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What Jesus do you serve, believe, and know?

The Jesus of the Holy Bible or one of the myriad Jesus created and worshipped by those claiming to be Christian, which means Christ follower, a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Only begotten Son, the Only One of God who is God, who became flesh, who lived, died and was resurrected on the third day conquering death and He walked out of the tomb to spend another 40 days on earth being seen by over 500 people. To then ascend directly into heaven in front of witnesses.

Do you know, serve, and believe that Jesus? Or the one of your own making, the one created to fit your life of unrepentant sin and not knowing regeneration, a change of heart, mind, soul, and spirit to then live for the Lord and no longer for self, no longer serving Satan and this world.

Which Jesus do you know, serve, and believe?

Because there are many in this world. But only One True Jesus. From God. God Himself. The Jesus of the whole Holy Bible from Genesis through Revelation.

Only One Jesus. Only One True Way. Only One True Faith.

Only the One True Jesus.

Enough already. Enough already! To those professing to be Christ followers, true children of God, faithful and obedient to His Word.

To continue to comply and appease the world — evil, Satan — and calling such places as is described below churches, or Christian churches, and “woke” is to please the Evil One, the devil, and to pain God, to distress God and to raise the ire and wrath of God.

Stop using the world’s words. Stop using “woke.” Because it’s really just more evil and it’s being watered down in terminology and accepted in the lexicon as something other than what it is. It’s been believed and adopted, accepted, and approved as being political and it might appear so, but it emanates from the writhing, screaming, rebellious pit of hell and evil.

Let’s call it such. Recognize it as such. Not fear speaking or writing of it as such, shall we? Finally?

Or else continue to appease, please the world, please and appease evil and not appear any different than those who partake and participate in such evil.

Along with this stop thinking, speaking, or writing of places and people as described below as Christian churches, denominations, or Christ followers. The words church, Christian, evangelist, and even Bible have been corrupted and perverted by evil — and anyone and everyone who continues using the speech of evil is no different, not set apart than that evil.

Enough already. How about standing firm and faithful to the Lord and the Word of God rather than buckling to world speak, worldview, world evil, and darkness and understanding what it means to be a light unto the world, the salt of the earth?

Lost the flavor, the savor and you’ve lost the Lord and taken on the ways, and words of the world!

Is this world good? Righteous? Does God look aside and accept sin, evil, immorality, corruption, perversion, and lies altering His ways and Word?

Why then are we so weak and ready to abandon the Way and adopt, accept, and approve of the language of the world in these last of the last days?

Wake up! Drop all the “woke” dung. It’s feces from the heart and tongue. Drop calling people and places as described below as Christians gone astray, as Christian churches, and finally, finally, begin to have the boldness, the faith, the clarity, and the conviction to speak the truth, write the truth.

There is no such thing as a “woke” Christian church or denomination.

These are places of confusion, perversion, delusion, and tickling the ears of those who use God’s name in vain and do as they please, what they please, what is right in their own eyes.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;

2 Timothy 4:3

Lacking leadership in the home…

The destruction of the family…

Lacking real leadership in a nation…

Schools, corporations, and institutions  & so-called CHURCHES becoming indoctrination of evil centers…

With the tearing down of the foundations and the turning from God…

…everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

Judges 21:25b

And for anyone to comply with the terminology is wrong. Dead wrong. It only aids and abets The Enemy as he and his ministers dance a jig gleefully having Christ followers abide in their words rather than the inerrant infallible unchangeable living and active Word of God.

Wake up, finally.

Speak up, finally.

Not with the world’s words of delusion, perversion, and corruption leading to the Second Death.

Speak up, live out, the words of the whole Holy Bible unafraid of what the world will say, think, or do to us for not yielding to them and standing firm in THE FAITH, in THE WHOLE WORD OF GOD.

Or else fall away, fall prey to Satan and his lies.

Those are the only two options, roads to take and travel upon in this life.

Each with their certain outcomes.

