Yes, Mr Snyder, and everyone else, we really are living in the END TIMES. Which began immediately upon God coming to earth, taking on human flesh, blood, bone, and form while retaining being fully truly wholly God He was fully truly wholly a man.
The 400-year so-called silence between the last prophet of the First Covenant, which the Old Testament should be thought of, and the New Covenant made by God with the people of the world ought to be thought of as an intermission. A pause between acts.
Only everything that has ever transpired on this earth is not a show, a game, a program, a play. It is reality contrary to some who want to push all manner of lies to delude and confuse people and to keep them from the truth. A temporary reality but everything here is very real. Even the illusions.
The END TIMES began with Jesus. His first advent. His brief human life of a little over 33 years. His crucifixion, death, and being resurrected by God so that He walked out of that tomb on the Third Day. Totally alive. Seen by more than 500 witnesses over a span of 40 days. To be witnessed by others as He ascended back into heaven.
God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit reside outside of time.
I ran a couple of errands earlier today and upon getting back in my office the hymn written by John Newton, “Amazing Grace” was playing and it was nearing the end when the line… “and when we’ve been there ten thousand years…” and I thought right then, loving that hymn — arguably one of the most sung, known and beloved hymns ever, and I’ve sung it more times than I can recount — but… Mr. Newton, as we do in our finite lives with our minds always on time fail to pause to think, and contemplate further realizing in heaven, in eternity, there are no years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds.
There only is.
That moment.
I’ve never been to Las Vegas but I know a lot of people who have been and I know that in Las Vegas it’s difficult, almost impossible to see a clock. The lustful, the blind, the foolish, the greedy — and those are just the corporations and individuals owning and having stock in the casinos — do not want people to know what time it is. Well, it’s ironic that the place the world knows as Sin City has one thing right about heaven — no clocks. No measuring of time.
But we are compelled, we must use timeframes while here on earth in this flesh in order to put things in order. And so all the arrogant people nowadays that know something is to start at a certain time, say a Sunday church service at 10:00 a.m. they consistently can’t arrive until about 10:20, or an event is to begin at a certain time and a speaker will be there, what have you, and less than a quarter of the people who will be attending are actually there on time.
Astounding. Arrogant. Inconsiderate. But then, it’s all about self in these last of the last days.
I’ve written, perhaps you’ve come across it at some point, that we’re living in the last few words of the last sentence of the last paragraph on the last page in the book of human history on earth since God said, “Let there be…” and all that is known was created.
Much is mentioned by Mr. Snyder in his article below.
There is no reason for anxiety, fear, confusion, turmoil, unsteadiness, falling apart, falling away in these times if — IF — a FAITHFUL believer of sound doctrine living in, living the Word of God in a fruitful, prayerful, trusting life. Indwelt of and abiding in the Holy Spirit.
We ought to see, hear, SMELL, and know what is going on and why.
The who, why, and what of everything ought to be very clear to the born anew, renewed of spirit and heart, transformed, regenerated by the power of the Spirit of God made into a new creature. Coming from the darkness, from BEING darkness and into the Light, into the light.
World War III began some time ago. Even though declaring such is avoided at all costs by governments, politicians, so-called journalists and news people, and the everyday man and woman. Avoidance of reality. But America, Russia, communist China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Lebanon, Turkey, the United Kingdom, India, Pakistan, almost every Middle Eastern country — ISRAEL certainly if paying any attention — France, Germany, and Italy are ALL involved in an ongoing and ever-escalating WORLD WAR.
So what should we do? What should we call it? Or just continue to go about denying it and hiding from it? Or equally terrible — being filled with fear and worry.
Don’t you know that to lose your life for Jesus Christ the Lord and the faith in Him is great gain and that if truly a believer you instantly are face to face with the Lord in heaven? Do you not believe that? Do you believe what is written BY GOD in HIS BOOK? Do you love God more than you love anything on this decaying and not having much time remaining world?
As for me, and my house, we will serve the Lord. And while I love certain things, many things on this earth, God’s very creation that remains [I try to imagine what it was prior to our screwing everything up, messing it up and causing it to decay, cry out, groan under the weight of our sin — for all of the nature created by God was perfect — not the domain of some female deity, a false god that anyone who ever mentions as being responsible for nature is thusly partaking in PAGAN beliefs and not in the ways of God — but I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for Jesus to come get us and to get out of this place and into heaven. What could be better, the overpriced coffee you’re planning on buying tomorrow morning should the Lord not take your life tonight, or going to heaven?
