Who Are You Having For Dinner?
Tuesday, May 24th, 2022
by Ken Pullen
1973. That year in history most likely conjures up in the mind of those finding themselves here the opinion — the U.S. Supreme Court does not write law, nor do they offer legal decisions, a great misconception held by the overwhelming majority of the population, the court can only offer up an opinion — pertaining to making lawful the premeditated murder of human children. Moloch and Baal would be, are, so proud in this idol-worshipping world!
Lesser known to most something else happened in 1973. A film was released with the title Soylent Green.
I saw it the first week it was released [the official film trailer is provided below]. Charleston Heston, Joseph Cotton, Chuck Connors, and one of my favorite American actors, Edward G. Robinson among other actors and actresses. It is an ecological dystopian thriller. The idea was taken from a science fiction novel from 1966 titled Make Room! Make Room! written by Harry Harrison. The film is set in 2022. Overpopulation — there were 40,000,000 people in New York City alone — the lack of food, water, and resources turned the world into a barbaric, Godless, hedonistic, lawless, grossly immoral, and evil place. A great chasm existed between the ultra-rich and privileged and the poor person trying to survive one more day. Just like today.
Just as in Huxley’s Brave New World, which is more accurate as to what is taking place presently although everyone thinks it’s more like Orwell’s 1984 these fictional things are becoming reality, but just not exactly when the authors may have stated they would. Not that Huxley, Orwell, or Harrison, were prophets. No, they were just keen observers and highly imaginative men of their time. It’s just that their timing is a wee bit off.
I’m not here to write a movie review only to draw attention to how what can appear as fantasy and mere imagination ofttimes comes to fruition. Horrifically what enters the mind of a writer can end up being much worse than the fiction he or she creates, because that fiction over time becomes reality.
In 1973 assisted suicide and euthanasia were not discussed. In Soylent Green there were government euthanasia assisted suicide centers. People were entering them to escape the reality of their times like people today enter a grocery store. Oh, they made it all nice and beautiful as they exterminated you.
Soylent Green was a wafer-type food produced from plankton. It was what almost everyone subsisted on daily as their only source of food. Charleston Heston plays a detective who discovers that the corporation that makes Soylent Green learns the oceans are dying and thus the plankton. But they must remain in business, right? Got to keep those board members happy, right?
So the government euthanasia centers are filling up commercial garbage trucks with human corpses and delivering them to the corporation to be processed into a new food source.
Cannibalism wasn’t really discussed much in 1973 either.
The crux of the film was that due to a catastrophic environmental event — climate change — so many people, old people, different people, poor people, young unemployed people, and disabled people so many people were viewed as useless and expendable by the rich elite that cannibalism became normalized.
Just as the premeditated murder of human children has.
Just as the sexually deviant abnormal and immoral practices have become normalized.
Just as assisted suicide has become lawful in 8 states, as well as the District of Columbia in America [see them listed below], as well as 12 countries [also listed below].
Do not for an instant think or believe it’s just those heathens, the ungodly and we professed Christians have no sin on our hands. Because we sat on our hands with mouths closed, eyes shielded, ears closed to the very visible and audible eroding of longstanding values and mores, ethical and moral issues. To the point, there are now an ever-growing number of professed Christian clergy and laypeople in support of the premeditated murder of children, in support of, while even placing them in pulpits to lead flocks the abomination of homosexuality.
Where were we then? Where are we now?
I’ll tell you! As Laodiccians! As false fronts. As dried dead bones that’s where!
We have churches in America including in their services the worship of trees! The worship of creation and not the Creator! This is Christianity? No, all that transpires in most churches today have little or nothing to do with Christianity. Environmentalism is being preached in more and more churches than is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The truth of the Word of God is being supplanted by the tsunami of evil that has risen up in this world.
The keystone to the argument for DEPOPULATION is CLIMATE CHANGE.
To make the extermination of tens to hundreds of millions of human beings palatable.
