Isn’t it funny, and not in a ha, ha, ha laughing way?
© Credit: Johnny Guatto/University of Toronto
Isn’t it funny, and not in a ha, ha, ha laughing bringing tears to the eyes way that the very people who proclaim they only want things that are authentic, genuine, nothing artificial embrace and are so enraptured with artificial intelligence and any and every technology that comes along?
“We have no experience with what it’s like to have things smarter than us,”
~ Geoffrey Hinton, one of the primary inventors of AI
It is clear from Mr. Hinton’s words that he is not literate, fluent, or believing in the Word of God, perhaps not even believing in the God of the Holy Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
God is real. VERY REAL. Just pause to look around. Take it all in. And God cannot learn anything, be taught anything as He — and this includes the Individuals of the Triune God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit — cannot be taught or learn anything since They know all things. They are beyond learning, what we can feebly perceive as intelligence, wisdom, and BEING SMART.
Yes, Mr. Hinton, and everyone else walking about, bumping about in darkness, in fear, in doubt, in ignorance there is a God, Lord Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit smarter than any of us — thank the Lord for that! — it’s just so tragic all the so-called smart folks, enlightened ones on earth presently are in truth so dense, so lost, so utterly ignorant refusing to use the minds, the hearts, the spirits given to them by God!
And if all this, if people are so good why is the world as it is and fears raised about the eventual outcome of inventing AI?
As in all things — while men and women place their hopes and desires on the good that can come, erringly believing, deluded, that people are inherently good and there is so much good nature in people that it will win out — as in everything evil creeps in. And takes over. Because the truth is, the reality is to those living lives of delusion, dazed and confused, residing in some make-believe land they have created in their own minds evil is consuming this world and its people.
By their own submission to it rather than seeing, hearing, and submitting to God. Submitting to Jesus. Submitting to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible — all of it. The whole Word.
Funny, how those demanding authenticity, the real thing, genuineness are so full of darkness and dung, lies and delusion as they follow and serve the delusion leading them over the precipice into the depths of hell unless they finally do seek what is truly authentic, genuine, real and true — God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, repentance, being born anew changed of heart and mind, changed from within by the Authentic, the Genuine, the Real, the True!
If you’re here and not long ago came across my writing, saying I am working on a piece titled AIntichrist, I have not forgotten about that piece. It is coming in the future.
Just as the Antichrist and his false prophet are, just as every word within the Word of God is being fulfilled. And AI will be one of the great tools, devices used by the Antichrist and his false prophet to deceive, enslave, to keep from the truth and eternal life as a discerning wisely, repentant, aware, born again Christ follower. It is going to take incredible strength, discipline, and resolve to be one left behind on earth after the Church is raptured and taken to the Lord Jesus Christ prior to the advent of the Great Seven-Year Tribulation.
Going to wait things out unbeliever?
Worry, fear, be filled with anxiety professed believer?
Lose focus?
Lose faith?
When none of that is necessary.
If you think it’s difficult now and can’t get any worse just wait. Just watch. Just listen. Just learn.
But you know what? God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the REAL TRUE GOOD, righteousness, and God’s people, those who have kept the true faith, be obedient and faithful servants to the Lord WIN in the end.
No matter what man may invent, believe, or bring into this fallen world as the solution.
Faith in the Lord, a repentant heart and life, a faithful life in Jesus Christ is THE ONLY SOLUTION.
But read on…
Ken Pullen, Tuesday, October 8th, 2024
‘Godfather of AI’ wins Nobel Prize for work he fears threatens humanity
Geoffrey Hinton, one of the so-called ‘Godfathers of AI’ has won a Nobel Prize for pioneering the very same technology he fears could result in the “end of people.” Hinton and fellow AI researcher John J. Hopfield were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics on Tuesday for their crucial early work on artificial neural networks, […]
October 8, 2024
By Mack DeGeurin
Reprinted from Popular Science
Geoffrey Hinton, one of the so-called ‘Godfathers of AI’ has won a Nobel Prize for pioneering the very same technology he fears could result in the “end of people.” Hinton and fellow AI researcher John J. Hopfield were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics on Tuesday for their crucial early work on artificial neural networks, which have since formed the foundation for powerful AI models developed by Google, OpenAI, and others. The pair’s work, which draws on inspiration from the human brain’s architecture, paved the way for advancements in machine learning used in everything from fraud detection to driverless vehicles. In Hinton’s view, the tech he helped pioneer may also pose a profound risk to human safety.
