In September, unnoticed by most Americans, the Biden-Harris administration adopted the United Nations Pact for the Future to transform global governance, which introduces the foundations of a world government. These agreements usher in a dystopian future, where the UN — in partnership with the unelected and unaccountable World Economic Forum (WEF), led by Klaus Schwab — is given unprecedented power over the peoples of sovereign countries. Pictured: Then Vice President Joe Biden at the WEF in Davos, Switzerland on January 18, 2017. (Photo by Fabrice Coffrini/AFP via Getty Images)




The downright un-American and evil actions taken by the Biden/Harris administration may be altered, come January 20th, 2025, Lord willing.

But no one has an excuse for not knowing, or being unaware any longer. Not in this age. Not when I have to pay constant careful attention when driving, grocery shopping, out walking — wherever, whenever, because too many people I encounter out and about all have heads bent downwards, eyes focused on the glowing screen in their hand, and they aren’t paying attention to the life taking place around them.

And while I’m not privy to what they are all seeing on their glowing screens, heads bent downwards, eyes towards the ground, I feel confident that for the majority of times, it’s total rubbish they are paying more attention to rather than the life taking place around them.

The article below, by Mr. Robert Williams, states that most Americans are totally unaware, clueless as usual regarding what took place this past September.

They have no excuse;

Most People Have No Idea That “The Summit Of The Future” Will Create “U.N. 2.0” On September 22nd And 23rd

The Summit of the Future and the Pact for the Future Will Rapidly Expand the Technocratic Takeover

U.N. “Summit of the Future” Will Set The Stage For New Global Order In 2024

“Pact for the Future”: Nations To Swear Fealty To U.N.

The U.N. Will Sign the Pact of the Future in 60 Days – Here’s Why It Matters 

But many that will not like the consequences will scream, moan, complain, and protest asking “How did this happen!?”

It happens by the people of this nearly dead and utterly lost nation by continuing to be almost totally clueless, blind, refusing to pay attention, refusing to take any part in preserving, maintaining, and protecting this Constitutional Republic created unlike any other nation in world history.

And we the people will receive the judgments, the government we deserve due to our absence, our selfish mindlessness, our preoccupation with the banal, all the nonsense, the time wasters, the stupid and inconsequential while the things that matter have gone unnoticed.

No time for what is real, what matters, eh?

Then you ought to also not expend any time in wailing, moaning, complaining, attaching blame, or acting like you care, that you’re doing your part.

God demands responsible people. Not aimless, clueless, inactive, self-absorbed, turned from reality living in some fantasy bubble world people. Responsible people. His people are to be aware, awake, responsible, being a light in the darkness. Pushing back the ever-encroaching darkness with the light of the truth of the Lord and the word of God.

To be salt. That means being pure and preserving things. Salt is valuable. Salt is necessary in life for life. Salt preserves things and protects against rot, decay, the stench of rot and spoilage. There is good salt and useless salt unable to be used due to its impurities that cannot be removed — salt good for nothing but to be tossed out and trodden underfoot.

Think you’re a “good person?” Think you’re being a light unto the sphere around you? Being salt?

Even the heathen, the pagan is being more active and responsible for the master they serve than most professed Christians are for the Lord they claim to serve.

Wake up people!

Be responsible.

Finally, pay attention.

No one has any excuse.

No one has any reason to complain about what occurs.

Not these days. Not in this information age.

It’s what are you paying attention to and spending your time on?

Placing your bets online gambling? Watching porn? Sports? Playing inane stupid video games? Nonsesne of words spewed by worldly men and women? Taking ridiculous pictures of what you’re eating in a restaurant and sending it around to people you know? Taking banal and ridiculous selfies? Aren’t we all self-involved enough? Maybe it’s time to put the glowing screen down and look upwards to God, to the Lord Jesus Christ, to the Holy Spirit, and within the inerrant infallible unchangeable living, and active Word of God. Hummm…think we can try that for a change?

Being responsible individuals that will be held accountable to the Lord.

Paying attention.

Stop hiding and wasting the time the Good Good Lord blesses each of us with. We are to be His people. Identifiable by those around us as different, separate — His people. Not our own. Not the world’s. We are God’s people.

When are we going to grow up and begin living as such?

