Why is this here?
Because the following article written by Daniel Greenfield sheds light on the utter stupidity, arrogance, ignorance, and delusion of the overwhelming majority of people in our government — both political parties, none is really that much greater than the other — and within the people.
It shows the utter foolishness and delusion among we the people. An arrogance that we do not need God that we know better than God, that we are equal to God as environmentalism — pantheism, a large root of paganism — preaches and teaches there is no God, no God of the Holy Bible and it is this earth, created by God ironically, that needs and deserves the worship. Yet with almost every endeavor and effort to protect and preserve the ideas put into practice by fallen, sinful, depraved, and deluded men, women, and children [who supposed adults allow to guide them, think Greta Thunberg, born in 2003 and has had world leaders — Merkel, Obama, Macron, and some guy in the Vatican among many others, including the world media, social media, and a large mass of lost people eating from the palm of her hands, hanging on her every word and action] has caused the exact opposite effect, or it will.
“I will make mere youths their officials; children will rule over them.”
Isaiah 3:4 NIV
“I will give children to be their princes, And babes shall rule over them.
Isaiah 3:4 NKJV
Don’t care about, don’t know, don’t believe Bible prophecy? Don’t want to think about it? Know it? Want to remain in a deluded self-created bubble world? Well, perhaps it’s time to allow the bubble to burst and the stench, the noise, the walking, the groaning of all creation at the sin of men, women, and children in and time to either finally turn to the Lord and His Word, or finally turn back to the Lord and His Word if having backslid, fallen away. It is not too late as long as the Great and Good Good God blesses with breath, a beating heart, and a willing spirit and soul to acknowledge the Way, the Truth, and the Light leading to Life.
An example of the lunacy, the insanity of governments, manufacturers, media, and more than enough people to push the propaganda that abolishing the internal combustion engine and replacing it with all-electric vehicles is the solution.
The fallout, the consequences to come from this ignorance, this lie is going to be devastating to not only the natural environment, but also to the people of the world economically, and in every sense. Including more frequent breakdowns in their electric grids as no electrical grid can sustain or endure the demands such a policy places upon it. Especially in America where attention to infrastructure upkeep, replacement and development has lagged to the point in almost every place all infrastructure — electricity production, bridges, roads, sewers, and water systems are over 50 years forgotten and behind.
At the Creation, by the Triune God, Their will, Their words, “Let there be…” prior to the sinful free will of man and woman turning from God to turn to the lies, the delusion of Satan this earth was PERFECT. It was PARADISE. Beyond anyone’s comprehension at its glory, condition, health, and appearance.
It is only through man and woman’s disobedience, arrogance, foolishness, ignorance, and wickedness built into them by free will — as God does not desire robots, puppets, or those without true hearts and minds for Him and His Son — that decay, death, pain, weeds, and the entropy of all things entered into this world.
We were, and are to be stewards of this earth.
Given to us by God the Creator.
That does not mean we are to idolize or worship the earth. THERE IS NO MOTHER EARTH! Stop saying that if you are, or do. To do so is to speak for paganism, to practice paganism, to place paganism and this created world ABOVE the Creator! And, yes, your local weather people on TV are in truth PAGANS as to a one they all are led to exclaim “Mother Earth,” continually. Always. Ever realize that? Think of that? It is goddess worship. Earth worship. Founded in sorcery, wickedness, and paganism and is NOT benign, meaningless, or something to fluff off or ignore.
It is the little things. The subtle things. A word here, a word there, an idea here, an idea there said enough to become ingrained. Never ingraining the Word of God but adopting, accepting, and approving of every lie, delusion, and little things that comes along from the world that becomes a part of a life on earth. Clueless. Blind. Kept in the dark while imagining they are part of the light.
Wake up!
Recycling everything hasn’t worked.
Thinking the Paris environmental pact is the answer is utter stupidity and foolishness.
Thinking that men, any man, women, any woman, children, any child have the solution or answer or that their suppositions and positions on “saving the earth!” are correct leads you astray just as Adam and Eve were in the Garden. No difference.
