Germany latest country to give chilling WW3 warning telling civilians to prepare for global apocalypse




I don’t include anything here to bring fear. Confusion. Anxiety. The opposite is the intent. To post world events unfolding so rapidly most cannot be kept up with or contained in one place, one space revealing the accuracy of God’s Word.

To the believer, first, for comfort and joy. Incredible as that may sound to the unbelieving mind, or even to many believing minds.

Dear brother, sister in the faith of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Do not fear. Anything. God has you, God has us. No matter what may come. Do not fear nor be troubled in any way. Hope, faith, joy in the Lord always in all things. Yes, all things.

To anyone not knowing the experience of being truly born again, well, what is posted in this place is done for the same reason — to publish some world events, hardly a complete catalog, but enough to show if having any interest and paying attention — that everything in the inerrant infallible unchangeable eternal living and active Word of God is unfolding. Rapidly. So, it would behoove not only the immature believer who doesn’t pick up a Bible daily, nightly to read, study, and meditate upon — think deeply on what is read filling the heart with God’s Word — it is imperative for believer and unbeliever to turn to God, turn to God’s Word continually. For guidance, hope, strength, discernment, and wisdom in these times which are the last of the last days of this earth as it has been known.

Because great and amazing things have happened, are swiftly happening, and the most amazing are yet to come.

Dismissal of this truth is to disengage one’s heart and mind and succumb to the wiles of the devil deluding the individual and making one numb and dead inside.

There is no place in this world to hide.

Denial and delusion are a mist, an illusion, a horrific pursuit.

There is only one place to live, to find life — in the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ.

You reach that comforting place to abide by going to His Word. Now. Believing. Living each day forth accordingly.

Oh, one last thing. Why is it that everyone thinks World War III automatically involves a massive world-ending nuclear war? Why is that the knee-jerk reaction?

Do you not know the first inherent trait of every man, woman, child, and living thing is to survive?

How about instead of jumping to conclusions that have not and likely will not unfold we all just live today? For tomorrow hold more than enough troubles as the Word of God tells us well and true.

Take a deep breath. Find a quiet place with the Holy Bible in hand prepared to open, read, believe, eat, and drink of for the nourishment we all need. We are given today. What sense is there in attempting to somehow live in the future, which is impossible? We’re given today. This very breath. One at a time. Live in today without fear trusting in the Lord.

Why? Because God is in control. Keep that truth in mind as the world breaks down, melts into utter chaos and confusion and panic. God is in control. His Word is unfolding with each jot, tittle, and word. Do not fear.

Unless unbelieving. Then do what is necessary to ally those fears.

He is called Jesus. What a beautiful name...

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Wednesday, November 20th, 2024



Germany latest country to give chilling WW3 warning telling civilians to prepare for global apocalypse


November 20, 2024

By Tim Hanlon

Reprinted from The Mirror U.S.


Germans have been warned to ready themselves for possible WW3 with Russia after Vladimir Putin again threatened a nuclear strike.

Tensions were further cranked up after U.S. President Joe Biden gave permission for Ukraine to use long range missiles for attacks in Russia and Moscow has since said they have been used to hit a weapons warehouse in the Bryansk region.

Vladimir Putin said in September that if Western countries allow Ukraine to strike deep inside Russia with their longer-rage weapons, “it will mean that NATO countries, the U.S., European countries are at war with Russia.”

And now German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius said that Russia poses not just a military but also a hybrid threat, and that Europe needs to take a broad approach to defence.

The German Foreign Minister has also vowed that the country would not be “intimidated” by Putin after it was revealed that Germany would become a NATO staging ground if the conflict further escalates.

Tensions are rising as Germany issues are warning to civilians

In a 1,000 page document called ‘Operationsplan Deutschland’, Germany would host hundreds of thousands of troops from NATO countries, it is reported. It would serve as a logistics hub for sending military equipment, food and medicine to the front.

The army in Germany has also been informing both civilians and companies how to protect infrastructure and be ready to defend the country if it came under attack from sabotage as well as from drones and spying operations.

Crisis plans should be put in place with people given responsibilities for what they need to do in an emergency while stockpiles of diesel should be made. The plans by Germany follow steps that have already been put in place by Scandinavian countries.

Germany’s Defence Minister Mr. Pistorius said on Tuesday officials have to assume damage to two data cables under the Baltic Sea, one of which ends in Germany, was caused by sabotage — though he said they have no proof at present.

Damage was detected Monday to the C-Lion1 cable that runs nearly 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) from Finland’s capital, Helsinki, to the German port city of Rostock. Another cable between Lithuania and Sweden was also damaged. He said the damage to the two cables was “a very clear sign that something is afoot.”

“No one believes these cables were severed by mistake, and I also don’t want to believe versions that it was anchors that by chance caused damage to these cables,” he said at a regular meeting of European Union defense ministers. “So we have to state — without knowing in concrete terms who it came from — that this is a hybrid action. And we also have to assume — without already knowing it, obviously — that this is sabotage.”