fake meat




You see, the real problem with everything is that we’re all just not “conditioned” enough by the psychopaths, megalomaniacs, tyrants, despots, and lost in the throes of evil, those who are in utter darkness serving Satan. Men and women who in our age have been at times thought of almost as gods for their supposed intellect and inventions.

Almost all bowing at the altar of human intellect and innovation. Those in power, those idolized now realizing their goal all along — to control the world as gods. Creating the world of their deluded, lost, darkly cloaked in evil being portrayed as salvation, the way out, preservation, hope, and the salvation every eagerly seeks.

All a scam. A sham. A lie.

Do not fall for the deception like a rat following the seductive tune of the Pied Pipers who are household names, or who are very rich and powerful men and women.

Do not be deceived.

They are wrong. Dead wrong. They are not enlightened and leading people to some Nirvana, some Utopia where cows are vaccinated to eliminate cow flatulence thus saving the earth [see the article about Mr. Gates’ latest dictatorial adventure here. Below the article about the World Economic Forum]! Acting as if they are gods, they are in control, they can DICTATE and what THEY DICTATE is the ONLY WAY, THE CORRECT WAY TO GO…OR ELSE.

Bend, manipulate, control the information, control the products, control the governments. CONTROL THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD.

Hey, their initial worldwide experiment of only a few years ago was a smashing success for them. COVID-19. Worked like a charm in total worldwide control of the population. They learned.

Have you?

Blind foolish men and women denying God, Mocking God. Pushing God aside and arrogantly putting themselves in His place.

God will not be mocked.

God is in control. Not these men and women.

Tragically, they will all learn this if they continue on as they have and are and do not repent, do not turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not abandon what resides within them presently — which is dead hearts. They are the walking dead in their sin. No matter how brilliant they may appear.

It’s all a guise. Another lie. Exactly as the one began in the Garden.

Do not imitate our early parents, Adam and Eve. Imitate the Lord Jesus Christ.

Read on…oh, there are 2 articles in this one posting.

Ken Pullen, Saturday, Jun 8th, 2024



World Economic Forum Calls on Governments to Promote Fake Meat, Alternative Proteins


June 3, 2024

By Tim Hinchcliffe

Reprinted from The Sociable & Truth Unmuted


The unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) call on governments to promote fake meat and other alternative proteins in a coordinated effort to drive “consumer behavior change.”

In a white paper entitled “Creating a Vibrant Food Innovation Ecosystem: How Israel Is Advancing Alternative Proteins Across Sectors,” the authors claim that the push towards alternative proteins requires a global effort of governments and corporations working together to manipulate human behavior.

“Government leadership is needed to develop and promote alternative proteins and address one of the biggest global challenges of this era”

World Economic Forum, Creating a Vibrant Food Innovation Ecosystem, May 22, 2024

According to the report, achieving universally accessible protein will require multiple transition pathways:

  1. Accelerating protein diversification
  2. Advancing sustainable production systems
  3. Driving consumer behavior change

What’s the reason behind the push to drive consumer behavior change towards fake meat and other alternative proteins?

“The science is clear: it will be impossible for governments and others, including farmers, the private sector and consumers, to meet their obligations under the Paris Agreement and decarbonize the global economy without investing in sustainable protein diversification pathways and the overall food system”

World Economic Forum, Creating a Vibrant Food Innovation Ecosystem, May 22, 2024

Nations around the world are becoming aware of the benefits of prioritizing alternative proteins to meet their climate, biodiversity, food security and public health goals,” the report claims.

However, due to the “high-tech nature” of alternative proteins and their “high capital expenditures (CAPEX) requirement and longer return on investment timelines,” the authors say they “may pose investment challenges for some parts of the private sector.”

This is where the unelected globalists want governments to step in to incentivize, coerce, modify, or otherwise manipulate human behavior, “within current frameworks,” like the ones that gave us COVID lockdowns and vaccine passports.

Within current frameworks, governments can create clear, supportive, agile and efficient regulatory processes to ensure safe and transparent pathways that instill confidence in consumers and industry players alike, fostering a robust alternative protein market in a shift towards food systems that are more sustainable, secure and just,” the authors claim.

On the flipside, Italy has already banned lab-grown meat, and Wired reports that “States are lining up to outlaw lab-grown meat,” with legislation proposed in Florida, Alabama, Arizona, Kentucky, and Tennessee.

