Oxford University Professor of Mathematics, John Lennox
Everyone happening upon this page ought to pause. Understand the importance of listening and watching the following. Pondering it. Taking the time. And then? Then send this on to folks that you know. And what if finding yourself here and not believing there is God the Creator, God of the Jewish and Christian Bible? God the Father of Jesus, Jesus Who came to earth fully truly God while taking on the form of fully truly a man?
Well, then, you certainly need to pause and listen and watch. Because there isn’t anything more important you could possibly do right now.
Watch on…listen on…
Ken Pullen, Friday, December 6th, 2024
God DOES Exist
Professor John Lennox
Oxford University
December 21, 2012
Professor John Lennox gives his argument for the existence of God.
Professor John Lennox begins by declaring himself as a believer in God. He says he’s not ashamed of being both a scientist and a Christian but is tired of the constant choice being put forth to choose either God or Science. The motivating force behind science is that the universe and the human mind ultimately stem from the same intelligent divine mind.
He goes on to say that science can find answers to almost everything in the universe apart from why it was made; only god can reveal that piece of information to us. The proof for the existence of god comes in the form of Jesus Christ, God in human form. Therefore god isn’t a theory he’s a person. Filmed on Thursday 8th November 2012
ABOUT PROFESSOR JOHN LENNOX: Professor of Mathematics & Philosophy at Oxford.
ABOUT THE OXFORD UNION SOCIETY: The Union is the world’s most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. It has been established for 189 years, aiming to promote debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe.
Link to the video for anyone unable to open it by clicking on the image.
Science Can’t Solve This! — John Lennox with Eric Metaxas
Morality, Mortality, God and the Void — John Lennox
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