Anyone — ANYONE — thinking or suggesting there is a two-state solution to Israel and Gaza/West Bank issues is utterly clueless as to history, the facts, God’s Word, or what’s really going on.

The so-called two-state solution that has been volleyed back and forth more than every tennis match that has taken place over the past two decades is no solution at all.

It won’t work. On myriad levels. Not the least of which is the bloodthirsty Gazans and West Bankers who have been indoctrinated from birth to kill Jews, remove Jews from the land, from the face of the earth will never agree to it. And they lie. Continually.

Not that there are not Gazans and West Bankers who could live in peace with Jews. Some who could actually repent and turn to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior — that is possible — but politically speaking, the leadership of Gaza which is the jihadist terrorist organization Hamas will never go for any two-state so-called “solution,” which no person of reason, knowledge, sense, rational thought, logic, awareness of history, understanding the truth and reality would ever attempt to push.

It’s a farce. Created and always pushed because those behind it are fully aware it places pressure on Israel and they think it makes Israel look bad.

Not to those who know.

Not to those who know the Scriptures. Know the history. Know the truth.

It only reveals the sinister machinations that have taken place and continue to take place by the workers of evil in their attempt to weaken Israel further which they imagine and plot will lead to the destruction of Israel — while they go about projecting to the world they are enlightened, only care about peace, and blah, blah, blah.

If you’re buying what they’re selling I strongly urge you to return it and never venture into their shop of horrors again. They do not have your, or anyone’s best interest in their cold dark dead hearts than the interest of their father, the devil.

Read on…

Ken Pullen, Monday, February 3rd, 2025


Why A Jewish One-State Solution Is The Best And Only Option For The Middle East


February 1, 2025

By Olivier Melnick

Reprinted from Harbinger’s Daily


Israel is currently in a seven-front existential war with no end in sight. The global community continues to push for a ” Two-State Solution.” Jordan, known initially as Transjordan, was the other state where Palestinian Arabs belong. It could be argued that Jordan is Palestine. Incidentally, their respective flags are nearly identical.

When it comes to Israel’s right to exist on that small sliver of Middle East real estate the size of New Jersey, people get very creative. Land is being shared, some has been given away, some taken back and the never-ending cycle continues to punctuate life in that region.

The whole world seems to know better than Israel what is good for Israel. So, the Jewish state is being forced into a game of “geographical musical chairs,” but every round they go, another chair is taken away. This lethal exercise is, of course, done in the name of peace in the Middle East. We know better. Real peace will only return when Yeshua Sar Shalom, “Jesus the Prince of Peace,” returns.

Additionally, some people who claim to be proponents of a two-state solution are proponents of a judenrein (cleansed of all Jews) One-State Solution. Still, they are hiding their agenda until the time comes when they can implement it. I wouldn’t necessarily be against a Two-State Solution if both parties were equally interested in peace and co-existence, but they are not, and for anybody to say otherwise is ludicrous! They are open to a Two-State Solution until they can infiltrate, invade, or decimate the other side, as they tried on October 7, 2023. The goal is a Jew-free One-State Solution.

The recent antisemitic awakening on US university campuses and other venues shouting, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine shall be free,” is a perfect example of the agenda at hand. They claim the need for two states, but they want only one state with no Jews. Their idea of a One-State Solution is a modern rendition of the Nazi “Final Solution to the Jewish Question.”

So, the only viable option we are left with seems to be a Jewish One-State Solution. I run the risk of sounding racist or promoting apartheid, but when you think of it, there are at least three good reasons why a Jewish One-State Solution is currently the best, if not only, option for the Middle East, including the Palestinians.

• Biblically speaking, Israel is much more than the modern nation that was reborn on May 14, 1948. Now, I am well aware that not everybody believes in God. Still, even those who have a limited belief and/or understanding of the God of the Bible will have a hard time dismissing the hard evidence for the existence of the biblical land of Israel geographically, historically and archaeologically. Artifacts upon artifacts, not to mention ruins of buildings, keep getting discovered and validate a Jewish homeland, people, and customs pre-dating the modern state of Israel by several millennia.

But Scripture alone will show us that God gave the Land of Canaan to the children of Israel, yet He continues to care much for that small piece of real estate as we read in Deuteronomy 11:12: “a land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning even to the end of the year.”

This land that God gave to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 17:7-825:5-626:328:3-4) originally belonged to God as stated in Leviticus 25:23 “The land, moreover, shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine; for you are but aliens and sojourners with Me”. Incidentally, the boundaries delineated in Genesis 15:17-21 have never been attained and await a final fulfillment during the messianic Millennial reign of Yeshua from Jerusalem at His return.

These are just a few of the myriad of verses about Israel in the Tenach (none about “Palestine”). I cannot help but think that those who take offense at Israel’s biblical right to the land and its existence are arguing with God and His divine decree.

• Geo-politically speaking, Israel cannot survive unless it is safe for the Jewish people. The security fence that has been erected for a while now continues to be a thorn in the flesh of the Palestinian Authority. Israel is constantly accused of being an apartheid state, being compared to South Africa. I strongly condemn apartheid, racial segregation and any form of racism. But Israel’s security fence is not and was not based on racial discrimination, but built for the security of her citizens. Since its inception, the fence/wall has helped reduce terrorist attacks by at least 30%.
The level of hatred and animosity displayed by Israel’s enemies since 1948, and particularly in the last few years, should suffice to prove that any unilateral decision for a two-state solution is simply a one-state solution waiting to happen. Not to mention the other groups playing second fiddle to Hamas and Hezbollah.
Terrorism will not cease under a two-state solution but instead spread further as Palestinians would be given access to more land within Israel. This is a concept similar to saying that World War Two could have ended sooner if only the Jews would have gotten along with the Nazis! Israel simply cannot afford to let the enemy infiltrate its land and kill its people. It is a matter of life and death, period!

• Demographically speaking, Israel is currently faced with a significant challenge. Under the “Law of Return” enacted in 1950 as a gateway to safety in the aftermath of the Holocaust and other acts of anti-Semitism, every Jew in the world has the right to come settle in Israel and become a citizen. This is what is meant when we say diaspora Jews are making aliyah. In and of itself, this had never been a great challenge. However, recent events have shown an exponential growth in global anti-Semitism. Many Jews have now decided to move to Israel. The trend is growing parallel with the resurgence of Jew hatred. This is a modern exodus happening in front of our very eyes, and also a fulfillment of prophecy regarding the regathering of the Jews in the land in the end times (Ezekiel 36:24-32.)

If the world is closing its door to the Jews, where are we to go? For that very reason, Israel must remain safe and open to diaspora Jews pouring in. This would be greatly impaired by an increased Palestinian presence. To be sure, I am not suggesting that all Palestinians be expelled from Israel, yet I do not believe that opening the country for a Two-State Solution is a viable solution. Before I am accused of pointing to a problem without offering any solution, I would like to remind today’s Palestinians–a term that is a misnomer– that they had their own land a few decades ago. It was called Transjordan.

Outside of God’s promise to never allow Israel to disappear (Jeremiah 31:35-37), the survival of Israel remains a very delicate balancing act of diplomacy and national security, but an act much easier to balance without terrorism in the equation.

Biblically speaking, Israel was granted to the Jewish people by God.

Geo-politically speaking, Israel must secure its borders.

Demographically speaking, Israel needs the space for the 21st-century ongoing exodus.

This can all happen if the concept of a Jewish One-State Solution dictates Israel’s future. A state where Arabs have always been welcome to live in peace. Ask yourself the question, “Would any Jew survive under a Palestinian One-State Solution?”