Billy Graham Classics | Joytv



So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 90:12


Billy Graham’s Timeless Advice for Living Your Best Life


June 24, 2024


Dive into the timeless wisdom of Billy Graham in this powerful sermon titled “Life is Short.” Do you number your days and realize the importance of every single day? Billy Graham emphasizes that time is collapsing around us and urges us to redeem the time. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s crucial to tithe your time to what truly matters.

Graham speaks to the urgency of time and the need to commit your life to Christ fully. Don’t wait; serve God now. He reminds us that life is a vapor, appearing for a little time and then vanishing away. This sermon highlights that time is short for indecision and challenges us to make the most of every moment.

Join us as we reflect on these profound truths and learn how to live a life dedicated to purpose and faith. Remember, every day is a gift from God; make it count. Experience the timeless advice and life lessons from one of the most inspirational Christian leaders of our time.

Speaker: Billy Graham

Music By: Whitesand – Story of the Wind

Link to the video for anyone unable to open it by clicking on the image.