What matters more?


Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

by Ken Pullen




What matters more?

Simple question. Needs a simple answer.

Is it better to be accepted by the world and judged by God, or to be accepted by God and judged by the world?

What matters more to you? To be more concerned with being judged by the world or being judged by God? People pleasing or pleasing the Lord? Bowing to the world and what that means, or bowing to the Lord Who makes every breath, every heartbeat, every morsel of food ingested, every thread woven into the fabric on your back and covering your backside, Who also happened to come to earth as the only answer to the forgiveness of sin and salvation.

It really is a simple question, the most basic question, the most important question needing an answer not only once — but continually throughout every day in every action, every word uttered.

I continually hear from believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, appearing to be very well-intentioned people, people who would be considered “good people,” that this must be said this way in order to not offend the unbeliever, this must be done that way in order to reach the unbeliever without turning them off.

And every time I hear this from every person they are putting the ways of the world ahead and above the ways of God. In fact, openly stating that they can’t rely on God and the Holy Spirit to work and do miraculous things, give them the words and the way of saying or doing things, that what the world has taught them is better than what the Word of God has to teach.



And these folks are dead serious when telling me how wrong I am in my view of things.

If you have been even a casual visitor to A Crooked Path you may have at one point come across something here about how important language is. The words we speak and write.

Why is that?

“I tell you, on Judgment Day people will give an account for every thoughtless word they have uttered,”

Matthew 12:36

Matthew 12:36

I was hostilely rebuked and belittled, to the point of having my faith questioned by an arrogant and un-Christ-like pastor for my questioning of his very young and immature elder for the use of language in the presence of a small group of believers. I questioned the young elder why he insisted on using the world’s word “gay” in describing homosexuality in a small group, of eight believers, instead of using the more descriptive word.

I was told it’s the word most people know and accept.

And that it’s the “evolution of language,” and that I was dead wrong. About everything I said in the over 45-minute meeting I was called into and called on the carpet for daring to question an elder of this church, where my wife and I were not members of, but were considering becoming members.

It was in the scheduled meeting for potential members that the young elder presided over that this all began.

I’m curious and serious about why certain words and definitions created by the world of evil, clearly in discussing sinful and wicked, evil matters, are so readily adopted and not considered by Christ followers. I do not do this to stir the pot, cause strife or dissension, or to be a troublemaker as I have been accused.

I take seriously the words of my Savior and Friend, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, and every word within the Holy Bible.

I do not subscribe to the lax, accepted, and approved adoption of certain words just because they have become part of the lexicon, and used by the world, therefore we must comply.

Where is the appearing separate and aside from the world?

Wonder how a civil, peaceful, conversation can be opened up with a person of the world rejecting the truth of Who Jesus is and what is within His Word? Just use certain clear language and opportunity will arise.

Such as using the words, “the demonic woke agenda,” rather than just using the word “woke” appearing no different than every nonbeliever on earth.

Use sexual deviancy, sexual immorality, sexual perversion, or homosexuality rather than the word “gay” stolen from the English language by the homosexual movement and instituted as the norm — because the homosexual movement wanted to deflect from the word homosexual, because it more clearly states matters. So, let’s cloud the issue and have the world — and those professing to be Christ’s followers adopt, accept, and even approve of the usage of the word!

And it worked. Like the evil demonic charm, it is by its creator, Satan. It surely is not approved usage by God, how could it be, since it was solely created to divert attention from the sin and make the sin more benign and eventually ingrained and accepted? Which it has become.

It isn’t the evolution of language as I was told by the young elder, journalists, media types, politicians, pundits, and perhaps your very own pastor or Christ-following friends.

No, it’s the deconstruction of language, the laxity of language, the further corruption of language by a lazy people, a people afraid to stand separate, bold, firm in using more descriptive words in their speech and writing to more clearly define what is truly going on.