Yeah, horrific times lie ahead. Beyond imagination. Due entirely to the sin, the evil permitted to take place openly, blatantly, and arrogantly in America, on this earth. An evil that is bolder and growing stronger.

Due to the negligence, the absence of the light. Due to the negligence, and the absence of God’s people.

And the kicker? After writing this, after publishing this particular piece — few, oh, so few will ever bother to open and read it. Rather instead being attracted to the noise, the nonsense, the stupidity, the foolishness, the banality taking place.

Imagine that.

And they will be the ones shouting, screaming, whining, wailing, and complaining the most as the feces hits the fan.

Read on…

Tuesday, November 5th, 2024



Biden-Harris Administration Surreptitiously Signs Up for U.N. World Governance, Internet Censorship



On September 22, unnoticed by most Americans, the Biden-Harris administration adopted the United Nations Pact for the Future to transform global governance, which introduces the foundations of a world government. There was no debate, no media coverage, no press releases, and no interviews about the Biden-Harris administration’s surrender of United States sovereignty to the U.N.

Americans were apparently not supposed to find out.

The U.N. bragged that the pact is the “most comprehensive agreement in many years” describing it as “covering entirely new areas and addressing issues where no consensus has been reached for decades.” This is concerning.

At the Summit of the Future in September 2024, world leaders passed the U.N.’s Pact for the Future to transform global governance, the Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations. These agreements usher in a dystopian future, where the U.N. — an active supporter of terrorism and arguably the world’s most corrupt international entity, led by socialistscommunists and dictatorships — in partnership with the unelected and unaccountable World Economic Forum, led by Klaus Schwab and his covey of billionaire business leaders, is given unprecedented power over the peoples of sovereign countries, who have had no say whatsoever on the contents of this pact, because it has been kept hidden from them.

The Pact for the Future seeks to strengthen, empower and “transform” U.N. global governance — a fancy way of saying world government — to seize more power for the U.N. and its partner globalist elites in the WEF.

“We will transform global governance and strengthen the multilateral system to help us to achieve a world that is safe, peaceful, just, equal, inclusive, sustainable and prosperous,” the Pact for the Future proclaims in section V, named “Transforming global governance.”

The Pact is full of the familiar and meaningless U.N. fluff about “eradicating poverty” and “strengthening human rights” that the U.N. has falsely been promising and peddling for decades, goals that nobody believes the U.N. even wants to achieve. All the U.N. seems to be doing is demonizing the Middle East’s only democracy, Israel, to the exclusion of all other conflicts on the planet, and sanctifying “climate change,” seemingly code for a prospective “transfer of wealth.”

A large part of the Pact is dedicated to “turbocharging” the U.N.’s Agenda 2030. Much of this consists of fighting the fake crisis of “climate change” by achieving “net-zero” carbon dioxide emissions. Hidden at the very bottom of the 56-page document — action point 54 — is actually one of the most important items: the power-grab of the U.N.’s secretary-general: strengthening “the international response to complex global shocks”:

“We will uphold the Secretary-General’s role to, inter alia, convene Member States, promote the coordination of the whole multilateral system and engage with relevant stakeholders in response to crises. We request the Secretary-General to: (a) Consider approaches to strengthen the United Nations system response to complex global shocks, within existing authorities and in consultation with Member States…We recognize the need for a more coherent, cooperative, coordinated and multidimensional international response to complex global shocks and the central role of the United Nations in this regard.”

The U.N. secretary-general, in other words, is to control responses to “global shocks”, which the U.N. describes as:

“Complex global shocks are events that have severely disruptive and adverse consequences for a significant proportion of countries and the global population, and that lead to impacts across multiple sectors, requiring a multidimensional and whole-of-government, whole-of-society response.”

These could presumably be regional conflicts; a pandemic — or whatever the U.N. deems a pandemic; a real or invented “climate crisis;” wars, or whatever other pretext the U.N. secretary-general comes up with to take control and impose measures on the world that the U.N. sees fit. The corrupt, unelected and unaccountable U.N. would now like to be the world’s policeman — presumably leaving defendants with no recourse.