“Governments need to consider investing in open-access research and creating private sector incentives to realize the full economic and societal benefits of plant-based and cultivated meat and make these options accessible to all”

World Economic Forum, Creating a Vibrant Food Innovation Ecosystem, May 22, 2024

Notably absent from the latest WEF report is any mention of the use of insects as an alternative protein, which is something the unelected globalists have been pushing for years.

The current report says that alternative proteins consist of plant-based meat, cultivated meat, and fermented products.

However, the WEF’s White Paper on Alternative Proteins published in January 2019 states that alternative proteins involve “purely plant‑based alternatives, products based on insectsand other novel protein sources, and the application of cutting‑edge biotechnology to develop cultured meat.”

So, it appears that the WEF is trying to distance itself from the “you will eat zee bugs” ridicule it has been receiving as of late.

“Alternative proteins are game-changing agricultural innovations that, with proper levels of support, can help aid planetary and public health

World Economic Forum, Creating a Vibrant Food Innovation Ecosystem, May 22, 2024

The official narrative to push fake food on the populace is that it will help tackle challenges in climate change, food security, and planetary health.

The latest report states that “In light of the escalating challenges posed by climate change and the need to ensure food security, nations are called on to undertake a collective effort to elevate alternative proteins as a solution.”

But what the alternative protein agenda is really about is destroying independent farmers, taking their land, and controlling what people can eat.

Control the food, control the people.

The same can be said of money and energy, and the unelected globalists are definitely trying to control them all through individual carbon footprint trackerscentral bank digital currencies, and alternative proteins.

“Countries that strategically adapt to evolving global food systems and diversify their food value chains stand to benefit from the positive impacts of integrating alternative proteins into their national policies”

World Economic Forum, Creating a Vibrant Food Innovation Ecosystem, May 22, 2024

At the same time, the WEF report says that a potential shift to alternative proteins would actually help farmers:

There is a growing acknowledgement that, despite the industry being in its infancy, alternative proteins – meat made from plants, cultivated from animal cells or fermentation-derived meat – have transformative potential, particularly for farmers, who can benefit from and lead the transition towards a thriving alt- protein economy.”

Did they really just say that meat is made from plants?

And how is that can farmers possibly benefit from the production of fake food grown in labs?

According to the authors, “Projections indicate a substantial surplus of agricultural side streams, particularly from corn, soy, wheat, sugarcane, barley, rice, canola and tomatoes. Using these for alternative protein production represents a significant opportunity to enhance sustainability and circularity within the food supply chain, optimizing resource use and creating a more resilient agricultural sector.”

In other words, farmers will be coerced, incentivized, or otherwise manipulated into growing only what they are told to grow, so that their crops can be used to produce fake food.

At the same time, “Plant-based and cultivated meat require a small fraction of the land and cause far fewer emissions than industrial animal farming. Freed-up land can be repurposed for biodiversity preservation, reforestation and more ecologically friendly and regenerative methods of animal farming.”

The idea here is to shrink the amount of land needed for farming real food in order to make way for fake food that can be synthetically engineered with “far fewer emissions.”

Climate change policies have morphed into public and planetary health policies, and the unelected globalist solutions are always the same: merge corporation and state to monitor, manipulate, and control human behavior.


Bill Gates Invests Millions in ‘Climate Vaccines’ to Reduce Methane Emissions From Cows

Bill Gates pushes climate vaccines

June 4, 2024

By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

Reprinted from The Defender & Truth Unmuted


Bill Gates has long been a proponent of vaccines in general and more recently,  mRNA vaccine technology.

Now, he may have his sights set on developing a vaccine to combat climate change by targeting the methane emissions of livestock.

ArkeaBio, a Boston-based ag-biotech startup, recently raised $26.5 million in a Series A financing round to “reduce greenhouse gas emissions” via the development of a “methane vaccine,” the company announced in a May 8 press release.

Breakthrough Energy Ventures, founded by Gates and which first invested in ArkeaBio in 2022, led the financing round.

The company said:

“ArkeaBio’s vaccine will provide an innovative, cost-effective, and scalable solution to reduce the world’s livestock methane emissions, which currently generate the equivalent of 3 Billion Tonnes of CO2 annually and represent 6% of annual Greenhouse gas emissions.”

