Anyone out there?


by Ken Pullen

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

ACP — A Crooked Path


Does anyone still doubt that a one-world government is coming — and coming a lot sooner than later, as the majority of all necessary bits for such a thing to happen have already been put in place?

And more pieces show up and get fitted into the jigsaw puzzle every day at this juncture of world history.

Biden set for G-7 boost in bid for all nations to impose minimum global corporate tax

So many for so long ask for a sign. A sign of things to come. Show us a sign of things to come! From almost the very beginning man has been consumed in finding signs to explain the things to come. Yet so few actually recognize the pieces being put into place, all the signs, the individual clouds against an azure blue background. Each cloud added. Soon there appears something recognizable. The sky! Only it’ll be far too late for the overwhelming majority by the time they finally look up and see the clear picture.

So many want a sign yet so few ever bother to recognize the many already given and given regularly, daily right in front of them, all around them. It’s a mature connect-the-dots and so few lack the connection to mark the way and make things clear. So wrapped up in the mirror of self, in that which distracts, consumes individual lives continually. It’s one of Satan’s greatest talents, as well as a gift of his legions of ministers and their constant babel and sleight-of-hand so out of hand in the zoom, zoom, zoom nothing ever fast enough, can’t concentrate on anything for more than the speed of the images on the glowing screens but why pause to ever truly see, think, hear, think, calculate the equations. All simple math really. No doctorate or degree of any kind required other than a degree of awareness, observation. Oh, and being a person of faith. A necessary faith in order to really see, hear and know.

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In God. In the Holy Spirit. In the Holy Bible. All of it. Belief! Faith.

Sad, since that faith along with perhaps no more than half an hour a day? To look up. To listen. To inhale deeply. To take the time — not in quantity but in quality. See. Hear. Smell. Absorb. And then place the clouds in the azure blue background, affix the pieces in the picture coming together.

But, no…too much to ask or expect, I guess.

So, when it all comes about. What comes about? the blinded sign seekers ask.

When it does come about, as it’s been being built, ordered, constructed, arranged for many years now and it finally appears for all to see? The overwhelming majority will wonder how it happened. Of that I’m sure. In grave error they are most likely to think it came about due to one thing, it had to be something, one thing recently, just one thing, an isolated thing or event, and it all just happened quickly.

It all is right in front of everyone. every day, for a long, long time.

But so many can’t see, hear, or fit the pieces. They want, seem to need, BIG, GRAND, BOFFO! and the drip, drip, drip — the little pieces painting the picture don’t interest them. They seem to all go unseen.

And evil roars with laughter and dances with glee!

They just can’t see, the people of the world just can’t see…

…or hear

…or feel it

…the evil in the air, all around

It’s why so many, most, will be shattered and lost eternally when it all is revealed, much sooner than later.

Now, no one knows the time, how much time remains. Not even the Lord Jesus Christ knows the hour, only God the Father knows (and if you don’t believe that you can look it up in a book called the Holy Bible. It’s in the Scriptures saying that very fact).

Now I’m not all wrapped up in G7 does this, or Biden does that, or in one thing here or there being bigger than it ought to be, but all these little puzzle pieces eventually comprise, are linked together into one connected piece revealing a clear picture to be seen. All taking place right before everyone’s eyes to see, ears to hear.

And when there is the reveal for most eyes to see, ears to hear? The last pieces have been put in place (with most of them already laid out to be seen if anyone bothers looking) It isn’t going to be as described in fiction books, or even the so-called I know what happens in the so-called nonfiction of those imagining themselves prophets (more about profit than Biblical accuracy and being 100% spot-on in what they say or write, as a true prophet of God would be).

No, it isn’t going to be as the worldly books, made-up Hollywood movies may portray.

No, that day, in those days — coming sooner rather than later — it’ll still be NATIONS, but under one set of laws, one set of regulations, one set of orders for all to obey and follow…or else.

The fascism, the tyranny, the oppression won’t happen as in any time past. With one megalomaniac from one nation rising up deluded and attempting to dominate the world, one dictator from one nation attempting a global takeover.

No, this time? This time the fascism, tyranny, oppression will come GLOBALLY, UNIFIED under the guise, the pretense THE LIE of bringing peace, safety, prosperity…FINALLY! once and for all!

Just obey and follow the order that’s being established worldwide and will come to fruition —sooner than later and there will not be any more wars they will tell you, the people of the world will live in peace, it’ll be packaged and sold as creating the world all those which preceded had attempted but never could pull off.

And the people will buy the lies being sold as they have ever bought anything ever before!

And this will go on. For just a wee bit. A blink of an eye compared to the history of the world, a mere handful of years until…

Then, in the sky? What will appear? The FINAL Master Piece!

If not aware or familiar read Revelation 19

…because it’s all much closer than further away…

and there is no time like today

since there is not a one, no, not a one who knows how many breaths

how many heartbeats lie ahead

before they are dead

and then

well, then…

oh my…