And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb;
Luke 1:41a
The question is asked in the article below, written by Mr. Jonathan Sarfati for Creation Ministries, upon a recent scientific discovery; “What does this mean for abortion?”
It will mean nothing.
The pre-meditated murder of human children in America is no longer even a 50/50 battle as it had been for a while. In a land wherein about 65 % of the population confess to being Christians in survey upon survey, poll after poll over the past year or so now 6 out of 10 Americans do not have a problem with the pre-meditated murder of human children.
This could be one of the major reasons America is reeling and suffering as we are. It is impossible to be a true Christian and also approve of abortion. But similar results exist regarding the percentages that approve of homosexual “marriage”.
And people wonder what is happening, why things are happening as they are.
Cannot be one of God’s people and also be enslaved to Satan, serving self, serving the world and it’s evil works.
While God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are in control and are Sovereign over all, we the people have been given free will, the ability to choose, to decide and we choose from the very beginning to turn from God our Creator Who loves us and created a perfect universe, He [being God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit, 3 distinct individual eternal never created Beings in One] did this for us, His creation, and within the lifespan of our original parents handed Paradise, perfection, eternal life from the beginning — if only they would obey God and heed His words — but no, instead they turned to Satan, the father of lies and listened, were seduced, believed the liar, the destroyer of life, the bringer of death and pain and OBEYED him rather than God.
The following article actually greatly upsets me. Angers me. Why? Because how naive can people be? And I address this to present-day professed Christians who by this article are expecting this discovery, something from science, the world to alter the advancement of evil.
When so many of them apparently have no problem with abortion which is the pre-meditated murder of human children. No different than offering up children in sacrifice to Moloch, for self and the world are the gods most serve, idolize, and exist for. In utter darkness propagating ever thicker, denser, and deadly darkness pulling themselves and others deeper into the pit.
Since when has human nature changed one molecule, one iota, one bit since man and woman were created? The ONLY THINGS that have ever changed on earth — only two things — the advancement of technology due to disobeying God and eating from the forbidden tree in the Garden, and the growth of the human population over the earth.
THAT’S all that has ever really changed. Ever. Even though almost to a person there is great delusion otherwise.
What does the following mean for abortion?
Absolutely nothing.
Even the Republican platform is stepping away from the pre-meditated murder of human children in America issue.
Perhaps it’s time to wake up and smell the rot, the sin, the evil permeating this land in great need of individual revival that only comes from individual repentance, and none of us, none of U.S. is so pure, so good, so blameless, so wonderful that we do not need to look inward always objective, honest, and truthful for that is the only way a Christ follower ought to be continually regarding self.
No politician, no government agency, or branch of the American government is going to solve or resolve this heinous and horrible issue. Hasn’t anyone learned that over the past FIFTY-ONE YEARS?
Yes, continue in fervent spiritual prayer to the Lord. Place all trust in Him. Also praying His will be done on earth as in heaven — knowing Scripture that His will has always been to let the people have what they demand and for them to live with the consequences — from the moment in the Garden of Eden to this very moment.
We’re not puppets. This isn’t just some stage production and there is no free will.
We all choose, we all have choices, make decisions, and then must live with the consequences.
Where was everyone in 1973? In 1993? s003? 2013? Now?
Voting in the same incumbents? Believing the political party you’re so loyal to?
Of course unborn children in the womb perceive the world CONSCIOUSLY.
Why do you think a baby once out of the womb is smiling, laughing, and so happy? They finally get to see and begin to experience all that they heard and felt while in that protective womb — well, protective for those babies blessed enough to have mothers who wanted them rather than wanted to murder them due to being selfish, refusing to use birth control, refusing to have a man use birth control, refusing to abstain from sex outside of marriage. But why go to the root cause and begin to speak and write the truth when the distracting lying narrative shouts over everything about women’s rights and it’s women’s healthcare rather than putting the lies in their place and speaking and writing the truth?
Of course unborn children in the womb perceive the world CONSCIOUSLY.
Does a person need to have a study, a certain degree, the reinforcement of a body of science to tell us this, to know this fact?
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Thursday, August 1st, 2024 [if my mother were in this realm today she would have been 95 years old today, but she left this world in 1997].
Unborn babies perceive the world consciously
What does this mean for abortion?
July 16, 2024
Reprinted from
A 2024 issue of New Scientist magazine had an intriguing article about babies before and after birth.1 The author is Claudia Passos-Ferreria, professor of bioethics at New York University. She documented that they can react to some surprising stimuli similarly to conscious adults.