How we behave now. And have been behaving. How we think now and have been thinking. What we now do and believe compared to what we did and believed. Our actions our words — I’m writing this as a blanket worldwide statement including EVERYONE — it all reveals, along with our technologies, and the state of the Church, the condition of the human soul and everything believed and how all the foundations have been or are being removed — the family, sexuality, virtue, compassion, consideration, courtesy, civility, conversation [who has real conversations with intelligence, patience, LISTENING to others, and engaging in something verbally that upon it ending you are better off than before the time began?] every aspect of life on earth points to and shows us — if paying attention, if aware and believing everything in God’s Word we’re living in the last of the very last days.
It’s swiftly coming to an end as it has been known.
And every word within the Word of God has come true, is coming true. And will come to pass. Be 100% true and accurate. No variance. Nothing amiss.
It’s been happening. It is happening. It will happen.
Think of it this way, the entire timeline of world history is like the longest and largest rollercoaster ever. It’s a worldwide rollercoaster and every person ever born is on it at some point and it never stops only the people on it change, only technology changes, and it gets bigger and bigger and faster and faster and faster and goes higher and higher and higher and higher — and the peak upwards hill of this rollercoaster was when Jesus was born, walked this earth as a man while also fully truly God, and died and was resurrected. That was the highest point of this worldwide ongoing rollercoaster.
Upon Jesus’ life here on earth ending and His ascension into heaven then the worldwide rollercoaster began its descent.
Going downwards ever, ever, ever, EVER faster, faster, faster from the peak of the climb and Jesus on earth, downwards we all go…
…more people are on it, the increase in knowledge makes it all speed up and there are myriad inventions to distract and keep otherwise occupied so that all those aboard can’t see how it all ends.
For anyone who has been eternally blessed beyond any earthly treasure or reward to come to the Lord’s calling us, “Come…”, hearing Him call us, RESPONDING, to repent, to be born anew, transformed and renewed of mind and spirit we’re on this worldwide rollercoaster plummeting downward, and going to meet the greatest disaster in world history along with everyone else only…
Only the Creator of it all, for our belief, for our faithfulness, for our love of Him and what He did and does for us, for our faith and obedience in Him, He is going to take hold of us, collect us, gather us all up just prior the very end. The crashing, burning, and destruction at the end.
Which no one in their right mind, right spirit, right sense would want to be here for…
Yeah, it’s all coming to an end. Quickly. If not believing that perhaps it’s time to begin paying closer attention — without fear or worry — and if your pastor is ignoring all this and acting every Sunday as if we’re all living in 1953 I would advise you to faithfully pray and seek the Holy Spirit to give you the words to address this matter with him, taking at least one or two likeminded believers with you when you approach your pastor out of lovingkindness and genuine concern.
And if you’re going to a church with a woman pastor? A practicing homosexual pastor? Why? Why are you there pretending, going through vain and foolish motions not pleasing the Lord but angering Him and incurring His wrath?
Because we all ought to approach and live each day, EVERY HOUR as if it’s the day and hour the Lord will return, or it is the last hour and day we will have breath and a beating heart.
Time to turn to the Holy Bible, turn to God, turn to prayer — spiritual prayer thanking God for everything, praying for others more than self, praying for the saints and the Church, for Israel, for the lost and unbelieving, time spent on heavenly, spiritual matters more than earthly ones. Preparing.
More time in these things than in the so-called news, politicians, or so much time and faith misplaced in anyone here on earth or anything here on earth.
We’re just visitors. Pilgrims. The voyage to the New Eternal World, Heaven, is just on the horizon…keep that world, heaven, in mind more than this one. Where there just is. No knowledge of time or what once was on earth. With the Lord. With all the prophets, apostles, godly people of the Bible, all the saints who were once sinners, all the heavenly hosts.
And what on earth could be better than that!?
No worries…
No fears…
Just is. Truly living. Forever. With the Lord! THAT is REALITY, a FACT and everything else will pass away…
And while here, with wars and rumors of wars, and all the noise, increase in violence, lies, suffering, and the awfulness of what the dead hearts, blind eyes, deaf ears, and overflowing in sin the is increasing and rushing like a mile high speeding tsunami, a whirlwind increasing bringing upon this world all that they do in the service to their god, Satan, do not despair, grow anxious or fearful — and it’s only going to get worse, much, much worse — if in Christ if knowing the Holy Bible and believing, if born anew and safe and secure in the arms of Jesus do not fear. Do not be filled with worry and fear dear ones, dear friends, dear brothers and sisters. Have faith. Increase in faith. Trust in the Lord. Whatever comes here won’t last forever and it appears for us it won’t last much longer, and we will not see the worst of it when the Antichrist and his false prophet are here — but the eternal peace, beauty, wonder, and beyond our imagining of heaven awaits, and is eternal. Keep your eyes, your hearts, your minds, your spirits, your hope in and on that truth. That fact. In Jesus…in Jesus…in Jesus…
Pass it on…
Read on…
Oh, and while you’re already here?
