At a January 7, 2023 ceremony marking Palestinian Martyr’s Day, PLO Executive Committee Secretary-General Hussein al-Sheikh claimed the Palestinians would spend every single penny they have on the so-called martyrs (dead terrorists) and their families as well as imprisoned terrorists. (Image source: MEMRI)
Is there no one in the American government at the highest levels who truly understands the mind and constant intent of the Islamic terrorists? A short examination of history since September 11th, 2001 would reveal to a child there is no one.
I’m capable enough in the memory department, though old, to remember how there was going to be a focused, concerted effort to end Islamic terrorism and bring peace to the world. No more jihadists. All would be sought out and removed.
What a foolish and truly ignorant — unaware, uneducated, arrogant — thing to say and claim.
Any peace that has ever been imagined on earth anywhere has been fleeting. A brief pause in the constant wars due to hatred stewing, roiling up between tribes, peoples, and nations. Between beliefs.
Any peace in the Middle East is but a temporary rest before more violence, destruction, and death, for every side involved.
It is arrogant and blind to imagine oneself the bringer of peace to a region that from the time of human history has never seen a lasting peace, and in fact is the center of the world and should be all the world’s main focus as to daily events unfolding.
Israel is the center of the world. Jerusalem is its heart, the heart of the world.
You may not like that statement, you may disagree, but that is not according to me. It’s according to God Who created this earth and all on it is His. Jesus the Lord and Savior of the obedient and faithful, Yeshua Hamashiach, Creator of all things known and unknown — are His.
There is no peace in man.
That is an illusion. Mere words. A wonderful hope. That has never been realized and never will be until the Lord Jesus Christ returns to set His foot once again on the Mount of Olives after defeating the nations of the world in the greatest battle that ever will be in the creation long war that took place on earth.
Wonderful idea, nice idea, great goal to desire — peace in the Middle East. Peace in all the world.
But anyone imagining it will occur is among the greatly deluded. Living in a fantasy world and not reality and not truly understanding the mind and life of the rabid, indoctrinated since birth Islamic terrorist mind.
I would love to see peace, a true lasting peace in the Middle East and over all the earth. But anyone even remotely aware and honest within themselves — and to others — knows it’s an illusion. But a dream. A wonderful idea, but due to the sin within man and woman, due to the true source of all wars — the 24/7/365 and 366 during those leap years spiritual battles raging around and within every person on earth — peace is impossible.
A delusion. Living an illusionary life rather than a realistic one.
To know the enemy and then do one’s best to keep that enemy in check is the best to hope for.
Every president for decades now has determined that he would be the one to bring peace to the Middle East. Hasn’t happened and won’t happen. Not even for President Trump.
None of them, and it is apparent none of the people advising them and working in their administration truly understands the mind and constant intent of jihad, of the Islamic terrorist. Because none of them approaches the situation in a spiritual, Biblical, realistic manner.
It’s all self and of the world. The world’s wisdom which is rubbish to God and God’s wisdom.
You may disagree. You may place your faith in certain men and women.
How has that worked out over the course of your lifetime?
This especially goes out to anyone professing to be born from above, born again and thus indwelt of the Holy Spirit now living their life with a changed heart, a changed mind, fluent and literate in God’s Word and His ways, His will, which is clearly known by spending time — study, meditation, deeply thinking, praying within — the Holy Bible.
Mr. Witkoff is not the answer or solution.
President Trump, for all his great attributes and abilities, is not the answer or solution.
The Abraham Accords are not the answer or solution.
A two-state solution is no answer or solution.
No man, no woman, no summit, no treaty on paper signed in ink by men is the answer or solution.
Only God, only Jesus, Yeshua — the only Savior to answer every question and problem, only the Holy Spirit is given to help, instruct, comfort, and bring peace to every question and problem, only the Triune God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of the Holy Bible, the God of the Jews and Gentile believers is the answer, the solution.
And presidents, advisors, prime ministers, so many — all who refuse to acknowledge and accept and live according to the above will rail, fight, and protest against that and believe that they are the solution, the answer, that they will be the ones to accomplish that which no one before them ever has.
