You’ll Really Want To See This…Really, You Will
Wednesday, July 10th, 2024
by Ken Pullen
If you have spent any time in this place it must appear different than most other places. No ads. No asking for money, or donations, to keep things going. There is nothing wrong with donations, asking for money, or with money when used well and wisely.
All money, no matter who has it, or how much, is made possible by God. Not by any individual’s work. I know this is totally contrary to what is taught from birth, but God provides all to everyone. Rain on the evil and the righteous. Food to the evil and the righteous. And every dollar, yen, euro, pound, ruble, dinar, peso, franc, riel, yuan renminbi, guilder, and on and on it goes with the world’s currencies.
Probably fitting to insert Pink Floyd’s song Money here, but that’s not going to happen.
Most places you visit you will see something like this;
____________Is Funded By Christians/People Like You Who Long For People To Hear Biblical Truth/News & Information Not Found Elsewhere
Your donations are vital to help this ministry/website/work continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God’s Word/inform folks [and provide me a nice living…]
A person cannot go anywhere — turning on their television, listening to the radio, getting online, using any electronic device, driving around, entering almost any place without being bombarded with requests, urgings, demands, and expectations to receive money. Pay me, pay me, pay me, pay me, and pay me more!!! Even self-service places are expecting a tip these days that’s how greedy and insatiable the appetite for money and more money has become. An obsession. Gone awry.
Though money in and of itself is not bad. It’s actually good and all of it, no matter who or how much or where — their money is made possible by God. Those who work evil, criminal acts, and sin with what God provides will come before the Lord and answer for what they did with the money they had in this fleshly life. I firmly believe that. Give an account for their accounting…
This place, A Crooked Path has never run ads and it is not in my mind to ever begin running ads. Or asking for donations. I have not asked for money and have no expectations of asking for any. I’ll explain as we go along…
This place is funded entirely by me, Ken Pullen, a retired, physically disabled 71-year-old Christ follower who believes in the whole Word of God from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21. I’m actually now closer to 72 than 71…oh, and I did not grow up in a wealthy family. My father was a letter carrier, that’s what a child of a mailman knows mailmen as because that’s what they are called in the Post Office. I never had a job in which I made a lot of money. I’m not sitting on all kinds of investments. In truth, I don’t have much monetarily, but I am richer in that way than many people around the world. The Lord has blessed and continues to bless my wife and me with a home. A good place to live. All our food. We are able to pay our bills. We have vehicles for transportation. We have much considering what many others do not have — but we are not rich, or wealthy as the world defines such, and to most we would appear just your average American living in the Middle Class trying to get by.
But I have faith, and always have had faith, that the Lord will provide. Everything we need. And even more than we truly need.
That is not written for sympathy or anything other than a statement of clarification. Period.
Operating a website, on a good reliable server service with good customer service, help when trouble arrives — and trouble does happen at times online operating a website. There are A LOT OF REALLY BAD PEOPLE AROUND WITH NOTHING BETTER TO DO, APPARENTLY, THEN TO MAKE MISCHIEF AND CAUSE TROUBLE.
But I digress…
It can get expensive for any individual to operate a website these days. Costs to do so go up every year. The month of August, a wonderful summer month in the Northern Hemisphere, lot’s going on, is a month of trying, increased faith, and relying on God.
My mother and one sister were both born in August. They both have passed on. My mother in March of 1997, at the age of 67, and my sister died in December of 2003 at the age of 44. August is also the month all the bills, renewal of registrations, and so on come due to pay for everything regarding this place. To keep it online.
I’m going to tell you all the payment I would love to receive more than money. I suppose it would be wonderful to say “I make my living, a good living, operating a website. People donate money to me all the time and I’m doing all right.”
I suppose that would be nice. Yeah, that would be nice…
But that’s not why I do this or the payment I would like to receive. And I will now begin to wrap things up…
The greatest payment you, dear reader, dear subscriber, dear visitor could give to me is…
…to believe, faithfully, with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and being in the Triune God of the Holy Bible. The whole Holy Bible. And that you would being born anew, transformed by the Spirit of God ;
Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Matthew 28:16-20
Spread the gospel making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Only Way to eternal life, heaven, and to the Father. In faith, in obedience.
And if you could, please tell someone, tell some folks that you know, about this place. Let them know about A Crooked Path. Kind of an unusual and unique place, wouldn’t you say? Worth the stop?
First go to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Continually.
Always go to the whole inerrant infallible unchangeable living and active Word of God. All of it.
Always go to the Lord in fervent, faithful prayer, not amiss. With a humble and sincere heart.
And if moved to do so let other folks know about this place.
That is the greatest payment you could give to me.
And as long as our Great & Good Good God blesses me with this fleshly life and the ability to do this I will. For Him. For you. For others. Without asking for money — although there is nothing wrong with money if used well and acknowledged it all comes from God.
May our Awesome, Amazing, & Great & Good Good God bless you.
Be reverent, in awe, in wonder, in obedience, in praise, and understanding of His will in your life — and that can be found in His God-breathed words to all of us in the Holy Bible. Do not neglect listening to God’s voice which comes from hearing, reading, studying, meditating — thinking deeply, pondering, and putting into practice what is read.
Thank you for your time. And to the loyal subscribers, a special thank you for being so loyal all these years…I’d like to reward the subscribers who have been loyal for five, ten years, or more with a free copy of; Wilderness — A Crooked Path To The Promised Land, but I have never figured out a way to do so safely [we live in perilous times and there are countless thieves and dangerous people online and personal information must be very, very protected in such times as these. We have been the victims of identity theft — my wife — and it’s a messy and very time-consuming matter to get through] for all that would be involved in such a thing. Maybe one day I’ll figure that out.
Fight the good fight to the end. Persevere. Do not fall, for the Lord will never fail us! He keeps His promises…
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