Early AI researchers looked to the human brain for inspiration
Hopfield and Hinton are credited with advancing the study of neural networks in the 1970s and ‘80s during a time when it was still unclear that the field would mature into the behemoth it is today. Hopfield is known for combining findings from psychics, biology, and neuroscience to create a network—the “Hopfield network”—capable of saving and recreating patterns from data. Hinton later built off of this to create his own network called the Boltzmann machine which can identify patterns in large masses of data. Together, these advancements were crucial first steps to eventually creating machines capable of classifying images. That, in turn, would be used in more modern AI models to rapidly learn from images and patterns stored on vast datasets.
The award further highlights the growing parallels and interconnectedness between psychics and computer science. Neural networks, which draw inspiration from how the human brain uses neurons to take in new information, have since gone on to form the underlying technological basis for large language models like ChatGPT, as well as image recognition models used in everything from cancer screening to facial recognition. Hinton and several of his colleagues previously received the Turing Award for their work on neural networks.
In a statement describing its decision, the Nobel committee credited Hopfield and Hinton’s work introducing new “way[s] for us to use computers” to solve challenging societal questions.
“Thanks to their work humanity now has a new item in its toolbox, which we can choose to use for good purposes,” the Nobel Committee wrote on X, the social media platform formerly called Twitter. “Machine learning based on artificial neural networks is currently revolutionising science, engineering and daily life.”
Hinton, who has previously referred to modern AI tech as an “existential threat” to humanity, appeared surprised by the Royal Swedish Academy of Science’s decision speaking with The Washington Post Tuesday morning.
“I’m in a cheap hotel in California which doesn’t have a good internet or phone connection. I was going to get an MRI scan today, but I think I’ll have to cancel that,” Hinton said. He went on to voice caution around future AI development, though his tone was markedly less pessimistic than some of his previous statements.
“It’s going to be wonderful in many respects,” Hinton told the Post, “It’ll mean huge improvements in productivity. But we also have to worry about a number of possible bad consequences … I am worried that the overall consequence of this might be systems more intelligent than us that eventually take control.”
“We have no experience with what it’s like to have things smarter than us,” he added.
Hinton left Google to speak freely about his AI fears
Google approached Hinton in 2012 after he and several colleagues achieved a breakthrough in neural network programming. Hinton joined the company as a researcher and vice president and worked to advance their AI efforts. The technology progressed much faster than Hinton was expecting. In previous reports, Hinton said he thought the types of text outputs generated by ChatGPT and other large language models in recent years would not have been possible in his lifetime. The researcher became increasingly uncomfortable with the speed of AI’s development, leading him to resign from Google last year so he could criticize the industry more freely.
After leaving Google, Hinton joined a chorus of alarmed researchers and technologists who believe the tech industry’s rapid rush to create more powerful AI models could have harmful societal side effects. Although he’s since tempered his language in recent statements, Hinton previously expressed concerns that an unchecked AI model could, somehow, “take over” humanity. Those fears caused the researcher, known by many in the industry as a “Godfather” of AI, to reportedly regret much of his life’s work.
“The idea that this stuff could actually get smarter than people—a few people believed that,” Hinton said during a 2023 interview with The New York Times. “But most people thought it was way off. And I thought it was way off. I thought it was 30 to 50 years or even longer away. Obviously, I no longer think that.”
Hinton’s new Nobel Prize may further complicate the researcher’s already strained relationship with his legacy.
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