Fine Tuning
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024
by Ken Pullen
This is the follow-up to Remember the phrase “Must see TV?”
There is a lot of must see TV these days. It just happens to not be on network or even cable television. More on that a bit later.
I won’t drag this out. At least I’ll make every effort not to. Just some fine-tuning.
There may have been some misunderstanding from the earlier piece, Remember the phrase “Must see TV?”. If so, please let me make things clearer.
No one should believe for an instant, or any amount of time, that what is taking place in the Middle East right now is the Gog Magog War as in Ezekiel. Nope. This is not the Gog Magog War. If it were Iran would be engaged in a much larger battle with Russia and Turkey as their allies advancing on Israel with the intent of destroying Israel. A major offensive on land, sea, and by air.
That isn’t happening.
But it will.
Just not right now.
What most likely has happened, and will happen is Israel will prove their amazing ability — because they truly do have God on their side, the God of the Holy Bible — and either decimate and eradicate Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis to such a degree to render them extinct or at least impotent. Not of further consequence.
This of course will only lead to Iran becoming more enraged and determined to remove Israel from the face of the earth.
What needs to be understood here is that those in leadership in Iran are not only evil, unholy, and horrible people they are so ensnarled in their blind hatred, their white-hot hatred of Jews and Israel that makes them arrogant, reveals weaknesses, keeps them from eventually using any modicum of reason and logic and they are and will be driven solely by hatred, by ignorance, by arrogance.
Which will lead to their ultimate destruction.
The rendering of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis ineffective in Iran’s dream [nightmare] of using them to destroy Israel and foolishly thinking they can somehow remain unaffected will only set things up for the eventual Gog Magog War.
It is coming.
Sooner rather than later.
Oh, it may still be a couple of years away, a few years away. No one can really say. But this is not 1967. A lot has changed in the geo-political structure in the past 57 years.
Russia, Turkey, and Iran were not nearly as close then as they are now, or have become over the past decade. There is a visible, audible, viable axis of evil there. Here on earth.
Just as the Bible clearly tells us.
Link to the video for anyone unable to open it by clicking on the image.
An older video. The Internet is full of them. Putin meeting with Erdogan of Turkey, Putin meeting with the leaders of Iran. Regularly.
Recently, at the latest United [Dysfuntional] Nations meeting in New York City as they reviled Israel and Mr. Netanyahu made a speech for the ages, and nations plotted how to bring about one world governance and destroy Israel the foreign ministers of Russia, Iran, and Turkey met. Just the three of them. I don’t think they were discussing where the best place in NYC is to get really good pulled pork.
Ezekiel 38 clearly tells us;
“…‘Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out, with all your army…”
Ezekiel 38:3a-4b
Gog is a prince, a leader of a nation. That nation is Russia. That is not something at this time that is part of great debate or controversy of belief.
“I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out…”
This war, inevitable, to occur sometime in the near future, isn’t something the leader of Russia wants to undertake. Probably due to being depleted from a long protracted war elsewhere? Economic or political problems within Russia? We do not know the precise reasons, but the leader of Russia is going to be dragged into the Gog Magog War. Not entering it from a position of strength or great confidence. Blinded more likely. By the one who he serves — Satan. Yes, this is all about the spiritual war escalating, all about the fulfillment of every word of Bible prophecy.
Russia, most likely after being pushed by Iran [Persia], after losing face for so long, being so horribly defeated laments endlessly, “Let us come together to finally remove the Zionists from the face of the earth!” Or some words to that effect. After a while, being allies, along with being convinced that if they unite their forces and arms, along with Ethiopia, Libya, and Gomer [present day Turkey] as well as Togarmah being modern-day Turkey, they can prevail and finally destroy Israel.
Too bad they all have neglected to read and believe the Holy Bible. They could avoid a lot of pain, death, destruction, and utter agony. But…
Millennia ago there were many smaller kingdoms in the region than there are now. Turkey has consumed many of the smaller kingdoms and provinces of the earlier Bible times as newer borders were drawn up, former nations and states were defeated in wars.
