Do you believe?
Do you believe every word within the Word of God?
Do you believe that when men and women stray, rebel, or disobey the Lord the consequences for such defiance and rebellion are never good? Have you read the Bible? Have you paid attention to history?
Do you believe that all rights and liberties are given by God? Because they are. Men do not provide inalienable rights and liberties. Only God is capable of such a work.
Do you believe that as a professed Christian, especially if professing to be evangelical, born again, it is being righteous — which means doing the right things — to remain silent, impotent, apathetic, inactive when the darkness, the evil is visible, audible and increases taking people with it, taking children with it when all that might have been required and necessary to lead a person, a group of people, a child, a school district, a nation closer to God and into more light than darkness is YOUR being a light unto the world, the salt of the earth, living boldly as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, bearing good fruit.
Having evidence of professed faithfulness and belief.
What are you doing with the talents, the coinage, the tools, that the Lord has given you and blessed you with? Merely showing up at a church, wearing a shiny tree of shame around your neck, merely saying that you’re a Christian is not enough, not truly being a Christ follower.
Why the fear?
Why the silence?
Why the complaining when things don’t go the way you’d like?
Why aren’t you voting?
Do you have any conception and grasp of the founding of this nation? Why America was created and is exceptional? Only to have the so-called good people, which demonstrate they aren’t really that good, allow the darkness, the evil to do more than encroach but to consume.
Woe to all of you professing faith who do not live it, show it, speak it, exercise it as given by God.
Yes, it is a sin to not vote in America when God went to the effort to bring this nation about.
Don’t vote? Well, you’re spitting in God’s face for what He has done and you’re turning your back on the Lord and showing evil it can have its way enslaving countless numbers of children, young people, adults young, middle-aged, and old.
But then, maybe you aren’t really what you say you are, or think you are. Maybe in reality you’re a worker of iniquity and working to permit the free flow of evil to consume — by your silence, your apathy, your excuses as to why you refuse to take action, be a light unto the world, be salt.
And if it’s “I don’t like who’s running, they are not good people!”
No one is. We don’t vote for feelings, personality, and the load of dung the world uses for making their decisions, such as “He’s someone I could sit down and have a beer with.”
I have a relative who voted for an awful president way back when solely because she liked his teeth. That reveals the lack of knowledge, caring, awareness, and ignorance of much of the voting population. Oh, and this person was a professed Chrisitan. She voted solely based on a man’s teeth for president. How do I know this? Because I asked her after the election, “Why did you vote for him?”
“Because I liked his teeth,” she replied with conviction and a weak laugh.
Does America deserve a government dominated by evil, serving evil? America is supposed to be a nation where the government is by the people for the people, and those in elected and appointed office are public servants — working for the will of the people.
Is it your will that evil increases and God’s ways, righteousness — which is merely the right things, doing the right things which as a professed Christian we all are supposed to know — decreases? The evil and darkness, the lies consume more and more children and people in America.
Because silence, apathy, and refusing to take a stand, to exercise God-given rights when knowing better, knowing good from evil is in truth working for, serving the Enemy. Making Satan and all his ministers and minions dance and scream with venom and spew out even more evil.
Is that how you like things, want things? Think vainly, arrogantly, foolishly that by doing nothing you’re accelerating the return of the Lord Jesus Christ? Woe to you in such arrogance, ignorance, and foolishness! Where in God’s Word does it tell us to allow evil to increase? To do nothing? Can you even discern the parable of the ten talents? Discern God’s Word? Understand what you read, oh, if you read God’s Word regularly, perhaps that’s the problem or one of them?
Being hard and rough on you, apathetic, silent, inactive professed Christian? So, you imagine your self-righteousness vainly imagining such purity is going to provide you more crowns of glory when face to face with the Lord? He Who does not mince His words and casts perfect judgment? Maybe it’s time to rethink the approach. Actually learn some important history. In the whole Holy Bible and pertaining to America. And then after seeking the Lord and His will and way, after meditating upon these things begin the DOING. Being a light unto the world. Being the salt of the earth. Bearing good fruit. Using the talents given wisely and well to serve the Master, the Lord, our Savior we profess to love and obey.
Silence. Apathy. Making excuses. Turning a blind eye, a deaf ear, turning one’s back to the darkness and evil and permitting it to increase when having the ability to push back against it is a great sin and in truth, aiding and abetting the Enemy. Being a traitor to the Lord and His Word and ways. His will.
We vote because God provided that right in this nation that He made possible by His Divine Providence.
We vote for the person most aligned with Biblical principles and values. No one is perfect. If looking for a perfect candidate and using that lame excuse it will not, does not get you off the hook.
What do you imagine you’re going to say when finally face to face with the Lord and He asks you why you did not do His will when He made it possible for you in America to be light, be salt, by going to the polls, filling out a ballot, and casting your vote for people that represent the most light, the most salt, the most Biblical and righteous principals and the issues, the judges, the school board members that represent the most Biblical principals?
