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The following piece here is SATIRE from The Babylon Bee. Why is it here? Because of its truth and the reality of just how lost and in darkness America is. How lost most of the people in America are. My wife and I live in what is one of the most conservative, registered Republican counties in our state. Now this is no rock-solid indicator of an outcome, but driving around in the county in which we live I see a lot more Harris / Walz yard signs than I do Trump / Vance yard signs.

Yo, people! This election isn’t about who you may like or dislike, what gender a person is, and taking lies and misinformation into the polling station, or in filling out a mail-in ballot. This election is about the future of America and who is best for carrying forward free speech, the liberties and freedoms of our Constitution, for upholding the rule of law, for faith freedoms, for educational freedoms, for slowing government tyranny.

And I am very confident that if I took the time to stop at every home in my county with a Harris /Walz yard sign and I rang their doorbell or knocked, and they came to the door and I asked them, “Are you Christians?” that about 6 out of ten of them would say, “Why, yes, we are!”


I also am very confident that almost all of those answering in such a manner would be lying, seeing how only 4% of the American population possess a Biblical Worldview, the churches of America are chock full of false teachers soothing all the itching ears and so-called cultural Christians, while the words Christian and Christianity have become meaningless, perverted, grossly distorted and of none effect to the reality of what is in a person’s heart and how they live their lives out — every breath, every heartbeat, every dollar, every bite of food given to them by God — yet they can’t read His Word, they can’t be disciples, they can’t take time for the Lord as they have to yield to the world at almost every moment in the lives the Lord blesses them with.

A person cannot be truly a born again, disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ without their life view being a Biblical one rather than just the worldview. Think about that. Seriously. Think deeply about that. Because it isn’t my opinion, my feeling, just my belief. It’s the fact according to God, according to Jesus, according to the Holy Spirit, and according to the Word of God.

Wow. Incredible isn’t it folks?

Do you serve America, a political party, a candidate, the worldly culture, or do you truly serve the Lord Jesus Christ and abide in His Word, which is from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 and every word in between? Where is it written that a true believer, a true Christ follower can pick and choose what to believe, and what not to believe in God’s whole inerrant infallible unchangeable eternal living, and active Word? Treating God like a restaurant owner and His Word like a changing menu where you only select what you like.

Please, if you know what book of the Bible, what chapter, what passage let me know.

So many can sit and stare into a glowing screen and listen to the lies filling their ears, the dance of delusion, and fall prey to it — exactly as Adam and Eve fell prey to it imagining themselves on par with God listening to the liar tell them they were because he believes himself on par, or above God.

You may not like Donald Trump. You may loathe Donald Trump and if that is so and you also claim to be born again, a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ Who taught us all how we should be and did what He did upon that tree of shame, and walking out of the tomb you’d better do some soul searching. Some repentance. But of the two choices we’re given in this election looming quickly on our horizon, there is only one clear choice for the future of America.

Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.

I cannot believe anyone could be a born again, a true disciple of Jesus, a true Christ follower, and vote for any Democrat let alone two of the most radical, far, far, far, FAR left candidates ever in American history vying for the highest office in the land. Embracing every evil imagined and being open in the past about this but now hiding from their true cold, dead darkened hearts in order to gain power, actually SEIZE power in the manner in which it was done.

Do you need more signs of the times? More signs that we’re living in the last of the last days? Look no further than what American media has become, what our government has become, what our elected and appointed officials have become. What our churches, so many pastors, and so many professing to be devoted to God and the Lord Jesus Christ have become. More turned from God, more despising our foundations, more tyrannical and evil than ever in our history.

I get it from some folks, even though they are exceedingly misled and utterly wrong — they believe they can work to bring about the kingdom of God faster to this world by their overt actions. How selfish and loveless those people are. How godless those people are in truth. For they deny the power of God and His all-knowing, all-powerful, unchangeable nature. They imagine themselves gods, again, exactly as Adam and Eve in the garden seduced by the Serpent the father of lies who elevated himself, a created being, on par or actually vainly imagining himself greater than God Who created him!

Why selfish? Because to work at increasing sin and evil in this world, in America in the ignorant hope of expediting the return of Jesus those who believe and live out such a lie, such dung, are only thinking of themselves. And not the lost in darkness that are yet to come to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, Lord of their life.

They are ignorant of the truth that there is a specific number of souls in the world, both Gentile and Jew, that not only have their names written in the Book of Life but also in the select Lamb’s Book of Life, those who have come to THEE faith and are assured of eternal life in heaven.

The vain, foolish, concerted, arrogant acts of ignorant men and women cannot thwart or change God.