ArkeaBio claims its “vaccination-based approach allows for much-needed decarbonization of global meat and dairy products across multiple geographies, supporting greater sustainability in agriculture.”

Other investors in the recently completed financing round include The Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, AgriZeroNZ — a “partnership between the New Zealand government and major agribusinesses” — Rabo VenturesOverview Capital and The51 Food & AgTech Fund.

“The funds raised in this Series A financing will play a pivotal role in expanding the research, development and deployment of the vaccine, including large-scale field trials and engagement along the supply chain,” ArkeaBio said in its press release.

“Climate change is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced,” said ArkeaBio CEO Colin South. “It is the race of our lives. This capital raise allows us to continue to create the tools necessary for farmers to achieve globally relevant reductions in livestock methane emissions.”

Critics of the project who spoke with The Defender disagreed, suggesting “climate change vaccines” are not feasible but will instead help international organizations such as the World Economic Forum, nonprofits like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Big Pharma attain more control over society.

Immunologist and biochemist Jessica Rose, Ph.D. told The Defender:

“The ‘climate’ is something that can be used against all people, no matter what, because we all breathe air and drink water. This is why it is a perfect ‘item of control’ being used to engineer panic. A new ‘deadly virus/vaccine’ campaign would be less effective in this way, following the colossal failure of the ‘COVID-19 measures.’

“To me, ‘climate change’ is a catchphrase to mask the damage being done to our environment by mass polluters.”

Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., author of “The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda,” said that “climate change vaccines” are part of a broader “false narrative.”

Rectenwald said:

“It’s not surprising that these Neo-Malthusian control freaks, psychopaths and government-backed monopolistic profiteers are teaming up to usher in this false narrative. ‘Climate change’ is being used by Big Pharma, the WEF [World Economic Forum], Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, and their regime puppets as a pretense to promote vaccines and control society.”

Scott C. Tips, president of the National Health Federation, said “climate change vaccines” would also give Big Pharma another avenue to promote mRNA technology.

“Such vaccines would certainly incorporate dangerous mRNA technology, just as tetanus shots now do,” he said.

ArkeaBio is not Gates’ only foray into the development of “solutions” related to methane emissions from livestock.

In November 2023, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation granted $4.5 million to Indiana-based animal health biotech company BiomEdit to “deliver a safe and affordable solution that consistently produces significant livestock-related enteric methane emissions reduction.”

Ginkgo Bioworks, a Gates-backed biotech firm, and Elanco, which previously received Gates Foundation grantslaunched BiomEdit in 2022.

The push for ‘centralized, unaccountable and coercive control’

Agricultural experts told The Defender that even if the premise of “climate change vaccines” is correct, livestock-generated methane is a minor contributor to overall carbon emissions.

“These vaccines are not needed,” said André Leu, D.Sc., international director of Regeneration International, author and regenerative organic farmer. “They are yet another cost for farmers, further weakening their net income and transferring this to the multinational corporations. They are based on a very poor understanding of greenhouse gas contributions to climate change.

Leu noted that the contribution of methane is at most 1.6% of greenhouse gases. “Most methane emissions come from leaking gas, oil wells and permafrost melting. Ruminants are a very small percentage. The bulk of this comes from Confined Animal Feeding Operations” — also known as factory farms.

Experts also suggested that other means of reducing such methane emissions exist.

Methane from cattle and other livestock belch is produced by microbes in their intestinal tracks through the normal fermentation of feed, noted James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., a research scientist and author.

“We don’t need to vaccinate every cow to cause their immune systems to attack these microbes to reduce methane,” he said. “Permacultural practices produce high-quality feed easier to digest that produces less methane than low-quality feeds.”

Lyons-Weiler said that any vaccine attacking animals’ immune systems with the goal of reducing their methane emissions may put the animals’ health at risk and may also endanger the meat industry.

He said:

“An additional concern is that cattle everywhere will develop serious gastrointestinal illnesses as their immune systems attack these naturally occurring methane-producing non-pathogenic organisms.

“Entire ‘vaccinated’ herds will become commercially unviable, and the meat industry will be destroyed. It is entirely reasonable to suspect this is the ultimate goal of this insane endeavor.”

