Darkness wafts within the mind
by Ken Pullen
Written the evening of Monday, May 1st, 2023
Darkness wafts within the mind
as soothing salt laden sea breezes
on that sweet sandy holiday away
all bright, light, feeling oh, so right
while within the dead heart of darkness
darker, colder than the darkest coldest night
the unaware snare
nary trapping the leg, nor the neck
but clamping down upon the soul
to slowly drain the spirit
as if caught in the web of an arachnid
on par with King Kong
In the myth of the vampire
it is written, said the bite of death
feels sweet, seductive
in the reality of life on earth
the bite of sin
of that darkness appearing sweet,
desirable to be repeatable
appearing like those warm wafting sea breezes
on that holiday away
are keeping you in the web of bondage
father of lies
sweet honey tongued from time in the Garden
to right now within your heart and mind
So many believing, seeking aliens
while alien to the truth
alien to God
alien to the Lord Jesus Christ
alien to the Holy Spirit
alien to the infallible inerrant living Word of God
That which is invited in
languished in
wallowed in
confusing for lasting pleasure
deluded equated debated as enlightenment
is the darkness of the Second Death
eternal death
revive that word long lost and cast aside
from the truth, the Word of God
no longer hide
Cast away into the sea
the repentance of sin
words despised among the proud, haughty, the oh so naughty
dismissing the filth of sin within
refusing the Lord Jesus Christ
the only way to the Father
no matter the time
there can be a moment
of true light within the delusion of darkness
to allow the Truth, the Way to Life
the cold heart within
in faith, in humbleness, in contriteness, in sincerity
such faith and seeking to permit the Spirit of God
to enter
destroying death
removing sin
God the Father forgetting
all that has been done
for true faith in what was done
by the Son
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