A Moment Of Illustrated Commentary —
There are over 1,000,000,000 Islamists in the world at present. They are the fastest growing population worldwide — and even liberal sources cite that as many as 3 out of 10 of Muslims have “radical” viewpoints and are following jihadist ideologies — well, that’s over 300,000,000 or about the population of the United States of America. Islam is not merely a religion. Islam is not something benign or to shrug off and as the above illustration points out — just as all good ideas begin in the mind of one person — so do things such as the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, or Nazism! Islam is not something to fear but to speak the truth about. The only fear a true believer of God and Jesus ought to have within them is a genuine fear of God and disappointing the Lord. Accepting the ways of false faiths and turning ones back on the truth, not being mindful and aware is not the path to pursue. The Antichrist and his government and false prophet are coming — and sooner than later — but being careless, clueless, apathetic, and unprepared is not the way to go. The prophecy of the inerrant word of God is rapidly unfolding before us. All the pieces to the puzzle quickly being put into their places. Do not be naïve. Do not be caught unawares. Do not be as the ten nonchalant virgins who were not prepared for the arrival of the Bridegroom and had no oil in their lamps —
Yet that man can not only slander but single out Christians as enemies of the state and turn his back on the massive slaughter of Christians taking place in the Middle East. While he signs executive orders permitting Islamists to be imported all expenses paid into America — with over 10,000 of those Islamists having direct ties through family with members of Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS. Imagine that? But do not do or say anything to disturb the Islamists — and permit the slaughter of Christians, the threat to Jews, just hands of Islam and Muslims. And this is America? Really? Where are its people? Where are these professed 60% of the population of America claiming to be Christian? Why do they bow to such evil in their land? Why do they bow to this vile, lying, evil man?
When Barack Hussein Obama spoke at Cairo University on June 4th, 2009 — where the audience was 100 percent Muslim and other than a few selected press members no non-Muslims were permitted to attend, he said in Arabic, “I am one of you.”
What more do people need to know? Where were you all these years? Do you not recognize the greatest enemy is always the one within?
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