, teach it, and believe it. Which far too many are clearly either unwilling or incapable of doing in these times. Which is Biblical. Itching ears. The great falling away. The rise of false teachers and the apostasy. Stop making excuses for poor, bad, or downright false teaching pastors. Stop going to their churches.

Yes, far too many Christians neglect Bible prophecy. As well as spiritually directed prayer. How many people offering up prayers to your ears are praying that God’s will be done on earth, as in heaven? Thankful for anything and everything that comes? Without all the self feel good making demands upon God rather than humbly coming before Him and attempting to understand Who it is we’re praying to?

Wake up. Get BALANCED. Breath. Be still [See Psalm 46:10]. Get perspective. Pause to truly see. Listen to all the noise. To truly hear. It isn’t about the quantity of how much you can cram into your day, into your mind as to what’s happening just as it isn’t about quantity — how many rear ends are warming up the pews or chairs in a church — it’s about the QUALITY of the words from the pulpits, from the voices and songs of worship to the Lord, not in how many activities, events, bake sales, car washes, basketball games, and on and on and on until needing a barf bag from ingesting too much unhealthy foods and neglecting the good meat. The balanced diet. Which is the PURE WORD. Devoid of human ego and desire. Human effort.

Find a place of silence and listen to the Lord speak rather than all the other voices going on.

What’s better? To have a church with 1,000 or 500 and 98% of them merely show up and are lax, immature, and not on fire with and for the Lord? Or to have a body of believers, say 30, showing up and 98 % of them are mature in the faith, on fire for and with the Lord?

It ain’t about the numbers folks. Unless reading the book of Numbers. Or doing your taxes. Or how many steps you’re taking each day. [More importantly how many steps are we taking walking alongside the Lord, and His Word, rather than imagining we’re leading the Lord along in our lives, telling ourselves we’re doing the Lord’s work while following the words of others, or our own words?].

You know what America is and it’s a huge error in thinking and living things out? Go to a county fair sometime. He or she who has the largest zucchini, the biggest pumpkin wins. When in reality it is the small and tender, the hardly noticed, the ones that would vanish in the shadow of the woody, dry, mealy, inedible behemoths that are the most delicious and nutritious. No different with people. The Word of God. Each meal being ingested in far too many churches leaves those gathered hungry and exiting the building still wanting and malnourished, filled with empty calories. Feel good messages, passive, messages, safe canned well rehearsed, and rehashed messages are like living on potato chips, cheeseburgers, and regular Coke. Park the late-1950s 22-foot long big finned shiny pink Cadillac in the garage [which is what many churches have become, or aspire to along with having a rock band on stage every Sunday to perform a show for the people rather than fill their wanting hearts with the pure Word of God and true worship of He Who took all He did to save undeserving wretches as we truly are] and start walking towards the Lord one step at a time. With the music of heaven in your heart, mind, and spirit, on your tongue.

Know one thing I’ve learned in my almost 72 years of life? When I push for something too much the further it is from my grasp, from reality. When I am calm, not obsessing, not dwelling on it, not pushing, not allowing it to dominate my thoughts, when I place my trust in the Lord? It then comes closer to me.

Interesting isn’t it?

Time to get things right.

Time to get right with the Lord.


For there might not be another day coming along giving the opportunity.

Okay, probably too many words. once again. For a preface.

Yeah, Bible prophecy is of the utmost importance. Be keenly aware of it, shall we? Without all the emotions, yelling, false teachings, unsound doctrines, and beware because some signs and wonders you may desire and be moved by are likely to be coming from a source, not of God. Especially in these last of the last times.