The problem is who is going to want to be among the 80,000,000 to over 200,000,000, and if left to the goal of the U.N. no fewer than 2,000,000,000 to step forward and say, “It’s fine. Save the earth and exterminate me!”
The pagan-based environmentalism movement, which has the support of the overwhelming blind, foolish, and utterly ignorant masses are making every sin and evil thing palatable and acceptable.
In order to “save the earth!” there needs to be a massive reduction of human beings living on earth.
There needs to be a culling, and extermination of tens to hundreds of millions of living people in order to “save the earth!” the proponents of depopulation exclaim over and over and over again. The wearing down. The continued erosion. Just as was done to make the premeditated murder of human children legalized, just as the against God and nature sexually abnormal and deviant have been made lawful, just as the murder of human beings via assisted suicide or euthanasia has become legalized.
So, too, every unimaginable by most terror and horror capable of the evil human heart and mind is becoming normalized. Nothing is beyond becoming reality any longer as the people have been given over to their wicked and unrighteous minds. Romans 1 ESV
God’s Covenant with Noah
Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and took some of every clean animal and some of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And when the LORD smelled the pleasing aroma, the LORD said in his heart, “I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done. While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”
Genesis 8:20-22 — English Standard Version
What’s that, dear professed Christian? How can this be? Is this true!? Of course it is! There is not one unnecessary or false word within the Word of God. While people have no understanding of what it means to make a promise, to set forth a covenant, God knows. God never has, does, or will break a promise, a covenant. It is impossible for Him to do so. Only men and women and children lie. Only men women and children easily forget and break promises made. But God never has and never will. God’s covenants will stand forever.
Therefore, professed believer, the earth will remain in seedtime, in harvest, with cold, heat, the seasons as they have been known and with day and night. Not ever ceasing. Until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and all of Bible prophecy is fulfilled in the creation of a new heaven and a new earth.
Between now and then much is going to happen. More than people know or want to know.
Everything that is taking place today is leading to;
“For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.”
Matthew 24:21-22 — English Standard Version
And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months. It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is, those who dwell in heaven. Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation, and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain. If anyone has an ear, let him hear:
If anyone is to be taken captive,
to captivity he goes;
if anyone is to be slain with the sword,
with the sword must he be slain.
Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.
Revelation 13:5-10 — English Standard Version
Think cannibalism is beyond becoming an accepted norm among people?
If I told you 50 years ago that the premeditated murder of children, that making the murder of children in the tens of millions would not only become legal in America but widely accepted and practiced would you have believed?
If I told you 50 years ago — not long in the timeline, the unbroken threads of world history — that the family would be torn asunder and become unrecognizable, that for the first time in history the traditional family would be in the minority and falling by the wayside like a man taking one step too far off a great precipice, would you have believed?
If 30 years ago I had told you false teachers and false faiths, paganism, sorcery, and all things an abomination to God would be brought into the church would you have believed?
If I told you only 20 years ago, only 15 years ago that the sexual immoralities and perversions of homosexuality and transgenderism would not only be out in the open but widely promoted, accepted, and pushed, that homosexual “marriage” would become legal, that almost every corporation would push, elevate and promote these sins, that the world of TV, films, commercials and such would be dominated by this evil would you have believed? That practicing homosexuals and lesbians would be called “Christian clergy” would you have believed?
Why then it is so difficult to see the swift progression of evil? That cannibalism, and asking the question, “Who are you having for dinner tonight?” isn’t that farfetched a statement.
Wake up, my friends! Finally wake up since most were idle and asleep as the evils of the past 20, 40, and 50 years have been permitted to grow to the horrific proportions they have without any sign of abating. The changes in society have been allowed and elevated unlike any other time in world history. Wake up finally!
We’re not done here. Not even close. Below you will find what a Swedish behavioral scientist says espousing the benefits of cannibalism to “save the earth” and resources, to make use of “all that available meat.”
This is not science fiction. This is the reality of emboldened evil unfolding. And the people being so lost, so enthralled by the seductive lies of evil they will accept and adopt any heinous, odorous, horrific, ungodly, and sinful thing evil brings to them. They will come to have the name of the Beast branded into their bodies and to worship him. So you think mass extermination is impossible? To be lauded as something beneficial? That cannibalism can never be widely accepted and practiced? Really? What world have you been living in?