I was also angrily told by the young pastor who called me to this meeting that if I wanted to be considered for membership to his church I was not to contact him in any way via speech or email or in any manner or say anything to him or any of the elders for one year. Just show up on Sundays and remain silent. If I were to speak to any of them it would be things such as “Good morning, how are you?” keep everything to the trivial banter among people — and if I abided by his instruction they then would take our becoming members of that church under consideration.

I searched the Scriptures for this Biblical teaching in church discipline, the discipline of an errant brother in Christ, and for the life of me could not find it. If you know where such instruction is, please let me know so I can go to it. Thank you.

THAT is one reason I do not subscribe to “church membership,” as that tends to dominate the heart and mind, and I prefer, as I’ve told folks, to be a member of the body of Christ with Jesus as my Head. People are consumed in “being a member of ___________ church.”

I mentioned this once, in a small group setting, that church membership is not necessary, that we ought to certainly attend a church body, but I’m a member of the body of Christ, and that was immediately misunderstood and I was quickly told, “There needs to be structure, there needs to be elders and church structure.” I didn’t say anything about no structure and doing away with church leadership. I don’t know why it is I speak English and in the time it goes from my tongue to the ears of someone, of the same language, the words are construed otherwise, hearing things not said, as if I’m speaking Mandarin.

Why is that?

I will certainly listen to, submit, and humbly obey a pastor, an elder in the Word, of the Word, using the Word to rebuke, admonish, or correct me if I am in error. But church membership is not a requirement, nor is it mandatory for churches to be tax-exempt, as is the widespread misconception and misinformation. But I digress. Sorry. Church attendance is vital. We’re instructed to belong to an assembly of God’s people, but that does not include being a member of a specific church and their bylaws and manmade guidelines — such as don’t speak or contact us about anything for a year since you questioned one of my young elders. and other such things.

I’ve been a certain church  “member” in the past. I’ve observed, witnessed, listened, and watched what being a specific “church member” ends up meaning and bringing out in people. A lot of it is not good. Not Scriptural. It’s…

Manmade vs. of the Word of God.

With people adhering, gravitating to the manmade more than the Scriptural.

If this were not so why then are the majority of American churches in the sorry state that they are?

Needless to say, my wife and I did not pursue membership in that particular church with that particular pastor as its spiritual shepherd.

The deconstruction of language and its readily acceptance by everyone, including the professed people of God. Reminds me of the people of Israel continually rebelling against God, defying Moses and the prophets, demanding their own way, to serve the ways of the world rather than humbly submit to the Lord and maintain such a posture, instead desiring to please and pose well for the world around them. To fit in. To be accepted.

It keeps everything easy for everyone using such language. They don’t have to then get into any further, deeper conversations or explanations and they can just mosey along in their comfort zone believing their speech is just fine.

And it is. According to the world.

But what about according to God?

Have you ever paused to consider that while speaking and writing as the world has required and expects you to?

Do you believe Jesus uttered idle words during His short and important time here on earth for us to hear, know, believe, and obey? Or was He deadly serious, eternally serious about what He said?

Why can’t we as His professed disciples, His followers then be as Him rather than the world?

Again, what matters more?

To be accepted by the world and judged by God, or to be accepted by God and judged by the world?

Why not stand separate from the world? Truly appearing as light and salt?

No one needs to engage in vicious, hurtful, angry language.

Merely use in a calm manner, a loving way, the more definitive, clear language of the act, the matter being discussed.

By adding only a word or two, or substituting the world’s adopted, accepted, and approved language in their utter darkness and serving the father of lies — who placed these words, this corrupted and deflecting language into their hearts and minds — and thusly speaking and writing more as a defined Christ follower indwelt of the Holy Spirit than just another person in and of the world?

And enough of the rubbish, the utter dung, the lie, and delusion that in order to “relate to” and “be accepted” by those lost, those in darkness, those in the world we must continue to use their language.

Why isn’t the Word of God sufficient and as you live today you must subscribe to the world’s ways somehow falling for the lie unless speaking, writing as they require you can’t reach them?