Some experts suggested that another potential impetus behind the push for “climate change vaccines” is the One Health concept, championed by the World Health Organization (WHO), which promotes the idea that public health policies should view human health, and also animal and environmental health, as being interdependent.

Rose suggested that “from the point of view of control,” the “climate change vaccines” may be connected to One Health. Tips agreed, calling One Health “a particularly nefarious scheme” intended to “fool the populace, raise lots of money and enact globalist goals of power over the world’s population.”

The implementation of One Health’s goals would also involve “synthetic means and centralized, unaccountable and coercive control,” Tips said.

Proponents of One Health claim that as a result of climate change, zoonotic diseases — which jump from animals to humans — are likely to increase in number and severity, thereby necessitating the unified approach the concept champions.

But Rectenwald disputed this argument. “The origin of the last pandemic was not zoonotic at all,” he said. “The coronavirus was produced in a lab, just like the vaccines.”

Big Pharma, WEF pushing for ‘vaccines to fight climate-sensitive diseases’

ArkeaBio has not announced plans to develop similar “climate change vaccines” for humans. But some Big Pharma firms are using the threat of climate change to push for increased vaccination, which they claim will help mitigate a climate catastrophe.

An April 2023 article, “Vaccine innovation is a critical response to the climate crisis,” Thomas Triomphe, Sanofi’s executive vice president of vaccines, claimed that “Continued innovation of vaccines to fight climate-sensitive diseases will undoubtedly be a critical tool in the public health response.”

A December 2023 GSK article titled, “In the face of climate change, vaccines play a crucial but underestimated role,” claimed that “As warming temperatures and extreme weather events exacerbate the spread of infectious diseases, maximising the role of vaccines can help mitigate the impact of climate change.”

In a July 2023 interview with The Guardian, Pascal Soriot, CEO of AstraZeneca, said the climate crisis is “affecting us all through respiratory diseases, cancers, health conditions, infectious diseases” and that “This crisis is actually a health crisis.”

And a November 2023 WEF article suggests that “climate change could help spread viruses like malaria, dengue and Zika to higher latitudes and expose more people.”

In response, the WEF suggests that its Climate and Health Initiative “is helping to develop the kind of quantification and analysis that will identify the populations most at risk, so the healthcare community might proactively address the threats.”

“We can act now to bolster the infrastructure and push the vaccines that should be developed or drugs that need more production capacity,” the article states. “Unlike COVID-19, we have a chance to get ahead of the problem. We should take it.”

‘Pandemic preparedness’ another name for increased surveillance?

ArkeaBio and Bill Gates aren’t the only ones actively involved in the development of purported health-related solutions to climate change.

In May, the Rockefeller Foundation and the WHO announced an initiative “to cultivate global networks for pathogen detection and strengthen pandemic preparedness capabilities, including broadening surveillance for diseases worsened by rising temperatures and extreme weather.”

The Rockefeller Foundation is investing $5 million in the WHO as part of the initiative, which operates through the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence and is aimed at supporting such goals as “scaling global capacity for genomic surveillance” and “improving outbreak detection.”

“Climate change is increasing both the risk of another global pandemic and the need to collaborate and share data,” Dr. Rajiv Shah, president of The Rockefeller Foundation, said at the time of the announcement.

Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu, head of the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence, said at the time of the announcement that “The COVID-19 pandemic underscored that disease surveillance, collaboration between stakeholders, and data sharing were absolutely essential ingredients for health security.”

Separately, a 2023 study published in The BMJ by Ginkgo Bioworks researchers warned that “Climate and land-use changes are predicted to increase the frequency of zoonotic spillover events, which have been the cause of most modern epidemics.”

“This trend can be altered by concerted global efforts to improve our capacity to prevent and contain outbreaks,” the paper stated, calling for the “rapid development” of mRNA vaccines, genomic surveillance and “focus surveillance at key travel hubs.”

And data.org, an initiative established by the Rockefeller Foundation and Mastercard with financial backers including Microsoft and the Wellcome Trust, launched the Capacity Accelerator Network (CAN), which aims to “build talent to solve systemic challenges such as those at the intersection of climate change and health.”

One way CAN says it can accomplish this is by “training 1 million, purpose-driven data practitioners by 2032 through a global ecosystem of academic, philanthropic, social impact, government, and private sector partners.”

This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense.


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