Don’t become confused. As many are. Startled even when they hear, or read, “We’re living in Biblical times.”
Most folks never give that truth a thought. Never dawns on them we’re all still living in Biblical times.
Well, we are.
And those Biblical times are winding down.
America is weaker and weaker.
More and more nations, groups, institutions, and individuals are turning against Israel even as more and more are speaking up, and standing up for Israel. Distinct battle lines are being drawn.
The world is like an old black & white Western movie. Now after a lot of time has passed in the dusty, loud, violent, full of drunks and whores town the lines have been clearly drawn up as to who is on who’s side. We’re reaching the climax. Where the good guy is slowly walking in the middle of the dirt main street as the bad guy slowly advances towards him. Their hands within an inch of their weapon. They both draw and commence firing. There is smoke, and blood, and the smell of death.
That is Satan’s doing as he is the ruler on this earth for a season.
Only in real life the good guy, Israel, finds themselves alone in the crowded town with most of the townsfolk on the side of the man in the black hat. Mr. Evil. The people love the guy. As the people have been given over to their wicked and unrighteous minds [see Romans 1].
I feel safe in writing what I do because around 95 years ago, being caught up in a blind ignorant rage regarding the Jews was contained mainly in Germany. And within a few pockets throughout Europe. And some in America. But it was small compared to the antisemitism present in the world today.
Blatant, bold, loud, growing hatred of Jews and Israel. In America. Throughout Europe. All around the world. Today.
There are signs everywhere. Almost on the hour at this point.
Do not become discouraged. Do not become jaded, or filled with anxiety. Do not become fearful.
Seriously, I know those are only words and you might say or think, “Easy for you to say or write!”
No, not easy. Only made easier due to being faithful. Only due to my faith in the Lord. Only due to my keeping my eyes, heart, mind, and life on Jesus, on God in these times. Only due to my total faith in the whole Word of God.
We must have the faith of our forefather, Abraham. No less than his. We need to have the faith of Daniel as he was tossed into the furnace, into the lion’s den. Seriously. If we truly have the God of the living and active Holy Bible on our side? What should we truly fear? Really, fear what?
Whatever may come we’re going to end up residing in heaven with the Lord forever. If we’re born again and washed in the blood of Jesus.
Come what may.
Maranatha, come, Lord, come…
Let us fear not.
Let us become bold lovers of the Lord and of the Word. Being truly a light in this dark world.
Harder times, times much worse than at present are coming. We cannot become so weary or fearful as to fall and become consumed by this world, by he who is the prince of the air, the father of lies.
We are the Lord’s — let us live as truly being the Lord’s. His people.
If not, well, then fear a plenty! Fear a lot. Shake and tremble so much your clothes fall off. Just make sure you are wearing clean underwear. But if not repentant, born anew, changed of heart and mind within? With all the fear and trembling that will come? Well, that underwear might not remain clean for long…
Because without the Lord there is no hope, no salvation, no deliverance, no eternal life for you.
At some point Jesus, Yeshua, is coming to collect us, those who are His. To take us with Him before the appearance of the Antichrist and his false prophet and everything really gets horrible beyond human comprehension — there is coming a time of woe, of pain, and suffering, of tribulation unlike any the world has ever witnessed or ever will [see Matthew 24].
You don’t want to be here for that.
Let us who are the Lord’s through our faith and obedience to Him rejoice that we won’t be here but will be in heaven with Him, but also let us lament and shed tears for all those who continue to rebel, deny, refuse to accept the truth, making it so difficult as they continue to allow Satan to hinder them and keep them from the truth.
Tell the father of lies to flee from you! Now. Tell him aloud! Shout it if need be!
Then also, aloud, call on the Lord your God to come to you.
And find out the vast difference between serving the Lord versus being enslaved to Satan.