Do you then doubt the Supernatural power of the Holy Spirit? That God’s Word isn’t enough? Somehow because you’re alive now human nature and the effectiveness of God and His power are diminished and the words of the world will somehow get through to folks. Really?

What about this, then? Does it mean less than the current ways and words of the world do?

“…be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;”


Doesn’t say sit, be idle, comply with the world, desire to fit in, worry about offending someone in darkness in need of forgiveness of sin and salvation. Doesn’t say take extended leave. Leave the battlefield and the battle to others. Take a nice holiday. Relax. Kick back. Stay comfortable. And by all means, never say anything to upset anyone. Does it?

Why would the language of darkness, of lies, of deception, delusion, and deflection bring any light or salt into a necessary conversation?

If there is resistance to what is written here why is that, dear brother, dear sister? What is it within you that is causing you to rebel and resist these words and desire to continue to use the world’s words which do not truly state, define, or are clear about these matters of demonic actions, sin, rebellion against God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Bible? The rebellion against the truth and the adoption of the lies?

A friend of the world?

Or one of God’s people daily desiring to increase in spiritual wisdom, love of the Lord and serving Him, bearing our cross and following Him — different to the world as He was, rather than blending in as the world desires us to be. To nullify, make impotent, and void the truth.

I was told by a sister in the faith I love dearly and care about as a sister and friend that the word woke came from an acronym.

Being knitted together, wired by God as He made me, I then sought to do as much research as necessary to discover where this acronym originated and what it stood for. I spent enough time, in enough places, over a dozen qualified sources from the world, to learn this dear sister had been misinformed by someone or something she one time heard or read from someone else misinformed — and so the misinformation goes round and round and continues to get passed around from one to another until it too becomes accepted and believed.

We all need to get off the merry-go-round of the world and where it attempts to place us, keep us, and to walk the straight path, the narrow path following alongside Jesus leading us through the narrow gate rather than being on the broad wide way of the world where most inhabit. We ought to be off that wide path and into the narrow, hilly, bumpy, rough pathway leading up the mountain to the Lord, with the Lord guiding us and our ways always. Even in the words we utter or write.

Rising up rather than lowering down. Raising standards rather than lowering them. Elevating the Lord rather than reducing Him, lowering Him as so many in these times do.

Thankfully, the dear sister mentioned is very wise, very intelligent, and understood where I was coming from in my contacting her and saying I could not find anywhere in my research the word woke to be an acronym for anything.

Unless we want to now create one; WhyObserveKillingEnglish? Hey, that just arrived in my mind as I sit here writing this as the words enter my mind and come out my fingers onto the keyboard and the screen. You have one better? Let me know in the comment box below.

It just happens. Just as lazy, lax, growing complacent language and actions do. Accommodating the world’s speech and ways. If we are not on guard always. Always attired in the whole armor of God and keeping that armor not only always on, but always oiled, polished, and maintained.


Imagine that.




Don’t be afraid of flavoring your speech with the salt, the truth of God’s Word, more accurate language, in resisting the ever-encroaching darkness and delusion of this fallen world. This does not need to be difficult or in altering many words. Just being clearer in our speech. To also more clearly define who we are on this earth. More friend of the world, or obedient faithful follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach?

All in love. From love. Caring greatly about the lost, and those in darkness, and also care about our careless brothers and sisters who grow lax and are accommodating and approving of the world’s language rather than desiring to appear distinct, separate, and not of the world. Language is a key part of this. How we fashion ourselves.

Using clearer, more defined, more accurate language among ourselves and with everyone we encounter is actually an act of love and concern for each other and those lost in utter darkness in this world rather than being the opposite as is perceived and preached by so many lost professed accommodating the world Christians. Complying, accommodating, adopting, accepting, and approving of the world’s word usage when those words are attached to wickedness, sin, immorality, and demonic forces rather than speaking and writing clearly shows a lack of awareness, concern, and love of the Word of God, knowledge of the Word of God, and a lack of the love for what Jesus did for us by coming to this world to live, die as He did, to conquer death as He did.