And they will fail. Because they refuse to humble themselves and bow before God Almighty and submit to Him and be truly led daily by Him.
You can rail against this, scream within, shout without, disagree with everything within your mind and soul but this is not my opinion or mere conjecture. This is fact-based upon history, seen and known history among peoples and clearly known, and clearly seen and understood for anyone knowing and believing every word within the Word of God and having a truly Biblical worldview rather than the view the world takes, which is never clear or true as its always worked in darkness.
So how can it allow the necessary light — the Light, the Way, the Truth that leads to peace and truly being able to see and understand — possible? Clear vision within the heart and mind that can only take place with Jesus, the Holy Spirit truly living within the life and heart of an individual? No matter who they may be in this world.
Read on…and the facts will only reinforce what is written above…
Ken Pullen, Tuesday, February 4th, 2025
Witkoff Meets PLO Leader Who Vowed to Spend ‘Last Penny’ Financing Terror
Fresh from his success of implementing the Biden plan and saving Hamas, Steven Witkoff, acting as President Donald Trump’s Middle East Envoy, went to Saudi Arabia, homeland of the 9/11 hijackers, and met with Hussein Al-Sheikh, secretary-general of the PLO Executive Committee and head of the Palestinian Authority (PA) General Authority of Civil Affairs, who is apparently the leading candidate to replace PLO chief and PA President Mahmoud Abbas.
The meeting between Witkoff and Al-Sheikh took place amid efforts by the Trump administration to end the war in Gaza and push for a Saudi-Israeli peace deal that includes a path toward a Palestinian state.
Al-Sheikh isn’t just an Abbas adviser, he’s a possible successor to the aging PLO tyrant (or at least he was until he was recorded badmouthing Abbas) to run the Palestinian Authority.
And Al-Sheikh has a vision. Terror and more terror.
According to a MEMRI report, Al-Sheikh claimed the Palestinians would spend every single penny they have on the so-called martyrs (dead terrorists) and their families as well as imprisoned terrorists.
Al-Sheikh said:
“I would like to reassure you of our firm and unwavering commitment: Our martyrs, prisoners, and their families are where we cross the line. Even if we have one penny left, it will be spent on the families of the martyrs and prisoners…They are our purest, most permanent, loftiest, and most precious jewel.”
In English, Al-Sheikh is referring to the ‘Pay-to-Slay’ program under which the Palestinian Authority funds terror by providing payments to imprisoned terrorists or the families of dead terrorists.
Al-Sheikh also claimed that “our arms are open to” Hamas and bragged of the PLO’s role in defending the fellow Islamic terrorist group with which it had signed a unity agreement under the aegis of Communist China:
“Even as the world talked and demanded that Hamas be designated as a terror organization, who stood up the world? Was it not Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] who stood in front of the U.N. and declared, ‘No, Hamas is not a terror organization?’…
“The real terrorism is the Israeli occupation. The real terrorism are the settlements. The real terrorism is the crime being committed against the Palestinian people. We’ve done our homework… and know very well what our priorities are and how to defend our internal front.”
The Saudis are proposing some sort of deal under which Al-Sheikh gets a terrorist state in Israel to run. Witkoff ought to be asked why he’s pulling America into nation-building terrorist states.
That’s not America First. That’s Jihad First.
Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Reprinted by kind permission of the Center’s Front Page Magazine.
Going back to Dwight D. Eisenhower and every president since none have truly understood the Middle East and why its constant conflicts erupt. Even though many have stated they were, or are, “students” of the Holy Bible. Their vanity, their worldview that dominates obscures the view and position they should have taken. Some have been downright deluded they were the bringers of peace [Jimmy Carter for one] and others have been clearly, openly on the side of evil making no bones about where their loyalties stood, vainly, perhaps truly within their dark minds convinced they were doing the right thing to bring balance, some peace [Barack Hussein Obama] for one, but none really work with God and God’s Word leading them in their decision-making when it comes to the Middle East. Appeasement, attempting to please history-long warring sides is never going to work. A five-year-old child knows this. Sadly no president or any of their hired “peacemakers” and advisors know this — perhaps it’s time to bring a five-year-old carrying a Bible with him, or her, into the Oval Office to have a good chat with all those in power;
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