Also, you will find another worldy view as to it being all political, it’s immigration, it’s overpopulation that is leading to severe drought, climate change, and if only we would change our politics if only we would do his or that to “save the earth!” and deal with overpopulation!
Always omitting God. Always omitting the Word of God. Always only putting forward their blindness and ignorance because unless a person starts at the root cause unless a person begins their search and then tells what it is they want to tell from the truth behind everything [that’s using as their primary source to build their story the Word of God] unless a person writes or speaks from a Biblical worldview putting forth their hypotheses, their arguments, their petitions? They are merely perpetuating more lies, and delusions and adding to the darkness not illuminating anything. It’s fog merely making things foggier.
We’re not done here. Because evil and all the workings and circumstances of Satan and his legions to exterminate, depopulate through mass murders, the premeditated murder of tens of millions of children worldwide annually, the famines, plagues, and starvation caused intentionally by evil men serving the Evil One are only escalating and will continue to increase.
The days are going to become darker, eviler, and more difficult. Not better. Do not be deceived.
And I’ll be back with more pertaining to this subject.
If you, dear reader, have anything to add of your views, your beliefs, or something you’ve come across regarding these matters please do not hesitate to include them in the space below for comments. Keep scrolling. You’ll eventually find it.
To be continued…
Now take some time to look over the additional resources below before we resume at a later date, not too distant…
Swedish Scientist Proposes Cannibalism to Fight Climate Change
by Chris Thomlinson
Reprinted from Breitbart
Swedish behavioural scientist Magnus Söderlund has suggested that eating other people after they die could be a means of combatting climate change.
The scientist mentioned the possibility of cannibalism during a broadcast on Swedish television channel TV4 this week about a fair in Stockholm regarding “food of the future”.
Söderlund is set to hold seminars at the event, entitled “Gastro Summit — about the future of food” where he intends to discuss the possibility of eating people in the name of cutting down greenhouse emissions.
According to his research, the main problem with the idea is the widespread taboo of eating human flesh and said that conservative attitudes could make it hard to convince Swedes at large to take up the practice of cannibalism.
Regardless of the likely immense resistance to the idea of eating people, Söderlund said it was important to examine different options in the name of sustainability.
Söderlund is not alone in his call to reject the taboo of cannibalism. Last year, noted atheist and evolutionary scientist Richard Dawkins advocated for lab-grown meat and suggested it may be used to “overcome our taboo against cannibalism”.
Psychologists Jared Piazza and Neil McLatchie of Lancaster University also questioned the taboo on cannibalism in an article for Newsweek last month but ultimately did not endorse breaking it.
Cannibalism is not the only “alternative meat” advocated by climate change activists. Many have embraced plant-based meat imitations, while others have put their support behind “meat” made of insects as a way to cut down on greenhouse emissions and save on land and water use.
A YouGov poll in the U.K. found that 37 per cent of respondents thought that the number of food products containing insects would grow in the next ten years.
In the German city of Aachen, shoppers were invited to try burgers made of buffalo worms with mixed reactions from the public.
Bone-Dry Western States Can’t Cope with Population Surges
By Joe Guzzardi
Water irrigation pipes, dry Southern California farmland
The grisly discovery of human remains at the bottom of Lake Mead is a grim reminder of the Southwest’s growing drought crisis. In early May, a family on a boating outing found, partially buried in Lake Mead National Recreation Area’s muddy banks, a four-decades-old skeleton of a man, a suspected homicide, stuffed into a rotted-out barrel. Skeletal remains were also discovered in May at nearby Callville Bay.
Asked if the victim might have been a mob hit, Geoff Schumacher, the vice president of exhibits and programs at Las Vegas’ Mob Museum, said, “I have a feeling that as this water continues to recede, we’re going to be finding more interesting things at the bottom of Lake Mead.” Schumacher may have been referring to the B-29 Superfortress wreckage found in 2015 in Lake Mead’s 130 feet of water. In 1948 when the bomber crashed, Lake Mead’s depth was 260 feet.
