Few are paying attention. If aware, most don’t care to give credence to transhumanism becoming anything to take seriously. If aware, the overwhelming majority anticipate the day they will be able to adopt and adapt transhumanism into their beings. This is being embraced. Revered.
This is real.
Unlike the place most people reside in their minds most of their days and nights.
Transhumanism ought to no longer be dismissed, ignored, passed over, and considered fantasy and science fiction. And to all those speaking, writing how their grandchildren are going to create a better world — and I’ve heard and read this from too many professed Christians and very well-known pastors — and from others how amazing the world will be in 100 a 1,000 years? Because their grandchildren are so much smarter, further along than they were. Right. How lost and deluded. See Romans 1.
What are you paying attention to?
Have you ever opened, read, studied, and understood the Holy Bible in the least?
Are you paying attention to what is taking place worldwide every single day? The attitudes and behaviors of people in general? The breakdown of every culture, society, and government? The erosion and breakdown of EVERY institution — EVERY SINGLE ONE — from highest to lowest with none going untouched. Including so-called Christian churches.
How about living as if this moment, this day is all there is. That does not mean go wild, abandon morals, party, party, party and get as much ego pleasing pleasure as possible this day. No, it means preparing your heart and spirit, your mind, and life with God. With Christ. With the Holy Spirit. In the Word. In your family. In your life TODAY as TODAY, actually the next breath and heartbeat is all that is given. No more. Can we understand this? Ever? And live accordingly?
And this does not mean anything goes, do what you want, eat, drink, be merry, party your backside off for tomorrow you die…
…no, it means preparing your way in the ways of the Lord.
…it means now, today, is the day, the time to be a light unto the world. The salt. To be a true disciple. Spreading the gospel. Not seeking personal gain from it. Not asking your agent how much that speaking engagement is going to net you, not calculating, not gaining mammon from preaching, speaking, writing of the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s free gift of grace, God’s mercy, love, and forgiveness of sin for those who confess, repent, and turn to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
It means doing this NOW. Freely, just as God freely has blessed with His grace. Not expecting payment in order to preach the truth of the Word to people. Payment has been made. By God. Yet every pastor, preacher, Christian writer has their hand out expecting, demanding it be filled — to overflowing — in order to preach the Word. Imagine that? Christianity Incorporated. But I digress and this is a whole other topic for discussion.
Far too many professed Christians always otherwise occupied. Their hearts and minds making everything other than Christ and spreading the gospel a priority. Offering up excuse upon excuse. Apathy. Pre-occupation with the things of this world. The pursuit of materialism, comfort, temporal things rather than heavenly eternal things.
Transhumanism is here now.
It is permeating every aspect of what passes for human life on earth.
How many pastors are telling their congregations of this? To beware? Rather than all the other things folks are being told — sold along the way acting as if there will be ten billion more future days.
As the masses stumble about in their malnourished daze.
Wake up. Stop living on watered-down words, skim milk, and begin to ingest and digest and grow strong on the meat of the Word.
Paying attention to everything along the way.
Beginning today. Because this may be my last, yours, that pastor you idolize and have placed above God, above Jesus, above the Holy Spirit, above the word of God.
Ken Pullen
Monday, February 7th, 2022
ACP — A Crooked Path
Video: The Transhumanism Agenda of Klaus Schwab & Dr. Yuval Noah Harari
When free will died.
Monday, February 7, 2022
Reprinted from FrontPageMag
This new video explores the new realms of “science” where researchers are now capable of “hacking” human beings, creating the potential of re-engineering human life itself.
Transhumanism: Merging Men and Machines
Transhumanism’s Assumptions and their Implications
The Rise of Transhumanism: Emerging Worldviews
Terraforming & Transhumanism: Are You Ready To Accept Plus Live By Them?
Opinion: Super-intelligence and eternal life—transhumanism’s faithful follow it blindly into a future for the elite
Transhumanism: A Culture of Self-Worship, Defying God and Nature
Professed “Christians” Embracing Transhumanism: Just another ‘religion’ in which man seeks to become God
Don’t believe the end is near? That the world is it’s most lost to date? Read the following…
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