Keep using evil’s words and please evil…or else finally stand boldly, putting on the WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD and fear the Lord more [being reverent, in awe, obedient to, in understanding] than fearing anything or anyone on earth [abiding in their ways and words for fear of consequences if doing otherwise] and begin speaking, writing, and living as a Christ follower and not a person that could be mistaken for just another person in this world.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Wednesday, July 10th, 2024



Woke Churches Continue To Spread Their Poison And Infect The Next Generation


July 09, 2024

by PNW Staff [Prophecy News Watch]

Reprinted from Prophecy News Watch

In the book of Jeremiah, we are reminded of the dangers of people pretending to speak for God when, in fact, they are spreading lies.

Jeremiah 14:14: “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries, and the delusions of their own minds.”

One such recent example is Presbyterian Pastor Rebecca Todd Peters, who preached that if Jesus were giving his Sermon on the Mount today, he might add, “Blessed are those who end pregnancies, for they will be known for their loving kindness.”

Peters is on a mission to shift the Christian paradigm that abortion is not only not sinful but a good and moral thing to do.  She of course serves on the Clergy Advocacy Board of Planned Parenthood and often wears her Planned Parenthood stole when giving sermons. Peters ironically serves as co-moderator of the Faith and Order study for the World Council of Churches on Moral Discernment in the Churches.

She will often begin her messages by detailing her own reproductive history, readily volunteering that at 55, she is married, has two children, and has undergone two abortions.

“I felt God’s presence with me as I made the decision to end two pregnancies, and I felt no guilt, no shame, no sin,” she told the congregation in Chapel Hill. “A forced pregnancy or birth is not holy.”

She went on to tell the Community Church of Chapel Hill: “Abortion is a moral good. Abortion is an act of love. Abortion is an act of grace,” and finally: “Abortion is a blessing.”

One wonders if church discipline still exists where rogue preachers can be reeled in by those higher up in the church body. However, this is the same denomination that just warned about the dangers of Christian support for Israel at its annual convention last month, suggesting such support was heretical. Heretical for believing God’s promises to restore the nation of Israel and defend itself against Islamist murderers?

This denomination decided long ago that they would switch out the Word of God for progressive causes such as reproductive justice, same sex marriage, drag queen storytime in the church and anti-Israel teachings.  They are the perfect example of a woke church and thankfully as a result of it’s teaching this denomination is dying fast.

In fact so many Presbyterians have left the church that it is estimated the church could die out in two more generations.  In the meantime however, they are causing terrible damage to the body of Christ.

Not to be outdone, the Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines of University Christian Church in San Diego recently dressed up in Star Wars attire and declared to his congregation (with pride rainbow colors placed all over the pulpit) that Star Wars is compatible with the theology of Jesus. “God is that which is within us and all around us … The Spirit of God … is within you and around you, just like The Force, you see?

… I’ve learned to see God less as a divine being and more as a source of connection.”

This theology of God simply being a force should not be too surprising after also declaring during church announcements that “We have actual Holy Week, we have the Theology of Broadway, and we have PRIDE, and those are big seasons here.”

Equating Pride celebrations with Holy Week and the theology of Broadway? He didn’t elaborate on the theology of Broadway, but it would be a stretch to suggest it aligned with scripture in any form.

Finally, we have the United Church of Canada, which last month dedicated a worship service to exegeting the “Progress Pride” flag for Pride Month and got some of the children in the “church” to participate in the recitation.

You will probably experience both anger and sadness as you watch the clip below and witness this “Christian Churche” brainwashing the next generation into LGBT indoctrination. 2nd Peter Chapter 3 warns us that in the last days there will be those who have the appearance of godliness but lack the power of the Holy Spirit. From such places, we are to turn away.

Watch the service below:

Link to the video for anyone unable to open it by clicking on the image.

Apologist Ken Ham, in response to the rise of wokeness in the church, recently said this:

“What a state the ‘woke church’ is in! Well, the ‘woke church’ is not the true church. Compromise with the world and the thinking of today abounds.

Now, these compromises are very obvious—the lies are right out in the open, and the majority of Christians can see them for what they are: deceptions from the enemy. But most compromise is much more subtle (and the ‘in-your-face’ compromise usually starts out with subtlety). Christians need to be equipped to recognize and answer this subtle compromise, keeping their thinking aligned with God and His Word.”