While Schumacher isn’t a climatologist, like other Far West residents, he is aware of the inevitable and irreconcilable clash between too many people and dwindling natural resources, primarily water. Lake Mead is the largest reservoir in the United States and part of a system that supplies water to at least 40 million people across seven states and northern Mexico. Today, it’s dropped to its lowest level since the Franklin Delano Roosevelt era.
Lake Mead
As of August 22, 2021, Lake Mead was filled to just 35 percent of its capacity, and now is at 30 percent. The low water level comes at a time when 95 percent of nine Western states’ land is affected by some level of drought; 64 percent is considered extreme or worse. Shrinking capacity continues a 22-year megadrought that some experts consider the worst in 1,200 years. Megadroughts are defined as droughts that last two decades or longer, but they are not measured by their intensity.
Snowfall in the Rocky Mountains is Lake Mead’s primary water source. But Audubon Southwest’s policy director Haley Paul said, “Even when the Rocky Mountains get to near-normal levels of snowfall and overall precipitation, what we’ve seen in the last few years is below average river runoff.” Paul explained that drought and heat mean thirstier soils and plants that soak up more water before the precious commodity ever reaches rivers – a compounding domino effect that, because the West is on year 22 of an extended megadrought, will take 22 wet winters to climb out of the hole.
Hoover Dam – Lake Mead, Arizona – Nevada border
An underreported variable in Lake Mead’s water levels is the population explosion – not an exaggerated expression – in California, Arizona and Nevada. In 1950, the populations of Arizona, California and Nevada were, respectively, 750,000, 10 million and 158,000. Today, Arizona, California and Nevada have 7.6 million, 39.7 million and 3.2 million residents. Their principal cities, Phoenix, Los Angeles and Las Vegas have, over the same 70-year period, grown from 221,000 to 4.7 million, from 2 million to 12.5 million and from 35,000 to 2.8 million. The three states in total have about 40 million more people since 1950 bathing in, cooking with and drinking water. Housing complexes, luxury hotels, golf courses and mega-mansions are major water devourers.
No end is in sight to irresponsible water usage. The best California Gov. Gavin Newsom has produced is a tepid, ignored suggestion that his constituents voluntarily limit everyday water consumption. The State Water Resources Conservation Board said that per-capita urban water usage rose 7 percent in March compared to last year, and rose 18.9 percent when compared to March 2020.
Although political correctness forbids identifying immigration as population growth’s major driver, Census Bureau facts confirm the reality. In their Center for Immigration Studies analysis that drew exclusively from Census Bureau data, Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler predicted that, by 2060, immigration will add 75 million people to the U.S. population. In 2017, the U.S. had 35.8 million legal and illegal immigrants. Those immigrants had 16.9 million U.S.-born children and grandchildren.
In sum, immigration added 52.7 million people to the U.S. population between 1982 and 2017, accounting for a little over 56 percent of overall population growth. A related Camarota-Zeigler study, which also drew from Current Population Survey’s monthly data, found that in November 2021, 46.2 million legal and illegal immigrants lived in the U.S., the largest number of immigrants ever recorded in a federal government survey or census dating back to 1850.
No one controls rainfall, but the federal government can help alleviate the worsening water crisis by managing immigration to levels consistent with the available natural resources. If officials continue to shirk their responsibility, then an increasing number of West Coast communities will eventually run dry, and civil disruption over water’s absence will likely ensue.
The Refrain Changed From Zero Population to Depopulation While the Song Remains the Same
The eight states, and one district in America that have legalized assisted suicide:
District of Columbia
New Jersey
Countries where assisted suicide or assisted suicide and euthanasia have been legalized:
The Netherlands
New Zealand
The above-mentioned states in the United States
Only 20 years ago there would not have been any places on these lists. The push for euthanasia and assisted suicide never stops and is always expanding.
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