A Prayer


Heavenly Father

hallowed be thy name

among all living on this earth

may thy will be done

may thy kingdom come

keep us from temptation

may thy Spirit of Comfort

be with those persecuted and afflicted

may they not waver in the faith



of thy love, grace, redeeming, atoning blood

of thy Son, our Savior


King of Kings

Lord of Lords

humbly may we bow before thee

in complete faith

with pure hearts

seeking to renew our minds

placing them on thee and not this world

always thankful

whatever thy will is on our lives

not grumbling nor losing sight

of thy Light

thy Truth

may every person be touched within their hearts to seek thy Living Word

turning to thy life-giving Holy Scriptures

not conforming thy truth through the corruption of man

rather conforming ourselves to thy Word, thy Truth

may thy Spirit touch all those in high places

those assuming power

or given power to rule

may we not think on them with any malicious intent

asking that thou would pierce their hearts with thy Truth

so they may not follow evil, but be afflicted by thy truth

maintaining the laws

not ruling through oppression

turning away from evil, and the ways of this world

as they are led by thee towards thy Truth

may they be guided and led in their decisions by thee

be with the downtrodden, those in despair

lift their hearts and spirits towards thy sheltering wings

let the persecuted for thy names sake, for thy Son’s name sake

the afflicted, those in pain of loss

whether believer or unbeliever

feel thy loving touch within their hearts and spirits

may thy Word reign in the hearts and minds of all people

compelling them to turn from walking in unrighteousness

onto thy pathway of rightness only found in thee

gracious, forgiving Jehovah Elyon

may the church becoming lost by the hour

feel the pangs of its falling away

and those following the wolves in sheep’s clothing

leading the flock of the Lord astray

have their eyes opened, their ears to hear thy inerrant truth

and may they return to the fold

placing thy Son, Yeshua, Christ our Lord as our Head

may all people become aware of thee

bowing in the pursuit of worshipping thee and thy Son

with reverence



not tainting the truth

turning from the darkness casting this world in shadow

may we all give thanks for all you provide

may we not question thee, doubt thee, anger thee, or attempt to place ourselves

at thy level, rather may they be pierced in their hearts by thy power

and bow humbly, may we all seek to be pleasing and acceptable unto thee our Lord

realizing our true purpose

the purpose of every person everywhere

no matter position or place

is to bow in worship to thee, Creator of all with thy Son

the One True Living God

thankful for our every breath

every morsel given

every cloth covering our fleshly bodies

be with the lonely

the orphans

the widows

those long in years

those suffering illness and disease

be with them and their loved ones

providing comfort

we humbly ask thee Lord to be with

those fighting back tears of terror

or tears of sorrow

may they feel thy touch upon their cheek

upon their heart

and acknowledge thee and thy Son


all their days

may all people know that thou art God

and they Son is Lord

may they discern the days

and make their spirits ready

founded solidly in thy Living Word

each person building upon that Rock solid foundation

lives led daily upright in thy sight

may we not tempt thee

nor blaspheme

always mindful of thee in everything we do

watching steadfastly for the return of thy Son

Yeshua, our Savior

without fear

rejoicing in our hearts

in the knowledge thou art our loving Father

