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“Who is…?”


Wednesday, August 21st, 2024

Ken Pullen



Who is wise?
Let him understand these things.
Who is prudent?
Let him know them.
For the ways of the Lord are right;
The righteous walk in them,
But transgressors stumble in them.

Hosea 14:9

Hosea 14


Who is wise, O, Israel? Who is wise, O, America? Who is He Who made you, blesses you, puts breath in your lungs, flows the blood throughout your body to keep you alive, able to think, work, know? Who is He Who provides every bite of food, every sip of water, every thread woven into the fabric of your life sustaining you, holding you, keeping you alive? Who is He that has been cast aside, replaced with everything to bring confusion, promote the lie, and please the ruler of this world for a season, Satan, leading to death and destruction?

Knowing what in replacing the Lord our God? Idols? Self worship? Creation worship rather than worshipping the Creator? Loving, living, and telling of lies while abandoning the truth and treating the truth as if it were a toxin rather than the balm, the salve, the way to healing and life that it is.

Having such itching ears, such a dark, dark, dark lost soul, spirit, heart, and mind you make the outward all that matters with that veneer not hiding a thing to Him Who has made you, blessed you, keeps you —desiring that you will cease your banality, the raging insanity, thinking and doing that amounts to nothing but profanity and that you repent — REPENT! yes, that strongly, that focused and aware, that sincere and real. REPENT!  from our sin and turning from God and His ways and turn to the Lord your God, turn to Jesus Christ the Lord, Yeshua Hamshiach, and humble ourselves, submit to the truth — THEE truth — of God’s inerrant infallible unchangeable eternal active and living Word!

For that is our only hope, your only hope. As nations, as individuals, as a people made in the image of God the original version actually COMMUNED, KNEW, SPOKE TO God, Jesus, in the cool of the afternoon in the Garden.

Look where we have come!

This is progress, advancing? To go from actually speaking to God daily, having THAT PERSONAL A RELATIONSHIP with God, Jesus in the Garden daily, to now putting all evil and abomination as good and just and everything good and just as evil and to be cast aside!

Woe is Israel, woe is America in their turning from the Lord their God. To reap what has been sown.

So, to the three souls who now find themselves here, what to do?

Do you believe? Do you have THEE faith? On the fence? Backslidden? Itching ears turned to the lies coming from a pulpit, a false teacher thought to be so on track — better fact check him, or worse, her against the Word of God, friend, while you are blessed with breath and a beating heart? Full-blown pagan unbeliever? What’s that? Why, no, just another person trying to get by day to day, but without the Lord, without being born again and knowing Him? Well, you’re likely then a full-blown pagan unbeliever. Or a foolish person with a rigid belief in something they claim does not exist? How can a person have such strong a belief in something they claim does not exist? Think about that. If you or I, say, professed a belief in nothingness and no one existing that many know exists what would we then rightfully be called? Atheists? No, truly crazy.

Why, turn to the Lord! It isn’t rocket science or brain surgery or all the babel on TV or that thing in your hand you can’t ever set down, turn off, and stop looking into. Turn to the Lord. In fervent, humble, spiritual prayer — continually — for enough souls in America, in Israel to acknowledge our sin and turning from Him Who provides all things, turning from all the noise, the confusion, the babel, the rabble arrogantly prancing about from pulpits, stages, glowing screens in the hand, on a stand, attached to a wall and individually place spirit, soul, heart, mind and all upon the Lord our God, our Saviour, call upon the Way to Life and Light and Truth. He will hear and answer. Live in Him. Live in His Word being that one seed that is upon GOOD SOIL that has germinated, has life within, growing, maturing, reaching heavenward while well planted and producing good fruit — a light unto the world, the salt of the earth, with preserving words of the whole Word of God, with a thirst for the Lord and His ways, His truth, His salvation for ourselves and for others…

Who is he, she that cannot know these things and do them?

Who is He Who makes everything in this life possible? Why neglect Him? Turn from Him? Why give your boss at work, your teacher at school, your pastor at your church, that politician you idolize but claim you don’t [placing more emphasis where?] to those in your family receiving more homage, more respect, more courtesy, more time, more love, more understanding than the Lord Who has made us and made all things possible?

Who is He Who came to this earth fully truly God as foretold since Genesis 3, fully truly a man knowing everything each of us endures, lives through — yet do we pause DAILY to contemplate, meditate upon what He endured on the cross for us? Do we really? Why don’t we?

Who is He?

Jesus Christ the Lord and Saviour of those who would humble themselves, seek Him, turn to Him, allow Him to begin a good work in them, to become indwelt of the Holy Spirit, born anew, born again, transformed and renewed from within the heart, the mind, the spirit to a place once there assured of eternal life, Yeshua Hamashiach, to be able to walk daily, eternally in the Garden with Him again as was His original plan in Creating all that He did…

Who is wise?
Let him understand these things.
Who is prudent?
Let him know them.
For the ways of the Lord are right;
The righteous walk in them,
But transgressors stumble in them.

Imagine that…

Are you a part of the coming to the Lord Jesus Christ to follow Him, truly, whatever that may bring, or are you part of the great falling away with itching ears and a heart for this world over a heart aflame for the Lord Who has made you and provided all things for you?


Time and what happens in America, in Israel will tell, right?

Why not be one who keeps this in their heart continually, and wants others to also?;

looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,

Titus 2:13


Because this is a very clear and absolute truth, reality;

He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”

John 3:36

Yes, one light can bring illumination and the way to walk, the way to tread, the path to take in the darkness bringing the Light of the Lord into the darkness and having another heart come alive, aflame for the Lord…