Old Testament



June 14, 2024
Reprinted from CrossExamined.org

Jesus told His disciples that every story in the Old Testament points to Him. But what did He mean? If you look closely, you’ll find that the Hebrew Bible contains 30+ “third day” references and parallels to Jesus that fly under the radar for most readers. But where exactly are these resurrection prophecies located? And why do so many Christians have trouble picking up on them and making the connection to the prophecies that were fulfilled through Jesus in the New Testament?

This week, Dr. Chip Bennett, founding and leading pastor of Grace Community Church in Sarasota, FL, joins Frank to uncover some of the Old Testament resurrection parallels that often go unnoticed, even by dedicated students of the Bible. More than just your average pastor, Chip also holds a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology and a Doctorate of Ministry, and is here to enthusiastically unpack some of the third day references that are hidden in plain sight and to give listeners a lesson on the significance of literary hermeneutics. During their conversation, Frank and Chip will answer questions like:

  • Why is it so difficult for many Christians to see Jesus in the Old Testament?
  • What was the inspiration behind the creed in 1 Corinthians 15?
  • Is there a connection between Isaac, Esther, Daniel, Goliath, and Jesus?
  • Did the New Testament writers read the Old Testament and purposely force these prophecies to be fulfilled?
  • Is using this approach to interpret Scripture called typology or something else?

This podcast episode is chock full of fascinating material that Chip will delve into at a rapid pace, so get your pen and paper ready! As he unveils some of the captivating connections between people and events of both the Old and New Testaments, you’re likely to hear information that you’ve never been exposed to before! This episode is just the tip of the iceberg, so be sure to stay tuned for not one, but TWO more episodes where Chip will continue to unpack what the Old Testament has to say about the promised Messiah.

To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry.


Moses, Joshua, and Jesus: MORE “Third Day” References in the Old Testament | with Dr. Chip Bennett – Cross Examined



Resources mentioned during the episode:

Grace Community Church

Chip’s YouTube Channel

Watermark Gospel Videos

Chip’s TikTok Videos