This is America…
I usually print headings as I find them only editing or altering them on occasion. I do not subscribe to the nonsense, errant speech so prevalent in the world today. The people described in the article below are not woke activists — they are demonic, evil ministers of Satan. Period. Let’s stop using incorrect descriptions, shall we?
Anyone anywhere that opposes legislation that is being considered in an effort to curb or halt as best as possible making the purchase of sex from children cannot be described in such simplistic, imbecile speech as woke activists. No, those people would be clearly demonic evil ministers of the devil. Surely they are not opposing the proposed legislation in California to protect children, to attempt to stem the inordinate level of immoral sex taking place — the buying of children for sex acts.
That this is even something that needs legislation, that is written about, is a point of discussion and a vocal segment of the population attends meetings expressing their unhinged and immoral views opposing such legislation cannot be a clearer message to anyone paying attention of America’s rapid and utter decline and the breakdown of society. The crumbling of American society. Now turned from God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible as they can’t get enough wickedness, sin, and immorality into their walking dead, lost, in utter darkness lives.
People are so numb, so desensitized, so accepting and even approving of all this — due to the normalization of perverted, abnormal, abhorrent, and immoral sexual behaviors and appetites, this isn’t a big deal to most folks.
Sure, let the sexually deviant, abhorrent, and immoral pay children for disgusting sex acts that will permanently destroy the people in question — the children and the so-called adults engaging in all of this dung.
And the end is not near?
The Lord is not close in returning to gather His Church?
The very last of the last days are here and we’re living in them?
The following is the current diseased condition of America.
The escalating spiritual war has many casualties and the intensity of the battle, the fire fight is only going to become worse.
To be combated by fully trusting in the Lord. Being well equipped in the Word of God always ready to engage The Enemy and fight on wearing and never removing the full armour of God
Not afraid to stand and speak the truth. Which can be found in God’s inerrant infallible unchanging eternal living and active Word.
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Thursday, July 11th, 2024
Woke activists oppose California bill making it a felony to purchase sex from children, claiming it will harm LGBTQ community, people of color
“The harsher penalties contained in this bill will disproportionately impact marginalized communities, particularly black and brown individuals who already bear the brunt of systemic biases within our criminal justice system.
July 9, 2024
Reprinted from P.M. American News
Legislation increasing penalties for people who solicit, agree to engage in, or engage in any act of commercial sex with a minor is being opposed by a group of activists, claiming that it disproportionately harms minorities and the LGBTQ community. The bill has also been watered down from its original punitive measures.
Activists opposed the legislation that would make a felony to purchase or solicit children for sex, claiming during public testimony on the legislation that “SB 1414 takes an overly punitive approach that fails to address the root causes of these issues and will not effectively stop sexual violence.”
Activists oppose California bill giving harsher penalties for soliciting minors for sex, say it will disproportionality harm LGBTQ community and people of color.
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) July 9, 2024
“We are particularly concerned that the harsher penalties proposed in this bill will disproportionately impact marginalized communities, especially members of the LGBTQ community who already suffer from systematic biases within the criminal justice system, particularly when it comes to sexually based offenses,” the activists added.
The activists who spoke in public testimony claimed that LGBTQ people “are more likely to be charged with sex offenses compared to their heterosexual counterparts,” and that “measures like SB 1414 lead to higher rates of incarceration, longer sentences, and increased difficulties in finding housing and employment.”
Another activist said that they stand against “any punitive measure that perpetuates systemic injustices” and wanted California to instead invest in “community-based solutions.” One activist added that she was concerned about the bill impacting “black and brown individuals.”
Senate Bill 1414 passed a vote in the Public Safety Committee last week. State Sen. Shannon Grove originally proposed making it a felony for someone to solicit teenagers 17 and younger, however, the bill was watered down by the committee to exclude those ages 16 and 17.
The committee later revised the bill to include 16- and 17-year-olds, but with the caveat that prosecutors now must prove that the 16- or 17-year-olds were not only solicited for sex but also are victims of sex trafficking.
Grove told KCRA 3 that the change to put 16 and 17-year-olds back in the bill is just political showmanship. “I think Kevin McCarty is looking for a way to put 16- and 17-year-olds back in the bill and say he was successful, but he only damaged them further.” The question still remains as to what form the bill will ultimately pass.
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