Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (left) greets Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah in Iran, October 2019. (Iran News Agency)
I agree. 100%. Not that my opinion matters in this, but I am praying daily that God’s will be done on earth, as it is in heaven, His kingdom come. And just as throughout time God has protected Israel, restored Israel, rebirthed Israel, strengthened Israel, blessed Israel greatly.
The people of Israel need to continue to repent and draw close to the Lord their God, my God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God of every gentile believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. The God of every Jew.
Iran is the point of evil at this time. An avowed, vehement, raging, blind in its hatred of Israel and Jews desiring to murder all Jews and remove Israel from history, from the map.
God will not let this happen.
And I’m hoping that Mr. Netanyahu and the Israeli defense ministry stop waiting for the corrupt, evil, aiding and abetting the enemy of Israel and America, Biden/Harris administration to give them permission to proceed in removing every threat to Israel and the Israeli people. Enough already where Israel and Mr. Netanyahu have to wait for American approval to defend themselves and remove their greatest enemies weapons and forces created for the sole purpose of destroying Israel. Murdering Jews.
Mr. Netanyahu, don’t wait until the U.S. elections, don’t wait for Biden or Harris to give you the okay to defend your nation and its people.
Do what you need to now to remove your enemies and protect your country and its people.
Remove Iran’s nuclear capabilities and threat before they use what they have been building for years — a nuclear weapons arsenal — NOT building all those nuclear facilities to generate electricity as the fool, the enemy of America, Barack Hussein Obama and Joespeh Robinette Biden, Jr. proclaimed time and time again. As America in the Obama/Biden administration, and the Biden/Harris administration have through sending pallets of U.S. dollars on American transports, removing sanctions on Iranian oil, and unfreezing Iranian assets have contributed an estimated $190,000,000,000 to over $200,000,000,000 to Iran. Money not going into helping the people of Iran. Money that went into Iran’s own Mahatten Project to build a successful nuclear bomb — bombs. To equip their ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads.
Yes, by all means, Mr. Netanyahu and the IDF, IAF, the people of Israel proceed as soon as possible to remove Iran’s nuclear weapons threat and their oil reserves and refineries.
God’s people must take action and prevail against evil and those who directly serve Satan. And Iran is deominc within its government and they are evil, thus serving Satan.
Let’s stop pussyfootin’ around and playing Pattycake aleady.
Evil is not subdued by talking it into submission or death.
Evil only knows one thing. The strength and actions of the people of God resisting and fighting back. As strongly as possible.
I’m a Christ following, whole Bible beleiving, faithful servant of Jesus American man that will always stand with and support Israel. In case that hasn’t come across yet.
And if anyone out there has direct connections to Mr. Netanyahu, pass this along to him.
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Monday, October 7th, 2024
Israelis Believe Now is the Time to Attack Iranian Nukes
Sixty-two percent of the public thinks Israel should capitalize on recent strikes on Hezbollah to attack Iran before US elections, poll indicates.
September 30, 2024
By Caroline B. Glick, JNS
Reprinted from United With Israel & Jewish News Syndicate
Israelis are almost unanimous in their support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision not to coordinate the airstrike that targeted Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah with the Biden administration in advance of its commission, a new JNS poll conducted by Direct Polls show.
JNS asked, “According to reports, Israel did not coordinate with the United States in advance of it carrying out its operation to assassinate Hassan Nasrallah. Do you think it was the right decision or the wrong decision?
Eighty-three percent of respondents responded that it was the right decision. Nine percent felt it was the wrong decision. Eight percent did not know.
For the past several decades, Hezbollah ground forces and missile arsenal in Lebanon have deterred Israel from attacking Iran. Fearing that Iran would order Hezbollah to attack Israel with daily barrages of thousands of missiles and order its ground forces to invade the Galilee, Israel delayed acting directly against Iran’s nuclear and missile installations.
JNS asked the public whether Israel should now seize the momentum it has gained through its recent strikes on Hezbollah to attack Iran before the U.S. elections. Sixty-two percent of the public answered affirmatively. Twenty-six percent said that Israel should abstain from using its momentum to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities ahead of the U.S. elections. Twelve percent said they did not know.
Finally, JNS asked which candidate for U.S. president Israelis believe will be more sympathetic to Israel’s interests. Sixty-five percent of respondents said Republican candidate Donald Trump would be more sympathetic to Israel’s interests. Just 13% of Israelis believe that Democratic candidate Kamala Harris would be more supportive of Israel. Fifteen percent of respondents said that both would be equally sympathetic to Israeli interests and 7% said neither would be sympathetic to Israel’s interests.
The results of the JNS poll align with results of one commissioned by Channel 14 and conducted last week by Direct Polls. That survey, carried out the day before Israel’s elimination of Nasrallah, asked the public whether they believed that the U.S. has weakened or strengthened Israel in its struggle to remove military threats to its national security from the south and the north of the country.
Fifty-seven percent of respondents said the U.S. has weakened Israel. Thirty-five percent responded that the U.S. has strengthened Israel. Eight percent didn’t know.
The thrust of both polls indicate that Israelis believe that the Biden administration does not share or support Israel’s war goals and are concerned that the administration will use the lame-duck period
between the Nov. 5 presidential election and the inauguration of the next president on Jan. 20, 2025, to undermine Israel’s capacity to win the war.
Direct Polls questioned a sample of 520 adults (aged 18 and older) representing Israel’s general population.
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