And we then what? Can’t be bothered to engage in discourse that sheds light into darkness, adds salt where needed?

This really is God and God’s people vs. The World. Every day. In everything. Just the way it is. And we’re either on-duty soldiers in Jesus Christ’s army with Him as our Head, our Captain entering into battle or we appear as if we’re wearing the uniform of the enemy camp. Or asleep in a foxhole.

There are no gray areas. Everything is either of God and His rightness, His righteousness, or of the world and where the world adopts its ways, attitudes, and beliefs, from the prince of the air, the god of this world for a season, the father of lies, delusion, excuses, laziness, fear, and death.

Just the way it is.

As for me? If when before the throne in the judgment of Christ’s followers I am rebuked for this and believing this to matter and be true I will fall prone trembling and take that rebuke and judgment from my Lord and Savior, my Friend Who died for me and all who faithfully, obediently believe and serve Him.

But…I would rather err on the side of caution and not be lazy and complacent and expect the Lord to excuse my idle words, by using the world’s corrupted language rather than being salt and light and obeying His instruction, and being thusly judged.

But that’s me.

You have to decide how to speak, what to write, for yourself, and how you’ll then imagine yourself before the Lord thinking you’ll be able to explain and rationalize things, “Well, everyone said it, it was the accepted words of the time, so what’s wrong with that?!”

Hummm…see how that goes for you…as for me I’ll pass and would rather be judged by the world, hated by the world, and embraced and accepted by my Lord and Savior.

So, it really comes down to this — what matters most to you, believer, Christ follower — to please the Lord and be approved and accepted by Him, knowing that we will give an accounting of our every word spoken and judged by the world, or to be judged by the Lord and approved and accepted by the world by using their required language and corrupted definitions?

I once had a bother in Christ ask me, when we were having a phone conversation about this very subject, and I said we should not use the word “gay” to describe the sin of homosexuality. He asked me, “Well, what should we say instead?” 

“Why not just say sexual immorality, or sexual deviancy instead?”

“Oh, yeah, I guess that would work.”

Really. And as an intelligent person with the Holy Spirit indwelling and a heart aflame for Jesus, Yeshua, with the good brain God blessed you with, rather than being lazy and compliant to the world you could not come up with something on your own? An alternative word or two? More descriptive and in line with your beliefs?

I did not say this to him, but I thought it. Just as I do whenever given the excuse such worldly words must be used and can’t be altered in order to “relate to” and “connect with” the lost in utter darkness.

No, they don’t. To use them is an absence of salt and light, isn’t it? Why not clearly define your beliefs and firm stance in the Lord and His ways from the beginning with someone rather than pussyfooting around and complying with them — which will only confuse them, as they wonder, “Why is this person now telling me about my sin and hurting the Lord Who loves me when they didn’t tell me from the very beginning in their speech it was wrong? “

Those in utter darkness are not dumb and they wait, they just wait for a reason to object to the truth and the light. They want us to show that we’re different from the outset. No games. No appeasement. No pretending. Just speak from the start clearly. Having the Lord Jesus Christ, the apostles, and the prophets as our example and instruction. Nothing has ever changed one iota in human nature from the beginning. Let’s stop pretending people are now somehow different and must be approached in a different manner, a 20th and 21st-century philosophical and psychological manner rather than a Word of God clear manner.

I’m always told how no one has any time for anything. So busy. Can’t stop, can’t take the time to read this, do that, and so on — so why waste time in not being clear and direct from the outset in speaking to others? And let this begin in the house of God, among those of His people. This is where the cleanup and the understanding of all this must begin. To snap the snoozing, the slumbering, the lukewarm, the ice cold, the on autopilot awake.

It is God vs. The World, soldier in Christ.

Either truly engaged on the battlefield a heart aflame for Christ, or found asleep in the foxhole, or found conspiring with the Enemy.

Here are some of the sources I found in the world regarding the word woke and its history and usage for anyone interested. Bearing in mind most of the following sources were written by a person in and of the world;