And what have you complained about today?
We do it all the time
Monday, July 15th, 2024
by Ken Pullen
I’ve been a student of Much of What We Think & Believe, What We Say the Exact Opposite is True University my entire life. You should see the mess the sweatshirts and apparel from that university look like! Even the smallest person always needs to buy a 4XL!
At MWWT&BWWSEOTU we’re taught that washing, any sort of washing, is to cleanse. To clean up. To get the dirt, grit, muck, yuck, goo, and stains out. Right?
Yet almost to a person, and I’ve done this as well, we use the word;
the process of pressuring someone into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means:
Which in reality is the filling of a mind with rubbish. Dirtying things up within a mind. Not cleansing it, purifying it, making it clean and stain-free. No washing involved. The exact opposite, really.
We should more accurately say, about a person with a muddied-up, manipulated, controlled by evil — and that is what this is, where it truly has its roots, that they are brainclogged. Or something of that sort.
Even though one thing that irks me is all the made-up bogus words entering the lexicon. Rubbish words. Non-words are adopted and used as if they are correct. And just because something enters, begins to spread, and is apparent in the general population does not mean it then is good, or ought to remain.
Like smallpox, the plague, ignorance, avarice, and greed…and the list goes on and on as to what enters, spreads, and remains.
We’re permitting, adopting, accepting, and approving of brains being clogged. Jammed up. Packed full of rubbish thought to be knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment, making headway as the head is full of rot.
That’s called delusion folks. That’s called ignorance folks.
We are all living in Biblical times. In the last of the last days. In Romans 1 and in other places, other pages, other chapters and verses in the living and active Word of God.
I was going through my emails this morning and came across a NEW and DIFFERENT media outlet now available! I read the PR/marketing email. About how this guy who had a great high-paying job quit that job to start up a new media outlet — because his friend was brainwashed by the current media.
Long, long ago — not so far back that I needed to use a hammer and chisel to write on a stone tablet, or had to use a quill on parchment — I took some journalism/communications classes.
At this time the media was already irrevocably altered. Journalism was infected and ill and reeling and the patient would never recover.
There was a time when there was a creature called a journalist. A real reporter. Many of them wore rumbled coats, and stained ties, drank in neighborhood bars with regular folks, sent their kids to public schools, and made a meager living and what they wrote, what they reported on for the most part was as unbiased as is possible for a person affected by their environment, their background could be.
It was how journalism schools instilled the precepts and rules of the road in their students. And what the public expected and desired. As unbiased information as possible.
There used to be an occasional segment in a news broadcast, in newspapers, there was an entire section devoted, to editorials. The person sitting in front of a camera would clarify by saying, and a graphic would appear on the screen somewhere, to the effect, “This is an editorial.”
We’re pushing our views and opinions on you now — which is different from the journalistic reporting of the facts, as we receive them.
Then news divisions were melded into the entertainment division of every television network and it became about sensationalism. No longer checking and verifying sources — a minimum of two before reporting something — and it became SHOWTIME!
All about image. Perception. Razz a maa dazzle taa taa daa boom!
There are heavily made-up talking heads. Reading TelePrompters with bogus laptops or sheets of paper in front of them to give the illusion, add to the act — no longer going out in the field digging, no longer eating their dinners at the greasy spoon diner rubbing shoulders with the working man and woman [they now make that a “Special Edition” big deal segment for their prime time broadcasts], drinking bad coffee, and knowing your rumbled coat needs to get to the dry cleaner, and your kid just got in trouble at insert name here public school.
If out in the field covering something? Not staying at Motel 6 or a Holiday Inn I assure you.
Now, making upwards of $15,000,000, $16,000,000, or more a year for some. Oh, and the paupers only make a few million a year. Must be so hard for them to get by.
They eat at the posh places. They go to and rub shoulders with the elite, the powerbrokers, the politician’s clubs and venues, those they are to report on. This from the supposed Fourth Estate. Not supposed to be beholden to the government, corporations, powerful people, the so-called elite. Their offspring attend the same private schools where billionaires send theirs.
Kind of lose touch after a while, eh? Strange bizarre realities. Living in such rare spaces and places one can lose sight. If they ever had it.
As in everything in America, in the West, and in the world corruption increased and increases to this day. A rot, a stench, a corruption, unlike any other time. These times surpass the era of Pulitzer and Hearst and their epic age of yellow journalism, wherein they actually created a war to sell newspapers.
The oft times unknown, never spoken about Spanish American War. 1898. “Remember the Maine!”
And boy oh boy did it sell newspapers!
And it became a real war.
Imagine that. An idea, an evil desire coming to fruition and causing death, destruction, confusion, war, and lies to spread among the people.
Oh, not all those good good people! Say it isn’t so!
Ahh, but it is so…
And we now live in perilous, corrupt, evil times. Growing more so by the day.
What’s the point? You know all of this already?
It’s all dung.
Not brain cleansing, not filling the ears, thus the mind with useful, unbiased, good news and information. Adding brain clog.
We do it all the time. It is now time to change. Not by our own wishing or ability — power — no, it is now time to change placing all trust in the Lord, placing all trust in the Holy Spirit. Faithfully believing and obeying.
And the only drain cleaner that is effective and works to clean out all the goo, scum, yuck, filth, lies, deception, illusion, and delusions being fed to folks continually?
God’s Word. All of God’s inerrant infallible unchangeable living and active Word!
Let all of us spend A LOT MORE TIME in the Holy Bible, in fervent humble prayer, not amiss, and less time clogging things up.
There’s only so much room in there…
…why not store only the best of the best in there?
Do you clean your home? Why not your mind, your soul, your spirit, your heart, and most important inner workings?
The places where the Lord may reside, the places where God looks into, sees, hears, and knows about.
Much more important than if there is dust settling on the coffee table, or if there’s a window needing cleaning. Lets clean the windows to our hearts, minds, spirits, and souls for the Lord, with the Lord, in the Lord.
Daily. Nightly. Continually.
For the times, our duty requires such of us.
And if finding yourself here and not believing? Heathen still? Enslaved to Satan, and in darkness, and that’s what you are if not one of the Lord’s people, renewed of mind and spirit, born anew — if this is you, well, friend, who I care about even more than those I know who believe, who I love and care about dearly, but I know they are assured of eternal life for their faithfulness, their obedience to the Lord, their love of the Lord and His Word — but for you, unbeliever, in chains to this world in the prison this world has built around you and cast you into — put everything of this world down and away and instead of following the lies, the ignorance, the delusion of things like “Give peace a chance,” how about finally giving Jesus, giving God, giving the Holy Spirit, giving the Holy Bible a chance? Not a church. Not a religion. Not a place.
Other than giving Jesus a chance to enter your heart, your spirit, your life?
You don’t have to tell me if you do this.
God knows.
God knows all.
Do it for the Sacrifice above and beyond all sacrifices God made for anyone, on that cross — for anyone and everyone — who would come to faithfully believe and live.
Reverse the brain clogging and truly get your mind, your heart, and your life washed, cleansed in the blood of the Lamb, in the blood and grace and salvation only made possible in the Lord Jesus Christ!
A Call to a Solemn Assembly
What Is Truth?
He Isolates You for a Reason, do not Despair — C.S. Lewis
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