I had a lifelong person I knew, a relative, a few years older than I am, a believer, who has since left this fleshly realm tell me at great length how they hated history, paid no attention to it, it was irrelevant, BORING, and did not have any impact on what was taking place today.

Sadly, this MASSIVE degree of complete ignorance regarding the awareness of, understanding of, and knowledge of history is the prevailing ignorance among the overwhelming majority of folks today. Especially in America.

History doesn’t matter? It’s boring? It has no bearing on what happens today?

EVERYTHING — EVERY THING — that happens today and has lead to exactly where we are, EACH ONE OF US WITH NO EXCEPTIONS — is 100% dependent on EVERYTHING — EVERY THING — that has happened in the past. Every action by every one person. No person in the past is without importance or bearing on present-day history. No matter how insignificant they may seem. They all ate, drank, lived, moved about, so on. Every person that has ever lived has impacted what we know, what we do, everything about our current world’s…HISTORY.

OUR history.

And for a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ to utter, to think such a thing? To be so blind and ignorant?

When it is known by total unbelievers the story of Adam and Eve and how they sinned, did what they were told not to do by God, and they were cast out of Eden. Unbelievers might not believe that HISTORY, THOSE HISTORICAL TRUTHS, but they know the story. Yet professed believers say history is irrelevant? Doesn’t affect people today? Is BORING!?

The HISTORY, the FACTS, of the choices Adam and Eve made in the Garden of Eden to disobey God and to listen to the devil is THEE REASON every moment of world history has unfolded and will unfold. That one event.

Now add into that every action and event since then. And they all count. Nothing that happened did not happen.

Want an example to look into on your own to discover how important every moment, everything in history is? Examine and come to know and understand how vital a role Divine Providence has throughout all of history.

Look into just one aspect of all of history. The WEATHER that occurred on certain days, a certain week throughout all of history’s battles and wars. Individual battles, or how the weather, such as a dense fog that rolled in hiding a quietly moving Continental Army of George Washington’s to spare the entire American Army so it could live to fight another day, and eventually win the Revolutionary War. How the WEATHER played a role in more battles and wars deciding outcomes than powerful shrewd leaders, or brilliant generals, or the number of men on the ground in uniform, or the equipment armies or navies or air forces have had.

Do the same within the pages and words within the Holy Bible.

Boring? Irrelevant? Doesn’t matter what happened when now?

Granted, the U.S. public school system for the most part has been horrific in teaching any kind of history, be it American, World, or a specific time period. Absolutely horrific in that for the most part, if history was taught over the past 35, 40 years — which if you look into this? This is one of the great abominations of the U.S. public school system and its curriculums  — if it was taught it was rushed through, a focus on the banal, the trite and trivial, and for a test’s sake dates and names were made the priority.

As a result, especially for any American aged 50 and younger, they haven’t a clue as to any real history. They lack a history of learning history as it ought to be learned and taught, stressing not only the in-depth parts but the importance of it all.

And for anyone aged 40 and younger in America? Forget it! Their textbooks pertaining to history offered up, for example, a handful of paragraphs on George Washington stressing the clothing he wore and how effeminate it was, how he had false teeth (it’s a myth and total bogus storyline that has gone around for eons they were made of wood, they were not, see how important history really is?) and the fact he owned slaves. As if those are the most important aspects of Mr. Washington’s life and why he should be studied and remembered!

As for believers? True believers in the Lord Jesus Christ? In God the Father? In the Holy Spirit? In the Bible, or so they claim?

Shameful! Utterly shameful the vast majority’s ignorance of history! With a majority now not even believing the HISTORY, the FACTS, the TRUTHS contained within the pages and EVERY WORD of the Scriptures!

Shameful! We ought to all be ashamed of our massive overall ignorance and revilement of history.

And finally, no matter the age, begin to do something about it. While each of us can.

Everything you do. Your every thought. Your every banal, so thought benign action and word IS HISTORY.

Your history. Compiled and part of the overall history of the world.

It all matters.

Past and present, everything that happened everywhere at every time by everyone — determines the next moment, and tomorrow, and whatever future there is.

Start paying attention folks! There will be no excuses.

No test coming up, but no excuses either, and the most important accounting is in everyone’s future.

And we are all guilty.

We all ought to daily, continually daily ask for mercy, as that is what we are all in need of.

Due to our actions, our thought, our history…past and present…everyone…

The following is 100% secular. Political. But it caught my eye and brought this about. And every person’s SPIRITUAL HISTORY is much more important, and that history is in page part determined by all of history.

Think about all these matters. Think deeply for a good bit about these matters dear friends and causal visitor to this place.

And if you believe? Truly believe? Then ruly believe every word, every jot, and tittle, every story, every word within the Scriptures. Do not pick and choose what you believe and refuse the rest, as if God’s Word is equal to a restaurant menu and you get to decide what is appetizing, what is palatable to you, and what is not!


Ken Pullen

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

ACP — A Crooked Path


Why History Matters

A new Freedom Center booklet puts our crisis of historical ignorance in context.


Monday, November 23rd, 2020

By Mark Tapson

Reprinted from FrontPageMag / David Horowitz Freedom Center


Get your copy of Why History MattersHERE.

“The teaching of history is continuing to be transformed into indoctrination by illiberal, leftist propaganda,” writes historian Bruce Thornton in his new booklet Why History Matters from the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The result, he notes, is that “the abandonment of belief in objective historical truth makes possible a politicized history that legitimizes tyrannical power.” George Orwell dramatized this in his novel 1984, a fictional scenario that, Thornton warns, “has traveled a long way to becoming fact” in America today.


Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center and professor of Classics and Humanities at California State University in Fresno. He is also the author of nine wide-ranging histories on classical culture and its influence on Western civilization, including The Wages of Appeasement and Democracy’s Dangers & Discontents.

Covering more ground in forty pages than some books do in several times that number, Why History Matters reaches back to the origins of historiography in Herodotus and Thucydides, and brings the reader forward to the current, dangerous trend of ideological history found in Howard Zinn’s ubiquitous, subversive work A People’s History of the United States and, more recently, The New York Times’ discredited but influential “1619 Project,” which falsely posits that America was founded “to ensure slavery would continue.” This sort of historiography “that villainizes our country,” Thornton argues, is a suicidal fashion that “insidiously erodes” our love of country, emboldening our enemies “to see us as weak and primed for a fall.”

Bruce Thornton’s Why History Matters is a must-read for understanding how modernity has eroded our grounding in “the tragic truth about human nature,” and why we need a common history that gives us a context for understanding ourselves. “Without that perspective,” he writes, “the past becomes a Cubist painting, everything flattened on the canvas of the present… and judged in terms of present ideologies and political aims and interests.”