Some things to come back to once you’ve read Mr. Snyder’s piece below, or if you want to read them now and come back to this;
THE HUMAN HEART — Meta’s ‘Imagine Me’ AI lets users reinvent themselves across all apps
Be Salty!
Can you smell the fascism?
Dhimmi Britain Sinks into Authoritarianism, Death to Free Speech
Did You Hear That? — Parts 1 & 2
Happening Now — Jack Hibbs
The invitation — and challenge — of living out a Christian calling
Ken Pullen, Thursday, August 15th, 2024
We Really Are Living In The End Times
August 11, 2024
by Michael Snyder
Reprinted from The End of the American Dream & Prophecy News Watch
Is it possible that Jesus specifically warned us about the times that we are living in nearly 2,000 years ago? You may have noticed that global events have started to spiral out of control lately. Normally, the summer is a period when things are relatively quiet. As far as the news industry is concerned, August is supposed to be the quietest month of all because so much of the world is on vacation. But that definitely has not been the case in 2024. According to journalist Simon Tisdall, in recent weeks we have been experiencing a “peaking of volatility, instability and insecurity, unprecedented in recent times”…
August is the quietest month – to mangle TS Eliot’s verse – or so news editors used to think. Politicians go on holiday, governments shut down, people head for the hills or the beach. Not much happens. Not so this August. The world this month is experiencing an extraordinary peaking of volatility, instability and insecurity, unprecedented in recent times. It’s scary, it’s shocking, it’s a wild ride.
Sudden revolutions, wars current and imminent, terrible crimes, high-stakes feuding, famines, cost of living crunches, violent riots and unfathomable market panics come not as single spies but in battalions. In a world where mutual destruction, steeped in cruelty and despair, is a favoured human pastime, grim vistas of Eliot’s The Waste Land beckon anew.
He is right.
But just because things have been crazy lately does not mean that we are living in the end times.
If we really are living in the end times, there are certain very specific signs that we should be seeing.
In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus discussed some of those signs…
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Of course there have been wars, famines, pestilences and natural disasters all throughout human history.
If we really are living in the end times, all of these elements should be occurring simultaneously, and the intensity of each element should be at a very high level.
Let’s talk about war first. According to the Institute for Economics & Peace, there were 56 active military conflicts in the world last year. That was the highest number that we have witnessed since World War II…
Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Syria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Colombia… and so on. There are up to 56 active conflicts in the world, the highest number since World War II. Moreover, these carry an increasingly international component, with 92 countries involved in wars outside their borders. These are data from the latest Global Peace Index produced annually by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), a think tank that analyzes everything from military investment and the cost of violence to military laws and deaths in combat in 163 states and territories.
As I write this, there is a tremendous amount of speculation all over the globe about “World War III”. The conflict in the Middle East is on the verge of being transformed into an “all-out war”, it is probably only a matter of time before the U.S. is dragged into the war in Ukraine and we find ourselves directly fighting with Russia, and the moment that China invades Taiwan we will be at war with the Chinese.
We are most certainly living during a time of wars and rumors of wars, and the hot phase of “World War III” will truly be unlike anything we have ever seen before.
All throughout history, famine has accompanied war.
Right now, we are facing a global food crisis of unprecedented magnitude. In Sudan, endless war has created a famine that is truly horrifying. At this moment, it is being projected that millions of Sudanese citizens will die in the months ahead…
After 15 months of fighting in that country between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), experts in food insecurity estimate that almost 26 million people (no, that is not a misprint!), or more than half of Sudan’s population, could suffer from malnutrition by September. Eight and a half million of those human beings could face acute malnutrition. Worse yet, if the war continues on its present path, millions will die of hunger and disease in just the coming months (and few people in our world may even notice).
How would you feel if you had to watch your family slowly die of starvation?
According to Timmo Gaasbeek of the Netherlands Institute of International Relations, 2.5 million people in Sudan could perish “by the time crops are harvested in September”…
Gaasbeek warned, however, that soup kitchens can fill only so many gaping holes in a system shattered by wartime destruction, displacement, and crop failure. His institute estimates that at current rates of food sharing, 2.5 million people could die of hunger and disease by the time crops are harvested in September. In other words, a shocking 10–20 percent of the Sudanese in the hardest-hit areas could die—mortality rates similar to ones suffered during horrendous famines in parts of Nigeria in 1969, Ethiopia in 1984, and Somalia in 1992.
September is next month!
But most Americans don’t even realize that this is happening because our big news networks only want to talk about Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.
