Communist Chinese President Xi Jinping (center) visited the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing to portray himself as a leader firmly in charge of a “people’s war” against COVID-19. (Associated Press photo) ** FILE **
According to U.S. Senator Joni Ernst, of Iowa, who diligently tracks the disbursement of U.S. taxpayer money over $1,300,000,000 has gone to Communist China and Russia over the past seven years.
I don’t know about you, but there is no valid reason that could be given as to why so much as one your or my tax dollars should go to Communist China, a godless nation that is determined to undermine and weaken America to the point that they would become the dominant Superpower in the world. And we have been so accommodating to their goals in making sure almost everything any American buys is made in Communist China, as they created — along with the help and tax dollars from Anony Fauci and other American entities the gain-of-function experiment unleased on the world to study the impact of a global pandemic and if the world’s population could be easily controlled.
Communist China is winning. Expanding throughout the Pacific Rim and Pacific Ocean.
Americans are now dependent on Communist China for almost every consumer good.
All for the sake of greed.
Communist China has spies at every level and agency of the U.S. government including the White House, the U.S. Congress, and every intelligence agency, as well as every defense contractor and major corporation and medical facility in America. Especially in the areas of research. To steal everything they can. And for the most part, the U.S. government does nothing to stop this, except for once in a while making an example of someone to give the illusion of security and being on top of things.
In the article below you’re going to read about brutal experiments on beagle puppies. Severing their spines to see how they would react.
Are you a pharmaceutical researcher? Do you need a Ph.D. and money from the U.S. government to know how severing of the spine is going to impact a living creature?
I don’t need a degree, a white lab coat, or millions of dollars in grants in order to know the outcome.
Communist China is an evil empire. With designs on world domination. they make no bones about that. They don’t do anything to hide their evil intentions. I’m not worried about it. I know they never will succeed and they will be defeated. By God. Justly.
In the meantime? Let’s pay better attention to where our hard-earned tax dollars are going and make sure to speak up once in a while to elected representatives — ahh, see that’s the thing WE ARE TO HAVE A GOVERNMENT OF, FOR, AND BY THE PEOPLE WITH REPRESENTATION FOR OUR TAXATION. Not to withhold where our money is going. For what, to whom, and why? And if those elected REPRESENTATIVES OF WE THE PEOPLE aren’t representing our interests, our values, what matters most to us? Then they get removed from office and we make sure to find and vote for a person who will REPRESENT we the people. Ironic, that it was established to operate in such a manner yet how many people in America even know that or care at this point?
They also are revealing they don’t care about national security, national interests, or the people who give them the opportunity to be in power.
And if so much as one dollar is headed to an evil, godless nation such as Communist China, Iran, or Russia we the people, for who this American government was established — not for a select few keeping it all secret, or presenting us with more lies as to where the money goes.
If you are one to believe the White Coast Waste Project or ANY U.S. government agency or mouthpiece to tell us the truth, to provide in-depth accurate information you are naive. Gullible. And bordering on being a fool.
There is corruption rife throughout. Decay. Rot. Festering corruption abounds. Just ask Nancy Peloci and her husband regarding their always so timely [insider information] stock buys and sales…
No Communist Chinese lab should receive so much as one U.S. dollar.
Yet we keep sending them hundreds of millions. To conduct every vile, dangerous, and deadly experiment they can conceive.
How quickly we forget Wuhan and the gain-of-function experiment unleashed on the world.
There are no “good people.”
The hearts and minds of men and women are evil imaginings all the day long.
Not according to me — according to God. Don’t believe me? Go get a Bible, a concordance, and discover the will, ways, and Word of the Lord!
Read on…
Ken Pullen, Wednesday, September 25th, 2024
U.S. taxpayers funded Chinese labs that carried out grisly experiments on beagle puppies
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Reprinted from The Washington Times
The federal government has been paying Chinese labs that carry out animal testing including experiments that involved severing beagle puppies’ spines to study how they would react to such a horrific injury.
The White Coat Waste Project, in a new investigation shared first with The Washington Times, said 28 Chinese labs are approved to receive U.S. taxpayer money for animal testing. Among them are Sun Yat-Sen University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which carry out the grisly experiments on beagles.
Video of some experiments, compiled by WCW, shows beagles whose spines had been severed crawling on their front paws with their rears dragging across the ground, unable to move normally on their own.
Puppies as young as a day old were being “sacrificed” in order to obtain bone marrow material, WCW said.
The experiments are supposed to probe the effects of serious spinal cord injuries.
WCW said that while the U.S. government uses those labs for experiments, there is no evidence that the dog tests were directly funded by American taxpayers.
WCW said Pharmaron, another Chinese lab, is spending U.S. taxpayer dollars on dog testing.
Three other U.S.-approved labs are run by WuXi AppTec, a firm that members of Congress have linked to the Chinese military. And two labs are run by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which the U.S. government has said contributes to the Chinese military.
“It’s disgusting that the Biden-Harris administration is still sending American tax dollars to shady Chinese labs for unnecessary, unethical, and unsafe experiments on dogs and puppies,” said Rep. Nancy Mace, South Carolina Republican. “This needs to stop immediately. They must’ve forgotten what happened in Wuhan.”
That was a reference to U.S. funding that flowed to potentially risky research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the lab that some American agencies believe leaked the coronavirus.
WCW was a key player in exposing that funding, and has been a persistent critic of former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases chief Dr. Anthony Fauci.
WCW said the ongoing funding for Chinese labs isn’t just a moral affront, it’s a security risk.
“Despite Fauci’s gain-of-function disaster that we exposed at the Wuhan animal lab, we’ve uncovered how the NIH is still shipping tax dollars to dozens of other Chinese labs that butcher beagles, poison puppies, threaten public health and compromise national security,” said Justin Goodman, senior vice president at WCW.
The investigation comes a year after the Government Accountability Office, the government’s chief watchdog, found problems in the way the National Institutes of Health manages its research spending abroad.
In particular, GAO said, it’s impossible to say how much U.S. money actually flows to researchers in China and elsewhere because the government doesn’t require recipients of taxpayer money to report on subcontractors who may be abroad.
Some members of Congress have been pushing to end all U.S. government funding for experiments on dogs and cats, whether conducted domestically or abroad.
Lawmakers are also eyeing legislation that would shut down U.S. funding for animal labs in China and other adversarial nations.
Rep. Lisa McClain, Michigan Republican and sponsor of that bill, said it should get a new look after the latest revelations.
“American tax dollars should never go to the Wuhan Lab again or any others in China that pose national security risks,” she said.
Sen. Joni Ernst, Iowa Republican, announced Wednesday that she has introduced legislation to require annual reporting from federal agencies about how much funding they send to Chinese labs.
“It should not feel like herding cats to figure out how many tax dollars are funding batty experiments in Wuhan,” Ms. Ernst said.
The U.S. House earlier this month approved legislation that would ban pharmaceutical firms that receive taxpayer money from working with five Chinese firms, including WuXi AppTec.
That bill passed 306-81 with nearly every Republican and more than half of Democrats in support, with backers saying the firms are too closely tied to China’s military establishment.
WuXi AppTec, on its website, has challenged the legislation, posting news stories that suggest the bill would undermine medical progress in America.
“We adhere strictly to all U.S. laws and regulatory standards,” the firm said.
Correction: This story has been updated to reflect what kinds of experiments are being funded with U.S. money.
• Stephen Dinan can be reached at
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