Wake up!
Unless the whole idea is to allow evil to spread, allow the lies of Satan to consume children in schools, people in business, in every agency in this land, in every part of American life destroying that which God made possible.
In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.:
Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith, and the honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another; covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.
In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the 11th of November, in the year of the reign of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth, 1620.
The Mayflower Compact
Read on…and since you’re here watch the accompanying video in the RELATED section below the fine article by Cheryl K. Chumley…
Christians must vote for the sake of culture and the Constitution
Monday, October 21, 2024
Reprinted from The Washington Times
Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in California called out Christians who don’t vote as disobedient to God’s will; as shirkers of their biblically based responsibilities and callings; as cowards who embolden wickedness; and as rejecters of truth. He did it from the pulpit this past Sunday.
That this is news at all shows how far America has strayed from the Founding Father ideals.
As Hibbs said: “For nearly 400 years on this continent, there have been election sermons.”
So what’s happened to make politics from the pulpit seem so radical to so many Americans?
Leftists — Democrats — secularists and atheists — have successfully silenced much of the Christian voice in politics in recent decades, and they’ve done it by threatening Internal Revenue Service action, by threatening lawsuits, by threatening protests and intimidation campaigns and rallies in the streets and media-fueled public condemnations. More truthfully, they’ve done it with the permission of Christians who have failed to stand up to the pressures from the left and keep faith and biblical values alive in government.
All this booting of the Bible from the public square is having a disastrous effect on American politics, culture and society at-large. It’s become a nation of governing by human will — by fleshly desire — by humanist lust — rather than by godly virtues and concern for and regard of an ever-watching Creator.
Look at the LGBTQ agenda alone. It’s not just proving a destructive force that’s steadily attacking God’s designs for family and for His children, and eroding the traditional building block of all well-functioning societies; it’s also been wreaking havoc on the mental stability of an entire nation of people.
Think about it. There is really nothing in life that is as basic as the truth of what it means to be a male versus what it means to be a female. Males have XY sex chromosomes; females have XX. Males have male genitalia; females have female genitalia. Males produce sperm; females produce eggs.
Let in the lunatic fringe, though, and suddenly those biological truths become cause for controversy. Suddenly, the idea of two sexes and two sexes only, as created by God, becomes confining and restrictive and offensive. Suddenly, calling a male a male and a female a female is hate speech, and insisting males do male things and females do female things — like use bathrooms and public dressing rooms and school showers that correspond to their respective sexes — is hateful action.
Confusion comes.
Chaos results.
And that all works to bring an end to the Constitution.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other,” as John Adams warned.
“The Constitution’s not going to work for you … if you live carnally,” as Hibbs warned in his sermon.
This is common sense stuff. But where atheism roams, wisdom departs. This nation is certainly being destroyed for lack of knowledge.
The fix for America — for an education system that fills kids’ heads with radical anti-American and ungodly ideas; for an economy that’s filled with debt and fueled by fiat and fake money; for a political class that holds itself as separate and above the taxpayers who provide their salaries; for a broken border that rewards lawlessness and punishes lawful; for all the rot that goes forth in the entertainment industry as normal; for a woke business world that pushes the rot even more onto the American public; for a rapidly crumbling model of governance that upholds individualism and rejects collectivism, in all its various socialist, progressive, communist and Marxist ways — the fix for all that’s wrong with America is, ding, ding, ding, for Americans to return to God.
That means Christians must vote.
That means those who know God best must have active voices in their education systems, in the business and finance worlds, in the political offices.
If those who best understand the concepts that forge the basic idea of American Exceptionalism — that of God-given rights and liberties — refuse to involve themselves in the government, in the political world, in the culture, in all of society and not just church on Sunday — the ground is ceded to the secularists; to the humanists; to the atheists; to the “nones.”
And wickedness becomes the land.
“The Bible says to him who knows good and fails to do it — to him it is sin,” Hibbs said.
To those who know which candidate best represents godly principles of life, liberty and justice and fail to vote — the land becomes sin-filled.
“[Politicians] used to be called public servants,” Hibbs said. “Now we serve them.”
Who’s to blame? The tens of millions of Christians who have failed to vote over the years, and who are predicted to sit out the vote this November, as well.
Christians who refuse to vote have only themselves to blame.
When Christians Fail to Vote — Jack Hibbs
‘Drag Me To Hell’: The Demonic Nature Of What’s Happening Is No Longer Being Hidden
The Church Age Is Winding Down—And The World Is Running Out Of Time
Luciferian Political Prevarication
Christians who fail to vote are shameful
The Church and the Elections
‘Salt and light’ or silent and lost? Christian voters must decide
To the 41,000,000 Christians ‘Unlikely’ to Vote This November: ‘You Need to Repent’
• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.
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