No, this isn’t the Gog Magog War. This is the making way for the Gog Magog War. All the pieces are falling into place. What needs to be removed is being removed. Iran weakened. Iran enraged. The hate increasing. Yes, escalation is inevitable. No matter what the lame, lost, ignorant of history, ignorant of the Word of God men and women in positions of influence and authority in the American government making their foolish motions, all their babel of “stop, stop, stop, don’t, don’t don’t let’s all have a big ceasefire while we continue to make your enemy, our enemy richer and stronger.” Oh, the fools! The blind! The arrogant! The ignorant. And they are ignorant. Full of worldly wisdom, self-importance, ego-driven, and filled by the devil stoking the fire within them.
Yes, an election will provide different outcomes. That’s a given. Adding to the weakness and the woe of the world being a deceiver, as they are not friends of Israel, or pausing to add strength to America, and a true friend to Israel.
Do I need to spell it out? Didn’t think so.
But what is more important than who wins the White House in November, while that is VERY important for the world, and especially for Israel [make sure you vote!] — what is even more important than that is — are you ready to meet the Lord? Are you born anew in the faith and life of Jesus Christ? Or are you still out there? Among the darkness. Like an individual lost in space. Not willing to submit to your Maker, your Provider, your God Who sacrificed so much for you, has done so much for you?
It’s up to you.
What’s going to happen is going to happen in the Middle East. The Holy Bible is the only book of past, PRESENT, and FUTURE history all of which has come true, is coming true, and will come true.
It’s God’s will.
Satan may be the ruler of this world for a season, but God is Sovereign. God is in control. It is the actions, the beliefs, the ways of we the people, and our choices that determine it all. We’re not puppets on strings.
It’s just that God being God, outside of time, knowing all things, including what you and I will be thinking every moment tomorrow, how many hairs we lost from our heads, and what choices we’re going to make tomorrow, next week if we’re alive — God knows all. God has FOREKNOWLEDGE. He knew what you and I are going to think, say, and do tomorrow before He ever said, “Let there be…” and the heavens and the earth were created. He’s GOD! He’s outside of time. Therefore He knows the choices each of us make and He knows by those choices when the Gog Magog War truly begins, who will turn to Him and Jesus today, who will repent and be saved, who will commit heinous crimes, who will hate, who will love — God knows all.
What choices are you going to make? What are you going to have in your heart and mind? Today, tomorrow — towards the Lord your God who loves you and died for you, for me, for every sinner if only they would come to see, hear, and know this truth.
Yes, horrific times lie ahead.
Make a decision to not be here to witness them.
When the Lord says, “Come,” do not procrastinate or delay.
Run to Him. Find Him. Seek Him. Call out to Him.
And discover the difference of living daily in His loving, saving arms versus being chained to this world, a slave to the father of lies, Satan.
There are going to be wars. A lot of wars. Famines. Suffering. Death and destruction.
All brought upon ourselves for our turning from God.
Don’t remain caught up in the whirlwind, the storm of all this confusion, delusion, and misery.
Be caught up in the Word, the ways, the truth, the life, and the light of the Lord Jesus Christ, to one day be caught up with Him, by Him on your way to eternal life in heaven!
As for time spent viewing and listening…
Do you have the app Telegram? No? Why not? Get the app Telegram. Then get Amir Tsarfati’s page, and posts. Rather than the banal, inane, wasted time, brain drain, wasting away spent in the glow of American network television and so-called news take the time to find, watch, and listen to those things which edify, strengthen the spirit, aid the soul, nourish the heart and spirit. What we watch, what we listen to FASHIONS us. It truly does. It isn’t harmless, no big deal, having no adverse effect on your spirit, soul, mind, and life. God needs all of you in these times. Not only 5% or 10% of you, of me.
What does an hour and a half in a lukewarm, wishy-washy weak, oh-so-weak, let’s entertain them and put on a show church service on a Sunday morning and then over three hours watching a boring NFL game really do for the spirit, the soul to nourish and provide the wisdom and strength to wage war in this escalating spiritual war each of us in?
I’m done. I could continue. But if you haven’t gotten it by now?
Oy vey!
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