Why is this article here?
Because of how lost, how deluded, how ignorant and arrogant we have become and that by the actions we take in deluding ourselves, we can save the earth we always, only accelerate the end of all things.
Ironic, isn’t it?
Kind of funny, too, isn’t it?
Very apropos, isn’t it?
Too bad so few professed Christians actually read the Holy Bible, know what is in the Holy Bible, understand, see, hear, believe, and faithfully practice being a true Christ follower.
Why are we here?
To acknowledge God the Creator and Jesus the Christ, the Messiah as Lord and Saviour. To have Them become our friends, our turning from our sin and evil to believing, faithfully believing, and living out THE FAITH as found in the Holy Bible from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21 and every verse, every word in between.
Time is short.
Think that electric vehicles, all the recycling, all the idiotic short-sighted, blind, foolish, arrogant ideas, ways, and laws of man are going to save this earth while you may have lost eternal life? Salvation? Real knowing and understanding of what is truly real and important?
This earth and everything about it is going to be dissolved. Rolled up like a scroll. Consumed. Destroyed. By its Creator. Due to our fallen corrupted condition and sin, and the fulfillment of every word of Biblical prophecy.
THEN REAL REALTY begins…the eternity for every soul that ever lived on this earth.
What is seen and known is evidence of God, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit, of the truth of the Word of God.
Yet what is seen and known is only temporary. It’s supposed reality will vanish and the true, real, lasting, forever, eternal reality is revealed — the spiritual realm.
Which consists of only two possible places for any soul that lived to reside in for eternity.
Or hell.
Either continue to believe and follow the lies, the ignorance, the arrogance, delusion, and foolishness of man, woman, child, and the world’s wisdom — or either begin, or get back to faithfully following believing, and living the ways, words, and wisdom given to us by God our Creator.
Oh, and I love owls. I love everything god created for us here on earth. And loath that we were so disobedient, so arrogant, so ignorant and foolish to destroy Paradise and ever since we have thought, plotted, worked to create it ourselves. Only to always make everything worse. Not better.
Imagine that…
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Friday, July 12th, 2024
Environmentalists Killed Logging to Protect Owls. Now They Want to Kill the Owls.
It’s not about the owls, it’s about government power.
July 11, 2024
Reprinted from Frontpage Magazine
Thirty-five years after “save a logger, eat an owl” could be seen across the Pacific Northwest, the government environmentalists at US Fish and Wildlife want to kill half a million owls…to save the owls.
In a world of transgender surgeries, terrorist cryptocurrencies, and senile presidents, the Owl Wars that entered the 1990 presidential election seem implausible. But they cost tens of thousands of jobs, wiped out sizable amounts of the logging industry in the Pacific Northwest, and helped solidify Oregon and Washington as hipster strongholds no Republican could win.
It all started with listing the spotted owls as an endangered species. The northern spotted owls (which to non-owl fanciers look like most other owls except smaller) were listed as endangered by that noted scientist, Judge William L. Dwyer, who apart from destroying logging also helped create the Seattle Mariners which placed two crimes against humanity on his checkered soul.
But Dwyer was doing the bidding of the anti-industrial Sierra Club and decided to block timber sales in national forests to save the owls.
“The timber industry no longer drives the Pacific Northwest’s economy,” Judge Dwyer, whose own job as a government appointee was protected by the mandatory confiscation used to pay his ill-gotten salary, wrote. “Job losses in the wood-products industry will continue regardless of whether the northern spotted owl is protected.”
Over 1,500 loggers and family members staged a protest around Hood River, of the kind that has since become familiar in Europe, against the shutdown of their industry.
President George H.W. Bush in his usual squishy manner tried to split the difference. “All across the country, we have a spotted owl problem. And yes, we want to see that little furry, feathery guy protected and all of that. But I don’t want to see 40,000 loggers thrown out of work.”