See, I eventually circle back and land things without jostling the passengers too badly. I eventually get the landing gear in the fixed position…

Forgive any errors in this. I just sat down. Wailed upon the keyboard kind of like Jerry Lee Lewis playing piano and didn’t stop once I began. And then I hit the PUBLISH button.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Thursday, December 19th, 2024



What Christians Lose By Neglecting Bible Prophecy


December 16, 2024

By Breanna Claussen

Reprinted from Harbinger’s Daily


With all that is taking place in the world, it is hard to imagine why so many in the church choose to distance themselves from Biblical prophecy. Numerous pulpits consider over one-third of God’s Holy Word (the amount containing prophecy) as a matter of secondary importance or even have categorized these portions as trivial points of contention for the body of Christ.

There are several things that we are instructed not to allow to become a point of division (Colossians 2:16-23, 1 Corinthians 1, etc.), but rightly dividing Bible Prophecy is not on this list. There is a purpose God had in providing us with an understanding of the future in His Word, and a great deal is lost for Christians when they disregard or misconstrue these areas of the Bible.

The first thing sacrificed with indifference to Bible prophecy is a full grasp of God’s redemptive plan. Knowing the full picture—the beginning and the end—provides us with a complete understanding of God’s promises for the nation of Israel, the role and rewards of the church in eternity, and the gravity of our own salvation.

The book of Genesis provides an in-depth knowledge of the fall of man and how sin and death entered the picture. Bible prophecy details the events that will befall the world in the future and how Jesus, at His coming, will spiritually restore Israel, establish His kingdom on the earth, and bring an end to deception, lawlessness, and war. After His 1,000-year reign, we see the creation of a new heaven and earth, where suffering, sin, and death are forever exterminated. Without this understanding of the beginning and the end, all we see is an unbelieving Israel, a church in the crosshairs, a world increasingly trapped in the clutches of wickedness, and no end in sight.

The second aspect sacrificed with indifference to Bible prophecy is blessings and rewards. The Book of Revelation is the only book in the canon of Scripture that promises a blessing to those “that read, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand” (Revelation 1:3).

The Apostle Paul further reveals that a “crown of righteousness” is explicitly given to “all them that love His appearing” (2 Timothy 4:8). All who long for the return of our Savior, Jesus Christ, will be given this marvelous reward. Those who reject Biblical prophecy will sadly forfeit this crown.

The third loss for those indifferent to Bible prophecy is the assurance of our “Blessed Hope” and the understanding of Jesus’ resurrection. One day, the trumpet will sound. Believers, both living and dead, will be caught up (raptured) to heaven, sparing us the wrath of God to come on the earth and bringing us to be with the Lord for eternity. It is because Jesus rose from the grave that the church is raised imperishable on this glorious day, and “we shall be like Him,” given a glorified body (1 John 3:2Philippians 3:211 Corinthians 15:52). When we belittle the rapture of the church, are we not also doing the same to the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

The fourth consequence of indifference to Bible prophecy is failing to follow the commands of Jesus. At His first coming, Christ rebuked the Pharisees for neglecting to understand the times in which they lived (Matthew 16:3). They should have recognized that they were living in the time of His coming, just as Christians today should discern the season of His return.

When Jesus was asked about the signs of His coming, He gave a list of things that would be witnessed during these times. Jesus concluded by saying, “Watch, therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come” (Matthew 24). While we do not know the precise timing, we are called to recognize the season of His return (1 Thessalonians 5).

The fifth error in being indifferent to Bible prophecy is missing out on the incredible witnessing tool it provides. After the death and resurrection of Christ, the apostles went out into the world with a message: the saving Gospel. How did they share this “good news?” By showcasing how Bible Prophecy had been fulfilled by Jesus Christ. For many Jews, this proved that Christ was their promised Messiah. For the Gentile world, it served as evidence that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was the one true God, and Jesus was His beloved son.

In John 14:29, Jesus tells us the purpose of prophecy: “I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe.” As we see prophecy from the Bible coming to life before our eyes, Christians today possess this same powerful witnessing tool if they would only take hold and use it.

If the above is not enough to compel Christians to treat Bible prophecy of the utmost importance, consider this last point: Scripture tells us that “Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10). How, then, can members of the body of Christ reject part of their Savior?