For example, if we hear a repetitive sound, e.g., “be-be-be…”, we would expect the next sound to be the same, “be”. But if it is instead different, e.g., “bo”, it is startling—a “local oddball” reaction. The brain reacts with an electrical signal called the P300 wave. In fact, sleeping, unconscious, and even comatose adults can produce such a local oddball reaction.
And if we hear a more complex pattern, e.g., “be-be-be-bo” several times, then we start expecting that whole pattern. So if it deviates to “be-be-be-be”, we are again startled—a “global oddball” reaction. The brain again reacts with a P300 wave. In adults, a global oddball reaction occurs only when they are conscious. It is used to test consciousness in patients who can’t respond orally.
In the research that Passos-Ferreria refers to,2 neuroscientists discovered that newborn babies had both local and global oddball reactions. So did unborn babies at 35 weeks.
These results have implications for the care of babies. E.g., if they are conscious, they can feel pain, which means that they might need pain relief for some surgeries or difficult childbirths.
Implications for abortion
While the article treated it as news, baby consciousness is hardly a new discovery. In fact, the same magazine back in 2010 proposed, “Unborn babies may ‘be planning their future’”.3 New Scientist is known for its Christophobia in the last few decades, so it’s not surprising that both articles tried to dismiss the abortion connection.
Passos-Ferreria gave one wrong reason: the age of the baby. She is right that most abortions occur before 35 weeks, so she argues that this research is irrelevant to the abortion debate.
Not so. Actually, many politicians and activists demand abortion right up to birth for any reason, at taxpayer expense. One Virginia politician, Kathy Tran, proposed an abortion bill and was explicit about this. In response to a question:
“So where it’s obvious that a woman is about to give birth, she has physical signs that she’s about to give birth, would that still be a point at which she could still request an abortion if she was so certified? [pause] She’s dilating?”
Tran responded:
“… My bill would allow that, yes.”4
Later, Tran claimed she ‘misspoke’. But her words were clear, and unfortunately, she is not alone in her views.
In truth, many soi-disant bioethicists support both late-term abortions and infanticide after birth. They reason from the true premise that the birth canal is not a magical device that transforms a clump of cells into a baby.5 Pro-lifers make the correct deduction from this premise that unborn babies have as much right to life as those already born. Such reasoning has convinced even secular people to become pro-life, e.g., the group Secular Pro-Life and Nat Henthoff (1925–2017).6 However, many ‘bioethicists’ make the horrifying opposite deduction: since we allow unborn babies to be chopped up, why not newborns as well since there is no difference?
But Passos-Ferreria was also right, but not for the reasons she thinks. Rather, even if babies were not conscious, it would be wrong to kill them. This is for the same reason it is wrong to kill an anesthetized adult patient who lacked the global oddball reaction. That’s because murder—intentionally killing innocent human beings—is wrong. That’s true whether the human is an adult or unborn.
The same applies to arguments about unborn babies feeling pain: yes, they do, but even if not, it would be wrong to kill them. Once again, the same argument applies to anesthetized adults who can’t feel pain.
This new evidence reinforces the overwhelming scientific evidence for the humanity of the unborn. Such evidence can show some people that unborn babies really are human beings, so they should be protected from murder. But others admit that babies are human beings, but don’t care.
References and notes
- Passos-Ferreria, C. Through a baby’s ears: Evidence suggesting that newborn infants perceive the world consciously has implications for their care, New Scientist 262(3495):10, 15 Jun 2024. Return to text.
- Strangely, she doesn’t cite the primary research. But it is probably Bayne, T. et al., Consciousness in the cradle: on the emergence of infant experience, Trends in Cognitive Science 27(12):1135–1149, Dec 2023 | DOI:10.1016/j.tics.2023.08.018 Return to text.
- Collins, N., Introspection brain networks fully formed at birth, New Scientist 208(2785):14, 6 Nov 2010 | DOI:10.1016/S0262-4079(10)62729-7. Return to text.
- DeSanctis, A., Virginia bill would legalize abortion up to birth,, 29 Jan 2019. Return to text.
- Choice42 (“Choice For Two”, aka Laura Klassen), The magical birth canal,, 2 Jun 2018. Return to text.
- Hentoff, N., The Indivisible Fight for Life, AUL Forum,, 19 Oct 1986.
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