Bill Clinton, who did want to see 40,000 loggers thrown out of work, won and held an owl summit in Portland on April Fool’s Day featuring Al Gore and a protest rally led by Neil Young. The result of the summit was that the millionaire hipsters and environmentalists who had funded the Clintons won and the loggers who were just trying to feed their families came out the losers.
Clinton cut 80% of logging. Timber prices rose 70% in the first years of the Clinton administration. Housing construction costs rose with it further hurting the middle class. Seattle and Portland became safe spaces for fans of Neil Young and bad music. Republicans, conservatives, and the working class were squeezed out to make way for the owls.
But a funny thing happened on the way to owl nirvana, the owls kept dying.
Logging on federal lands fell by 90% but spotted owl populations also fell by as much as 80%. The number of “furry, feathery guys” today is down 75% since Bill Clinton, Judge Dwyer, and the Sierra Club wiped out loggers to protect them. And owl numbers are falling 2.9% every year.
Environmentalists railed that the Trump administration’s expansion of forest areas where loggers could work was “heartbreaking”, “callous” and “offensive” to an “endangered species”.
But the real threat to the spotted owls wasn’t the loggers, but other owls. Environmentalists had known and lied about the fact that barred owls were expanding their territory and driving out the spotted owls. But the spotted owls provided a convenient excuse for a government power grab.
And now if the spotted owls disappear so does the excuse for government abuses of power.
That’s why US Fish and Wildlife has discussed killing the owls to save the owls. The proposal would use “trained shooters” to kill 470,000 barred owls. (And if enough of the barred owls are killed by the government, maybe they can be listed as an endangered species and protected.)
The Endangered Species Act was supposed to be used to protect species threatened by human behavior, but now the environmentalists are protecting owls from other owls by killing the owls. The same government environmentalists who bemoan the hunters who wiped out the passenger pigeon are now proposing to do the same thing to take sides in the owl wars.
But which owls live or die is not up to us. Nature has its own free market economy. And no amount of shooting barred owls will save the spotted owls. The trouble is that the spotted owls are interbreeding with barred owls. And unless the environmentalists can convince spotted owls to avoid owl miscegenation, the outcome will be some sort of mixed spotted barred owl.
The Biden administration has proposed killing the mixed spotted barred owl because owl miscegenation can only be solved with total owl genocide. The government has already decided which owls belong in Oregon and the Creator, nature, and biology don’t get a say in it. Why can’t nature listen to the “experts”, “scientists” and government instead of doing its own thing?
The Owl Wars have been going on for over three decades now. Since Neil Young and Kenny Loggins were warbling about owls in Portland, the pro-logger Bush administration was replaced by the pro-owl Clinton administration, and then by the pro-logger Bush administration, then the pro-owl Obama administration, the pro-logger Trump administration, and now the pro-owl and anti-owl Biden administration which will save the owls and kill the owls at the same time.
The number of loggers and owls has been declining so the only winners are the government and the barred owls which paid no attention to the judges, presidentists, and environmentalists.
After claiming to love the animals, environmentalists are turning to violence to fight nature. But violence has always been at the root of environmental and other forms of leftist activism.
The Biden administration appointed Tracy Stone-Manning, a former spokeswoman for the eco-terrorist group EarthFirst, to head the Bureau of Land Management. Manning had sent a threatening letter in 1989 warning that the eco-terrorist group had rigged trees with traps. “You bastards go in there anyway and a lot of people could get hurt.”
Tree spikes planted by EarthFirst had wounded a number of loggers and mill workers.
But Tracy and the other government ecoterrorists may find that it’s easier to stop loggers than it is to stop the course of nature no matter how many people or animals they try to kill.
It is difficult to say which is the more invasive species: the barred owls or the government. The coming showdown between the barred owls and the “trained shooters” of US Fish and Wildlife will also determine who decides the fate of the owl population: environmentalists or the owls.
G-d in His infinite wisdom made all the many varieties of owls, but only human beings could be stupid enough to create government, the Sierra Club, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. In a contest between the works of G-d and the idiot works of man, the government has no chance.
After wiping out logging to save the owls, the government now wants to kill the owls.
My money is on the owls.
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