God Judges the Nations

“For behold, in those days and at that time,

When I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem,
I will also gather all nations,

And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat;
And I will enter into judgment with them there
On account of My people, My heritage Israel,

Whom they have scattered among the nations;
They have also divided up My land.

They have cast lots for My people,
Have given a boy as payment for a harlot,
And sold a girl for wine, that they may drink.

Joel 3:1-3

Joel 3

U.N. votes to ethnically cleanse Jerusalem of Jews; “Following in the footsteps of the King of Sodom”


September 27, 2024

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz

Reprinted from Israel365News


Last week, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution that would ethnically cleanse Jerusalem’s Old City and the Biblical heartland in an attempt to erase the Biblical and historical connections that tie the Jewish people to their eternal capital and the site of the Temples. The resolution was the first that “the State of Palestine” filed after being granted unprecedented privileges, for a non-U.N. member earlier this year and was sponsored by more than 40 countries. 124 nations supported the resolution. Only 14 nations opposed it, and 43 abstained.

The resolution came to bolster the advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice made in July, which declared Israeli presence to be illegal in any area over the 1949 armistice line.

The resolution also called for the IDF to withdraw entirely within 12 months from “ the occupied Palestinian Territory,” which includes Judea and Samaria, eastern Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. This includes a withdrawal from all airspace and maritime space.

It also bans arms sales to the IDF of any equipment that would be reasonably expected to be used in the territory over the 1949 lines and calls for a boycott of all products produced by Jews in those areas.

The resolution does not mention that these areas came under Israeli control as a result of the IDF victory in the defensive 1967 Six-Day War. Nor does the resolution mention the Oct. 7 massacre of Israelis by Palestinians and Hamas or the more than 100 hostages still being held by Hamas. It does not mention the 9,000 rockets fired by Hezbollah at Israeli cities since the Oct. 7 attack. The Oslo Accords stated that the fate of these regions would be established through bilateral negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

The resolution is not enforceable, but it can be used in legal proceedings against Israel. It is expected that the “Palestinians” will present the resolution to the U.N. Security Council whose decisions are binding,but it is hoped that the U.S. will use its veto power to quash the resolution.

It should be noted that the General Assembly resolution invoked U.N. Resolution 2334-2016, passed by the Security Council after President Obama, in his last days in office, chose not to veto. It can only be hoped that President Biden will not follow in the footsteps of his former boss as he prepares to leave the White House.

This resolution contradicts U.N. Resolution 194 of 1948, which called for Jerusalem to be an international city under the supervision of the United Nations. While most nations supported the resolution, the Arab states rejected it.

Danny Danon, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, called it “a shameful decision that backs the Palestinian Authority’s diplomatic terrorism.” He added that the General Assembly “continues to dance to the music of the Palestinian Authority, which backs the Hamas murderers.”

While this resolution has dire implications for the Jewish state, many Christians have also expressed concern. The Christian Post expressed this in a recent article.

“What is particularly disturbing is that the nations preparing to vote in favor of this resolution include not only Muslim-majority states, many of which have never recognized Israel’s right to exist, but also several nations that identify as Christian,” the article read. “This alliance between Christian-majority nations and Islamist regimes is nothing short of an abomination. Have Christians forgotten what happens to us and our heritage under Muslim rule? The Christian world should take heed: the erosion of Jewish sovereignty in Jerusalem would be equally destructive for Christians in Jerusalem.

“Historically, when Jerusalem has fallen under Muslim control, Christian sites have suffered. The Southern Steps, the ancient pathway leading to the Second Temple, were rediscovered and excavated after Israel gained control of Jerusalem in 1967. Prior to this, during periods of Muslim rule, these sites were largely neglected. This pattern of neglect extends to numerous Christian holy sites that have suffered under Islamist governance.”

“If Jewish sovereignty over the Old City is removed, Christian sites will likely follow a similar fate.”

Rabbi Elie Mischel,  the Director of Education at Israel365, wrote about the end-of-days battle for Jerusalem in his recently released book, The War Against the Bible: Ishmael, Esau and Israel at the End Times.He noted that the actions of the United Nations are consistent with Biblical prophecy, citing the Book of Joel:

I will gather all the nations And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will contend with them Over My very own people, Yisrael, Which they scattered among the nations. For they divided My land among themselves Joel 4:2

And Hashem will roar from Tzion, And shout aloud from Yerushalayim, So that heaven and earth tremble. But Hashem will be a shelter to His people, A refuge to the children of Yisrael.And you shall know that I Hashem your God Dwell in Tzion, My holy mount. And Yerushalayim shall be holy; Nevermore shall strangers pass through it. Joel 4:16-17

“Jerusalem is the final test for the Nations,”: Rabbi Mischel said. “Those who believe the status of Jerusalem can be negotiated with the Muslims, or that it will one day serve as the capital to both Jewish and Arab states, have never read the words of the prophets,” he said, citing Joel 4:20.

But Yehuda shall be inhabited forever, And Yerushalayim throughout the ages.

“Israel will be the only victor in this war,” Rabbi Mischel concluded emphatically.

Rabbi Yehudah Glick, head of the Shalom Jerusalem Foundation, noted that by siding with Hamas and the Palestinians in the conflict over Jerusalem, the U.N. was following in the tradition of the King of Sodom.

“Several thousand years ago, Abraham returned home from defeating four major kings,” Rabbi Glick said. “Two local kings welcomed him: MelchiZedek, the King of Justice, and the city of Shalem, which was historically Jerusalem. Abraham was also greeted by the King of Cruelty, the king of historical Sodom.”

“Abraham and MalkiZedek, who were both servants of God of the very High, praised Hashem God Almighty, prayed together, understanding that the source of Jerusalem’s blessings came into the world via Abraham.”

“The King of Sodom was busy trying to take as much of the sp[oils of war for Himself. Eventually, God decided that the world can not survive under this kingdom of Cruelty and it should be wiped out from the face of the earth.”

“Thousands of years later, the U.N. decided to continue the heritage of Sodom rather than the heritage of MelchiZedek, the King of Righteousness,” Rabbi Glick said. “This is the choice being placed before all of the world’s Nations. They must choose to be blessed by our return to Zion or to be cursed by Hashem God Almighty.”

“Nothing can, or will separate the People of Israel ever again from their intimate connection to Zion as the only place for the House of Prayer for All Nations. It is the very infrastructure of our being as Jews.”

John Enarson, the Christian Relations Director at Cry For Zion, warned that the U.N. threatens Western democracies.

“The U.N.’s latest farce against Israel makes it necessary to state the truth ever more clearly,” Enarson said. “The U.N. deceives the public with a veneer of legitimacy and virtue. In truth, its 193 member states are dominated by despotic dictatorships and the worst human rights abusers who hate the West, its values and freedoms. Only a meaningless minority of its voting members are free societies. China and Russia, who during the past century, murdered more human beings than any other in world history, sit together as permanent members on the binding Security Council. The varying U.N. human rights bodies are routinely led by the worst abusers who vote to protect themselves and attack Israel or the West. The ICJ kangaroo court is the U.N.’s activist judicial arm, serving to further its radical politics. Ask yourself, are the majority of the regimes in the world nice places that would protect your rights? Well, that despotic majority has the platform at the U.N. to launder lies, most of all lies about Israel and the Jewish People. The United States should stop propping up the budget of this deeply corrupt institution. Israel, and any other moral nation, should leave the U.N. treaty in protest before its activist lunacy spreads to more Security Council decisions.”


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