Reuters has reported that hunger is so bad in some parts of Sudan that people are literally making meals out of balls of dirt just so that they will have something to fill their stomachs…
Garang Achien Akok is one of the thousands of new arrivals in the area. Akok, his wife and their five children abandoned their home in the southern region of Kordofan after Arab militiamen on camels stormed their village and torched their hut, he said.
Akok, 41, reached Al Lait in December, but has no work and can’t feed the family. At times, they go two or three days without eating. When that happens, Akok said, he watches helplessly as his wife and children dig holes in the ground with a stick, slide their hands in and grab some soil. Then they roll the soil into a ball, put it in their mouths and swallow it with water.
Meanwhile, supplies of food all over the world just keep getting tighter and tighter.
CNN has admitted that we are facing “the worst food crisis in modern history”, but the truth is that this is just the beginning.
Once nuclear weapons are used, everything will change.
One study that was conducted a few years ago determined that three to four years after an all-out nuclear war global food production would have dropped by about 90 percent…
Using climate, crop and fishery models, researchers found that the climatic impacts of soot from nuclear war would peak in the first few years but last for about a decade.
In the worst-case scenario, when 150 Tg of soot is unleashed, the global average calorie production from crops would decline by about 90% just three to four years after the nuclear war, the study found.
That same study concluded that approximately 360 million people would be directly killed during an all-out nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia, and over 5 billion people would die from starvation in the aftermath…
The largest scenario examined, a week-long war involving 4,400 weapons and 150 Tg, or 330.6 billion pounds, of soot – such as one that would occur between the U.S., its allies and Russia – would kill 360 million people directly – and more than 5 billion from starvation, the study said. The density of the soot would reduce global temperatures by more than 58ºF.
What would our world look like if 5 billion people were simultaneously dying from starvation?
That is something to think about.
If we really are living in the end times, we should also be experiencing major pestilences.
Needless to say, the COVID crisis killed millions of people and it is still with us.
Over the past few years, the bird flu has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of chickens and turkeys all over the globe, and now the bird flu has jumped into mammals.
Are we next?
We better hope not, because the World Health Organization says that over 50 percent of the humans that have caught H5N1 since 2003 have ended up dead.
In 2022, a Monkeypox plague rapidly spread all over the planet, and it created a lot of fear.
Now a far deadlier version that reportedly spreads more easily among humans is spreading in central Africa, and the World Health Organization is extremely concerned about this.
And I certainly don’t want to leave out dengue fever. So far this year, there have been more than 10 million cases in North America and South America combined…
In the Americas alone, almost 10.4 million suspected cases of dengue, a mosquito-borne viral disease, were reported to the World Health Organization in 2024 as of the first week of July, an increase of 232% compared with the same period the year before.
Peru is a case in point. When torrential rains started to fall there in 2023, a record-breaking dengue epidemic exploded shortly afterward. The case count is estimated at well over 100,000 so far this year.
If you have ever had a severe case of dengue fever, you will never forget it.
It is known as “breakbone fever”, because many of those that develop severe cases literally feel like their bones are breaking…
Because some patients feel as if their bones are breaking, the virus has an ominous nickname: “breakbone fever.”
What about natural disasters?
Are we seeing a lot of those?
It is being reported that last year the number of “billion dollar disasters” established a brand new all-time record high…
The planet was besieged by a record 63 billion-dollar weather disasters in 2023, surpassing the previous record of 57 set in 2020, said insurance broker Gallagher Re in its annual report issued January 17. The total damage wrought by weather disasters in 2023 was $301 billion, with an unusually high 57% of that total being insured damages.
Meanwhile, the ground under our feet is shaking with alarming regularity.
Last week, I wrote an article about the strange seismic activity that we have been witnessing on the west coast, on the east coast, under the Great Lakes and down in Texas.
On the other side of the world, all of the recent shaking in Japan has created a tremendous amount of panic. People are feverishly hoarding food because they are so concerned about the possibility of a “megaquake”…
Authorities in Japan urged people to avoid hoarding as anxiety over a possible megaquake triggered a spike Saturday in demand for disaster kits and daily necessities.
In its first such advisory, the weather agency said a huge earthquake was more likely in the aftermath of a magnitude 7.1 jolt in the south on Thursday which left 14 people injured.
At a Tokyo supermarket on Saturday, a sign was put up apologising to customers for shortages of certain products it attributed to “quake-related media reports”.
I am entirely convinced that everything that we have been through so far is just the beginning.
We are still only in the very early chapters of this “perfect storm”, and if I am right there is a tremendous amount of death and destruction ahead of us.
Most people don’t want to hear that.
Most people just want to hear that everything is going to be wonderful.
But if we really are living in the end times, global events will play out just as the Bible says that they will.
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