The U.N. proclaimed in a press release last year:

“Our global interconnectedness means that shocks that occur in one country or sector can quickly have cascading consequences elsewhere, often in unforeseen ways. Those shocks are coming at us with greater strength and frequency, with serious implications for peace and security, economic stability, and environmental sustainability. And they can have a disproportionate impact in some areas. Both the COVID-19 pandemic and the global cost-of-living crisis hit the poorest and most vulnerable hardest, throwing SDG progress and Agenda 2030 further off-track. The global response to such shocks is often ad hoc, fragmented, and improvised. We need a mechanism to tackle multidimensional threats with a multidimensional response. This policy brief calls for a more formal, predictable, and structured approach. An emergency platform would leverage the U.N.’s convening power and capacities in a timely and predictable way… Crucially, it would promote a global response based on solidarity and equity and the key principle of leaving no one behind. All people and countries hit by a shock must have access to the support they need,” [bold added]”

This would not be optional. The UN makes clear that the new system “is leaving no one behind.”

To ensure that all present and future U.N. and WEF agendas can pass without bothering with pesky dissenting opinions, the U.N. member states also passed the Digital Global Compact as an annex to the Pact. The Compact is a new totalitarian tool of censorship meant to silence anyone who disagrees with the globalist agenda. Buried near the end of the Digital Global Compact, in paragraph 30, is the only thing you need to know about it:

“We must urgently counter and address… all forms of hate speech and discrimination, misinformation and disinformation… We will establish and maintain robust risk mitigation and redress measures… We commit by, 2030 to: (a) Create a safe and secure online space for all users that ensures their mental health and well-being by defining and adopting common standards, guidelines and industry actions that are in compliance with international law, promote safe civic spaces and address content on digital platforms that causes harm to individuals, taking into account work under way by United Nations entities, regional organizations and multi-stakeholder initiatives… Establish regular collaboration between national online safety institutions to exchange best practices and develop shared understandings of actions… Develop, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, effective methodologies to measure, monitor and counter all forms of violence and abuse in the digital space… call on social media platforms to establish safe, secure and accessible reporting mechanisms for users and their advocates to report potential policy violations.”

The U.N., its member states and the Biden-Harris administration evidently want to establish world-wide censorship that will make any future criticism of their power grab impossible.

The foundations of the censorship are already in place and activated to a worrying degree: In 2021-22, the U.N. entered into a partnership with Google to ensure that the search engine only display information reflecting U.N. perspectives. Dissenting views would have to be erased. The U.N. did not even hide their totalitarian move, and issued a press release about it.

Melissa Fleming, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, said:

“We are happy to team with Google to ensure that factual, trustworthy content about climate is available to as wide a global audience as possible, Misinformation is so widespread these days that it threatens progress and understanding on many critical issues, including climate. The need for accurate, science-based information on a subject like climate change has therefore never been greater.”

At the 2022 World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Fleming innocently revealed the U.N. agenda behind censoring the internet, making it clear that censoring the internet is for the good of the great unwashed masses, whom the U.N. deems too dangerous to make up their own minds:

“As long as the social media platforms had become so dominant, there was already a proliferation of mis- and disinformation that was making achieving what we were trying to achieve, a better world and a more inclusive, a more peaceful and harmonious world — it was making it more difficult. But with Covid-19 we realized very quickly we were in a communication crisis… WHO called it an infodemic… which meant if you were a [internet] user… you were just confused because there was so much information… some of it good… some of it really, really, bad…

“You know, we partnered with Google, for example, if you Google climate change, you will, at the top of your search, get all kinds of U.N. resources. We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we Googled climate change, we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top. So we’re becoming much more proactive, you know we own the science and we think that the world should know it and the [social media] platforms also do. It’s a huge challenge that all sectors of society need to be very active in.”

The partnership has paid off tremendously for the U.N. and the globalists: Google is clearly doing the U.N.’s bidding. If you try to google the words “climate change” today, every single dissenting view has been suppressed by the search engine. In the first twenty-plus pages of results that come up on Google, not a single of them deviates from the U.N./WEF narrative, with most results only containing links to U.N. bodies or other institutions that partner with the U.N., such as the EU, the World Bank, government websites and a few climate-alarmist articles from the Guardian, the New York Times, AP and Reuters.

This is what U.N. censorship looks like now. Can you imagine what it will be in a few years, if countries do not immediately move to stop it?

Robert Williams is based in the United States.