Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States of America, also known as, if we’re going to be honest a minister of the devil — see 2 Corinthians 11, and Romans 1 if doubting this Biblical truth — due to his policies and actions, his priorities, and agenda, seated behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. Fellow minister of the devil, Vice-President Kamala Harris is seen standing to Biden’s right (Photo caption provided by the administrator of A Crooked Path and did not appear in the original article by the Washington Examiner).


The true State of the dysfunctional, lost, fallen, dying, turned from God and to increasing sin Union so disjointed and in upheaval. But come time for the big show we’ll be told the state of things is great, grand, glorious, everything is going well, even the pandemic, and that our best days lie ahead of U.S.

The keyword in that run-on sentence is the fourth to last word.


Nothing but lies.

Nothing but serving the devil going on in this nation within our government, many of our agencies, and institutions.

Just the truth. Just the facts.

Serving sin, serving Satan, and turned from God while professing to be enlightened, good, illuminated, and making a better world.

Lies. All lies.

But then most of you already know this. Don’t you?

So, let’s not employ and appoint the best person for a job anymore. No, no, no! Why do that!? Let’s appoint and employ, make the priority in placement a person’s gender identity, their sexual persuasion, their race — because that’ll certainly make America greater and certainly assure our best days lie yet ahead of U.S, right?


Ken Pullen

Friday, February 5th, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


Biden cuts American Bar Association out of judicial appointments because diversity comes before merit


Thursday, February 4, 2021

By Eddie Scarry

Reprinted from The Washington Examiner


President Biden and every official in his administration has made clear that race, gender, and sexual identity will be the top concern when making any decisions or policy proposals. It’s paying off for liberal groups already.

Bloomberg Law reported Wednesday that Biden’s White House won’t use the American Bar Association to vet potential judicial appointments until after nominations are made official, a break from the practice of Biden’s old boss, former President Barack Obama, and other Democrats before him.

Christopher Kang, a liberal activist and co-founder of the liberal judicial advocacy group Demand Justice, told Bloomberg that the ABA is “well-intentioned” but called it “yet another corporate lawyer-dominated gatekeeper in the judicial selection process.” He said it “must not be allowed to act as an obstacle to diversifying the bench.”

In other words, the foremost consideration when making a judicial appointment should be diversity. Second, and a distant second at that, is merit.

Biden’s team has already said it would act in such a manner to do this. Before he was even inaugurated, a senior adviser wrote a letter to Senate Democrats asking that they offer input on “diverse” potential judicial nominees, specifically calling for “individuals whose legal experiences have been historically underrepresented.”

That was made to sound like Biden was simply looking for a range of nominees who come from different educational and professional backgrounds, but that’s never how Democrats work, especially not this White House.

Curiously, just 20 years ago, liberals were boiling in outrage when then-President George W. Bush cut the ABA out of the process, deeming it a partisan Democratic organization. Times do change.

Tags: OpinionBeltway ConfidentialJoe BidenSocial JusticeJudicial BranchJudicial Appointments