But voting for the most evil, lost, corrupted, lying, perverted, and anti-God, anti-Jesus, anti-Christ follower, anti-Jew, anti-America, anti-Israel, anti-Holy Bible, anti-U.S. Constitution couple ever put on a ballot — Harris / Walz — is a vote for all of the above. Evil, lies, delusions, turned against God, against Jesus, against the Word of God, against the nation that provides every blessing voting to usher in times unlike this nation has ever witnessed. And not the deluded blessed times. Horrific times.

Yes, satire — it is something made up in a humorous way that reveals a truth, or truths, especially in dealing with politics.

Oh, and you don’t have to like a person in order to vote for them. That is nonsense that has crept in and taken over in American politics. The old adage, “Is it s person you’d like to have a beer with?” or, “Is it a person you’d like to have over for dinner?”

Neither is sound criteria for electing anyone to public office. Think about that. Get over the lovefest, the popularity contest, and living and acting as if you’re still in high school voting for class president!

No, I want the best, strongest, critically thinking, logical, objective people that hopefully are God-fearing and Christ-believing, Bible-believing, but if not? At least they are the best of the choices, the strongest for our nation against the evil in this world, and they are all the other attributes believing and upholding what they swear to do upon taking office — uphold our Constitution and work for we the people.

I know a person who voted for Jimmy Carter for president. Know how they responded when I asked them, “Why did you vote for Carter?”

“I liked his teeth, he has a nice smile

So does every lying cunning serpent most fall prey to and are bitten by…

There is no such a being as a liberal Christian, a cultural Christian, or a voting Democrat Christian.

To believe so is to be under strong delusion;

Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Harris / Walz telling you the truth? Upstanding citizens? No corruption? No deception? They aren’t saying select things with the sole purpose of gaining power? No delusion, no lying, their policies are just and right in the sight of God according to His Word? Oh, so then it’s okay to push and attempt to codify in the U.S. Constitution the pre-meditated murder of human children up to birth?

Imagine if you will…you’re living at the height of Roman culture. The Colosseum is all the rage and the place to be. You consider yourself a Chrisitan, that new sect that many have been talking about. And you won two prime seats at the Colosseum which is always a sellout and the hardest ticket to get with Caesar always attending and the latest craze — killing Christians and feeding them to wild cats, and there sits Caesar with the power, with that thumb — pointing upwards or downwards. Life or death. And when he turns that thumb downwards and the Christians in the ring are slain the the bloodlust crowd goes wild there you sit. Cheering Ceasr on! No different, no difference at all in voting for Harris /Walz in the upcoming election, professed Christ follower.

There is so much more this election is about than pre-meditated murder, so-called abortion, of human children sacrificed to Moloach and Baal.

Are the Republicans so much better? No, not at all. Is Donald Trump some sort of savior? Certainly not. But he and Mr. Vance are the better choice, the only choice for anyone claiming to love America, cherish free speech, religious freedom, and the rule of law, and in upholding our Constitution.

You can either believe and serve CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, PBS, The New York Times, and every other media outlet and the lies put forward, you can believe and serve a political party and their ideologies — or you can serve the Lord.

But you can’t do both.

And, yes, the American public is that ignorant, that shallow in who they vote for, just as they vote against a person solely because they don’t like them, or imagine themselves more moral.

Imagine that.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Monday, September 2nd, 2024



Woman Who Got Soldiers Killed Condemns Man Who Comforted Their Families


September 1, 2024

The Babylon Bee

Reprinted from The Babylon Bee



WASHINGTON, D.C. — The woman who got 13 U.S. Service members killed in Afghanistan has issued a statement condemning a man for going to comfort the families of the fallen soldiers.

“How dare Trump go lay flowers on the fallen soldier’s tombs, just because their families asked him to,” said Vice President Harris. “It’s disgusting — showing up to a memorial service you were invited to. Anyway, why should he be the one invited when I’m the one who got them killed?”

According to sources, Trump has been accused of accepting invitations from multiple Gold Star families to a solemn ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, where he honored their fallen sons and daughters. “It’s disgusting,” said MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, watching as Trump laid a wreath onto a tomb. “This just shows what depths Trump will go to, even leaving the campaign trail to attend a memorial service. Is there no low this man will not stoop to?”

Historically, getting soldiers killed through horrific incompetence has been seen as damaging politically, but after Trump’s attendance at the service, the Harris campaign has decided it’s time to change that narrative. “So what if she got thirteen people killed and claimed to be totally comfortable with that decision?” said campaign manager Julie Rodriguez. “Nothing is off limits for political gain, even the very deaths she caused. You get someone shot, just accuse your opponent of playing politics by going to the funeral. Then, sit back and watch the media take it from there.”

At publishing time, the Harris campaign had accused Trump of offering a tissue to a crying widow.